Designing with Application Adapters

ProcedureTo Configure the Message Channel

  1. Log into the PeopleTools Application Designer.

  2. Click Open on the File menu. The Open Object dialog box appears.

  3. Select Message Channel from the Object Type list and click Open. This displays all available message channels.

  4. Double-click the message channel to be used. The Message Channel window appears for that channel.

  5. Click Routing Rules, right-click the pane, and from the shortcut menu, click Insert message node. The Insert Message Node dialog box appears, displaying the available message nodes.

  6. Select PSFT_EP and click Insert. This inserts the message into the routing rules table.

  7. Select STCPUBLISHER and click Insert.

  8. Click Cancel to close the dialog box.

    The message nodes are now defined on the Routing Rules tab of the Message Channel window.

    Figure 1–12 Viewing the Message Nodes

    Viewing the Message Nodes