Configuring Java CAPS Project Components for Communication Adapters

Configuring Batch Adapter BatchFTPOverSSL Connectivity Map Properties

The BatchFTPOverSSL Adapter Connectivity Map properties include the following topics:

Pre Transfer (BatchFTPOverSSL Connectivity Map)

The Pre Transfer topic allows user to customize the behaviors of protection/backup/recovery. This topic describes the operation that will be performed on remote end or locally before the real file transfer.

The Pre Transfer topic of the BatchFTPOverSSL Connectivity Map properties contains the top-level parameters displayed in this table:

Table 21 Connectivity Map - BatchFTPOverSSL - Pre Transfer



Required Value 

Remote Dir Name

Specifies the directory and path on the remote external system where file the is renamed or copied. This is only for Rename or Copy of the Remote Pre Command.

The value can be a literal, regular expression (source), or pattern name (destination). When specifying a destination directory, the directory is created if it doesn’t already exist. 

Special characters are allowed. The expansion of any special characters is carried out each time this parameter is used. 

For example, the pattern %f means the original working directory name.

See the Remote Dir Name Is Pattern property.

A directory name and path location on the target system. 

Special characters are allowed. 

Remote Dir Name Is Pattern

Specifies whether the pattern entered for the directory represents a literal, or a name pattern or regular expression, as follows,

  • Yes: Indicates that the name value you enter is assumed to be a name pattern or regular expression.

  • No: Indicates that the name value entered represents a literal, an exact match. No pattern matching or name expansion is done.

See the Remote Dir Name property.

Select Yes or No.

The configured default is Yes.

Remote File Name

Specifies the file name on the external system, to which a file is renamed or copied. The value represents the file name without the path. This setting is only for the Rename or Copy operations of Pre Transfer Command parameter.

The value can be a literal, regular expression (get), or pattern name (put). 

Special characters are allowed, for example, the pattern %f indicates the original working file name. The expansion of any special characters is carried out each time this parameter is used.

See the Remote File Name Is Pattern property.

A remote file name. 

Remote File Name Is Pattern

Specifies whether the pattern entered for the file name represents a literal, or a name pattern or regular expression, as follows,

  • Yes: Indicates that the name value you enter is assumed to be a name pattern or regular expression.

  • No: Indicates that the name value entered is a literal, an exact match. No pattern matching or name expansion is done.

See the Remote File Name property.

Select Yes or No.

The configured default is Yes.

Remote Pre Command

Allows you to execute a desired action directly before the actual file transfer. For an inbound transfer, the file can be made unavailable to other clients polling the target system with the same directory and file pattern or name. For an outbound transfer, you can perform an automatic backup and/or clean-up of the existing files. The options are,

  • Rename: Rename the target file for protection or recovery.

  • Copy: Copy the target file for backup or recovery.

  • None: Do nothing.

    To gain proper protection, backup, or recovery, you must choose the appropriate setting that serves your purpose. For example, to recover from failures on an outbound appending transfer, use the Copy setting.

    Note –

    When you are using Rename, if the destination file exists, different FTP servers can behave differently. For example, on some UNIX FTP servers, the destination file is overwritten without question. That is, no error or warning message is given. On other FTP servers, a Windows XP server for example, the system generates an error that results in exceptions being thrown in the called OTD method. Be sure you are familiar with the native behavior of the corresponding FTP server. If you are in doubt, try the action at the command prompt. If the action displays an error message, it may result in an exception being thrown in the Collaboration.

Select Rename, Copy, or None.

The configured default is None.

Note –

The Copy option could slow system performance, especially if you are copying a large file.

Local Dir Name

Specifies the directory name (path) to be used by Rename or Copy. The value can be a literal, regular expression (source), or pattern name (destination).

Special characters are allowed (name pattern). The expansion of any special characters is carried out each time this parameter is used. 

See the Remote File Name Is Pattern property.

Note –

When entering a path separator, use the forward slash “ / ” instead of the back slash “ \ ”. The adapter interprets the back slash as a special character. For example, use c:/temp/dir.

A directory name. 

Local Dir Name Is Pattern

Specifies whether the Local Directory Name represents a literal, or a regular expression or name pattern, as follows,

  • Yes: Indicates that the name value you enter is assumed to be a name pattern or regular expression.

  • No: Indicates that the name value entered is a literal, an exact match. No pattern matching or name expansion is done.

See the Local Dir Name property.

Select Yes or No.

The configured default is No.

Local File Name

Specifies the file name to be used by Rename or Copy. The value can be a literal, regular expression (get), or pattern name (put).

Special characters are allowed. The expansion of any special characters is carried out each time this parameter is used. 

See the Local File Name Is Pattern property.

A file name. 

Local File Name Is Pattern

Specifies whether the Local File Name represents a literal, or a regular expression or name pattern, as follows,

  • Yes: Indicates that the name value you enter is assumed to be a name pattern or regular expression.

  • No: Indicates that the name value entered is a literal, an exact match.

See the Local File Name property.

Select Yes or No.

The configured default is No.

Local Pre Command

Allows you to execute a desired action directly before the actual file transfer. For an inbound transfer, the file can be made unavailable to other clients polling the target system with the same directory and file pattern or name. For an outbound transfer, you can perform an automatic backup of the existing files. The options are,

  • Rename: Rename the target file for protection or recovery.

  • Copy: Copy the target file for backup or recovery.

  • None: Do nothing.

    To gain proper protection, backup, or recovery, you must choose the appropriate setting that serves your purpose. For example, to recover from failures on an outbound appending transfer, use the Copy setting.

    Note –

    Rename and Copy overwrite the file specified by the Local Dir Name and Local File Name properties, if they exist.

Select Rename, Copy, or None.

The configured default is None.

Note –

The Copy option could slow system performance, especially if you are copying a large file.

Where to Go Next

FTP and SSL Settings (BatchFTPOverSSL Connectivity Map).

More Information

Related Topics

For links to the other topics for this Adapter, go to Related Topics for Sun Adapter for Batch/FTP.

FTP and SSL Settings (BatchFTPOverSSL Connectivity Map)

The FTP and SSL Settings topic of the BatchFTPOverSSL Connectivity Map properties contains the top-level parameters displayed in this table:

Table 22 Connectivity Map - BatchFTPOverSSL - FTP and SSL Settings



Required Value 

Secure Mode

Specifies the secure mode. Selections are, 

  • None: FTP is in clear text.

  • Implicit SSL: The SSL handshake is started right after the socket connection is done.

  • Explicit SSL: The SSL handshake is started by the client sending AUTH SSL/TLS FTP command.

Select None, Implicit SSL, or Explicit SSL.

None is the configured default.

Directory Listing Style

Specifies the directory listing style of the FTP Server as UNIX, NT, or MVS. This provides a “hint” to the client side for parsing the directory listing response from the FTP Server.

Leave as UNIX. Currently the only supported option is UNIX.

The configured default is UNIX.

Enabled Passive Mode

Specifies whether FTP passive mode is enabled. 

Select Yes or No.

Yes indicates that FTP passive mode is enabled.

The configured default is Yes.

Transfer Mode

Specifies whether the transfer is binary code or ASCII text. 

Select BINARY or ASCII. The configured default is BINARY.


Specifies whether new data transferred to a remote server is appended to data that was previously transferred. 

Select Yes or No.

Yes indicates that data will be appended.

The configured default is No.

Required Server Authentication

Specifies whether server authentication is required. The selections are, 

  • Yes: Indicates that server authentication is required, and that all parameters used for authentication (for example, Key Store Location , Key Store Password, Key Store Type, and so forth) must be set correctly so that the server certificate can be verified against the local trusted CA certificates.

  • No: Indicates that server authentication is not required.

Select Yes or No.

The configured default is Yes.

Distinguished Name for User

Specifies the distinguished name (DN) for the login user. This is imported from a CSR reply, and used to configure client authentication. 

The Distingusihed Name, as in X.509. 

Alias in Key Store

Specifies the alias for a key pair in a JKS type Key Store. This value is used to configure client authentication. 

The alias. 

Alias Password

Specifies the password that protects the key pair entry in the keystore, identified by the alias. 

The alias password. 

Remote Directory

Specifies a directory on the FTP server where data is sent or received. The accessibility of the directory usually depends on the login user. The value can be a literal, regular expression (source), or pattern name (destination). 

See the Remote Directory Name Is Pattern property.

The name of the remote directory. 

Remote Directory Name Is Pattern

Specifies whether the Remote Directory Name represents a literal, or a regular expression or name pattern, as follows, 

  • Yes: Indicates that the name value you enter is assumed to be a name pattern or regular expression.

  • No: Indicates that the name value entered is a literal, an exact match.

See the Remote Directory property.

Select Yes or No.

The configured default is No.

Remote File

Specifies the file name on the remote server. 

The value can be a literal, regular expression (get), or pattern name (put). 

See the Remote Directory Name Is Pattern property.

The name of the remote file. 

Remote File Name is Pattern

Specifies whether the Remote File Name represents a literal, or a regular expression or name pattern, as follows, 

  • Yes: Indicates that the name value you enter is assumed to be a name pattern or regular expression.

  • No: Indicates that the name value entered is a literal, an exact match.

See the Remote File property.

Select Yes or No.

The configured default is No.

Local Directory

Specifies the local directory (path) for files that are sent to or received from a remote system. The value can be a literal, regular expression (source), or pattern name (destination). 

See the Local Directory Name Is Pattern property.

The local directory name. 

Local Directory Name Is Pattern

Specifies whether the Local Directory name represents a literal, or a regular expression or name pattern, as follows, 

  • Yes: Indicates that the name value you enter is assumed to be a name pattern or regular expression.

  • No: Indicates that the name value entered is a literal, an exact match. No pattern matching or name expansion is done.

See the Local Directory property.

Select Yes or No.

The configured default is No.

Local File

Specifies the local file name. The value can be a literal, regular expression (get), or pattern name (put). 

See the Local File Name Is Pattern property.

The local file name. 

Local File Name is Pattern

Specifies whether the Local File name represents a literal, or a regular expression or name pattern, as follows, 

  • Yes: Indicates that the name value you enter is assumed to be a name pattern or regular expression.

  • No: Indicates that the name value entered is a literal, an exact match. No pattern matching or name expansion is done.

See the Local File property.

Select Yes or No.

The configured default is No.

Local File Overwrite

Specifies whether new data downloaded from the remote will overwrite existing data. 

Select Yes or No.

The configured default is No.

Where to Go Next

Post Transfer (BatchFTPOverSSL Connectivity Map).

More Information

Related Topics

For links to the other topics for this Adapter, go to Related Topics for Sun Adapter for Batch/FTP.

Post Transfer (BatchFTPOverSSL Connectivity Map)

The Post Transfer topic of the BatchFTPOverSSL Connectivity Map properties contains the top-level parameters displayed in this table:

Table 23 Connectivity Map - BatchFTPOverSSL - Post Transfer



Required Value 

Remote Dir Name

Specifies the directory name (path) on the remote external system where the file the will be renamed or copied. This is only for Rename or Copy of the Post Transfer Command. The value can be a literal, regular expression (source), or pattern name (destination).

For outbound (destination), the directory is created if it doesn’t already exist. 

Special characters are allowed. For example, the pattern %f means the original working directory name. The expansion of any special characters is carried out each time this parameter is used.

See the Remote Dir Name Is Pattern property.

A directory name and path on the external system. 

Special characters are allowed. 

Remote Dir Name Is Pattern

Specifies whether the Remote Directory Name represents a literal, or a regular expression or name pattern, as follows,

  • Yes: Indicates that the name value you enter is assumed to be a name pattern or regular expression.

  • No: Indicates that the name value entered is a literal, an exact match. No pattern matching or name expansion is done.

See the Remote Dir Name property.

Select Yes or No.

The configured default is Yes.

Remote File Name

Specifies the file name on the external system, to which a file is renamed or copied. This setting is only for the Rename or Copy operations of Post Transfer Command parameter.

The value can be a literal, regular expression (get), or pattern name (put). 

Special characters are allowed, for example, the pattern %f indicates the original working file name. The expansion of any special characters is carried out each time this parameter is used.

See the Remote File Name Is Pattern property.

The file name. 

Remote File Name Is Pattern

Specifies whether the Remote File Name represents a literal, or a regular expression or name pattern, as follows,

  • Yes: Indicates that the name value you enter is assumed to be a name pattern or regular expression.

  • No: Indicates that the name value entered is a literal, an exact match.

See the Remote File Name property.

Select Yes or No.

The configured default is Yes.

Remote Post Command

Allows you to execute a desired action directly after the actual file transfer. For an inbound transfer, it can be applied to mark the transferred file as consumed by making an automatic backup (Rename) or by destroying it permanently (Delete). For an outbound transfer, it can be applied to make the transferred file available to other clients by renaming it.

  • Rename: Rename the transferred file.

  • Delete: Delete the transferred file.

  • None: Do nothing.

    Note –

    For Rename, if the destination file exists, different FTP servers may behave differently. For example, on some UNIX FTP servers, the destination file will be overwritten without extra message. On an NT FTP server, this will fail and get an exception. It does not define unified behavior, rather, it follows the native behavior of the corresponding FTP server.

Select Rename, Delete, or None.

The configured default is None.

Local Dir Name

Specifies the directory name (path) to be used by Rename. The value can be a literal, regular expression (source), or pattern name (destination).

Special characters are allowed. The expansion of any special characters is carried out each time this parameter is used. 

Note –

For path separator, use the forward slash “ / ” instead of the back slash “ \ ”. The adapter interprets the back slash as a special character. For example, use c:/temp/dir.

See the Local Dir Name Is Pattern property.

The local directory name. 

Local Dir Name Is Pattern

Specifies whether the Local Directory Name represents a literal, or a regular expression or name pattern, as follows,

  • Yes: Indicates that the name value you enter is assumed to be a name pattern or regular expression.

  • No: Indicates that the name value entered is a literal, an exact match. No pattern matching or name expansion is done.

See the Local Dir Name property.

Select Yes or No.

The configured default is No.

Local File Name

Specifies the file name to be used by Rename. The value can be a literal, regular expression (get), or pattern name (put).

Special characters are allowed. The expansion of any special characters is carried out each time this parameter is used. 

Note –

For path seperator, use the forward slash “ / ” instead of the back slash “ \ ”. The adapter interprets the back slash as a special character. For example, use c:/temp/dir.

See the Local File Name Is Pattern property.

A file name. 

Local File Name Is Pattern

Specifies whether the Local File Name represents a literal, or a regular expression or name pattern, as follows,

  • Yes: Indicates that the name value you enter is assumed to be a name pattern or regular expression.

  • No: Indicates that the name value entered is a literal, an exact match. No pattern matching or name expansion is done.

See the Local File Name property.

Select Yes or No.

The configured default is No.

Local Post Command

Allows you to execute a desired action directly after the actual file transfer. For an inbound transfer, the target file can be marked as consumed by making an automatic backup (Rename) or by destroying it permanently (Delete).

For an outbound transfer the target file can be made available to other clients by renaming it. The options are, 

  • Rename: Rename the target file.

  • Delete: Delete the target file (inbound transfers only).

  • None: Do nothing.

    Note –

    Rename overwrites the file specified by the Local Dir Name and Local File Name properties, if they exist.

Select Rename, Delete, or None.

The configured default is None.

Where to Go Next

Firewall Settings (BatchFTPOverSSL Connectivity Map).

More Information

Related Topics

For links to the other topics for this Adapter, go to Related Topics for Sun Adapter for Batch/FTP.

Firewall Settings (BatchFTPOverSSL Connectivity Map)

The Firewall Settings topic of the BatchFTPOverSSL Connectivity Map properties contains the top-level parameters displayed in this table:

Table 24 Connectivity Map - BatchFTPOverSSL - Firewall Settings



Required Value 

Use Firewall

Specifies whether you are using a firewall. If a firewall is used, supports SOCKS 4 and 5.

Select Yes or No. Yes indicates that you are using a firewall.

The configured default is No.

SOCKS version

Specifies the SOCKS version of the firewall. The supported options are 4 for SOCKS version 4, or 5 for SOCKS version 5.

Select 4 for SOCKS version 4, or 5 for SOCKS version 5 .

Where to Go Next

Synchronization (BatchFTPOverSSL Connectivity Map).

More Information

Related Topics

For links to the other topics for this Adapter, go to Related Topics for Sun Adapter for Batch/FTP.

Synchronization (BatchFTPOverSSL Connectivity Map)

The Synchronization topic of the BatchFTPOverSSL Connectivity Map properties contains the top-level parameters displayed in this table:

Table 25 Connectivity Map - BatchFTPOverSSL - Synchronization



Required Value 


Specifies whether the adapter simulates the pre-version 5.1 adapter behavior in which the adapter runs synchronized or in parallel. The selections are, 

  • Yes: The adapter run in synchronized mode, one instance of the Collaboration after the other.

  • No: The adapter run in parallel, creating multiple instances of the Collaboration that run in parallel.

    Note –

    All OTD instances used in a Project should have the same value for this property.

Select Yes or No.

The configured default is No.

Where to Go Next

Configuring Batch Adapter BatchInbound Connectivity Map Properties.

More Information

Related Topics

For links to the other topics for this Adapter, go to Related Topics for Sun Adapter for Batch/FTP.