Configuring Java CAPS Project Components for Communication Adapters

Synchronization (BatchFTPOverSSL Connectivity Map)

The Synchronization topic of the BatchFTPOverSSL Connectivity Map properties contains the top-level parameters displayed in this table:

Table 25 Connectivity Map - BatchFTPOverSSL - Synchronization



Required Value 


Specifies whether the adapter simulates the pre-version 5.1 adapter behavior in which the adapter runs synchronized or in parallel. The selections are, 

  • Yes: The adapter run in synchronized mode, one instance of the Collaboration after the other.

  • No: The adapter run in parallel, creating multiple instances of the Collaboration that run in parallel.

    Note –

    All OTD instances used in a Project should have the same value for this property.

Select Yes or No.

The configured default is No.

Where to Go Next

Configuring Batch Adapter BatchInbound Connectivity Map Properties.

More Information

Related Topics

For links to the other topics for this Adapter, go to Related Topics for Sun Adapter for Batch/FTP.