Configuring Java CAPS Project Components for Communication Adapters

Dynamic Configurable Parameters for Secure FTP OTDs

The secure Batch FTP OTDs contain several dynamic configurable parameters , which include (but are not limited to) the following:

Table 40 CM Link Configuration ⇒ BatchFTPOverSSL⇒ Value



Required Value 

Remote Directory

Specifies the virtual directory server where data is published or subscribed. 

The remote directory name 

Remote Directory Name Is Pattern

Specifies the meaning of the remote directory name.  

Yes: Indicates that the remote directory name represents a pattern to be used as a regular expression for pattern matching.

No: Indicates that the remote directory name represents the exact name to be used, without pattern matching

Select Yes or No.

Remote File

Specifies the name of a file on the remote server used to receive or hold data for retrieval. 

The remote file name. 

Remote File Name Is Pattern

Specifies the meaning of the remote file name:  

Yes Indicates that the remote file name represents a pattern to be used as a regular expression for pattern matching.

Noindicates that the remote file name represents the exact name to be used, without pattern matching

Select Yes or No.

Local Directory

Specifies the local directory for files to be sent to or received from, the remote server. 

The local directory name 

Local Directory Name Is Pattern

Specifies the meaning of the local directory name:  

Yes: Indicates that the local directory name represents a pattern to be used as a regular expression for pattern matching.

No: Indicates that the local directory name represents the exact name to be used, without pattern matching.

Select Yes or No.

Local File

Specifies the local file name for files to be sent to or received from, the remote server. 

The local file name 

Local File Name Is Pattern

Specifies the meaning of the local file name:  

Yes: Indicates that the local file name represents a pattern to be used as a regular expression for pattern matching.

No: Indicates that the local file name represents the exact name to be used, without pattern matching

Select Yes or No.

Transfer Mode

Specifies whether the transfer is binary code or ASCII 

Select Binary or ASCII.


Specifies whether to overwrite or append the data to the existing file.  

Yes: Means the data will be appended to an existing file.

No: Overwrites the existing file on the remote system.

If a file with the same name does not exist, both Yes and No create a new file on the external host.

Select Yes or No.

Local File Overwrite

Specifies whether new data downloaded from the remote server will overwrite existing data. 

Select Yes or No.

Table 41 CM Link Configuration ⇒BatchSCP⇒ Value



Required Value 

Remote Directory

Specifies the virtual directory server where data is published or subscribed. 

The remote directory name 

Remote File

Specifies the name of a file on the remote server used to receive or hold data for retrieval. 

The remote file name. 

Local Directory

Specifies the local directory for files to be sent to or received from, the remote server. 

The local directory name 

Local File

Specifies the local file name for files to be sent to or received from, the remote server. 

The local file name 

Transfer Mode

Specifies whether the transfer is binary code or ASCII 

Select Binary or ASCII.

Copy Recursive

Specifies whether the copy is recursive (copied to all subdirectories) 

Select Yes or No.

Table 42 CM Link Configuration ⇒ BatchSFTP ⇒ Value



Required Value 

Remote Directory

Specifies the virtual directory server where data is published or subscribed. 

The remote directory name 

Remote Directory Name Is Pattern

Specifies the meaning of the remote directory name.  

Yes: Indicates that the remote directory name represents a pattern to be used as a regular expression for pattern matching.

No: Indicates that the remote directory name represents the exact name to be used, without pattern matching

Select Yes or No.

Remote File

Specifies the name of a file on the remote server used to receive or hold data for retrieval. 

The remote file name. 

Remote File Name Is Pattern

Specifies the meaning of the remote file name:  

Yes: Indicates that the remote file name represents a pattern to be used as a regular expression for pattern matching.

No: Indicates that the remote file name represents the exact name to be used, without pattern matching

Select Yes or No.

Local Directory

Specifies the local directory for files to be sent to or received from, the remote server. 

The local directory name. 

Local Directory Name Is Pattern

Specifies the meaning of the local directory name:  

Yes: Indicates that the local directory name represents a pattern to be used as a regular expression for pattern matching.

No: Indicates that the local directory name represents the exact name to be used, without pattern matching.

Select Yes or No.

Local File

Specifies the local file name for files to be sent to or received from, the remote server. 

The local file name. 

Local File Name Is Pattern

Specifies the meaning of the local file name:  

Yes: Indicates that the local file name represents a pattern to be used as a regular expression for pattern matching.

No: Indicates that the local file name represents the exact name to be used, without pattern matching

Select Yes or No.

Transfer Mode

Specifies whether the transfer is binary code or ASCII. 

Select Binary or ASCII.

Configuration Parameters that Accept Integer Values

The configuration parameters listed below can be configured from the Collaboration Editor by entering the specified integer values in the method parameters. The classes, and, do not allow incremental completion, that is, you must enter the value using the fully qualified name to access the constant.

For example, to set the BatchFTPOverSSL Secure Mode to Explicit SSL, from the Collaboration Editor, do the following:

  1. From the Collaboration Editor toolbar, click Source Code Mode. The Collaboration Editor’s Java Source Editor opens.

  2. From the Business Rules tree (Business Rules pane) select the rule that contains the parameter or method that you want to configure. Selecting the rule highlights the corresponding code in the Java Source Editor. Find the code you wish to modify.

  3. From the Java Source Editor, enter the value for the setting you require. For example, to set the BatchFTPOverSSL SecureType method to Explicit SSL, type as the parameter value (see example below):

    public void receive( input, BatchFTPOverSSL_1 )
            throws Throwable
            if (!BatchFTPOverSSL_1.getClient().isConnected()) {
                logger.error( "Collab Start NOT CONNECTED ============ DO CONNECT" );
                BatchFTPOverSSL_1.getConfiguration().setSecureType( );
            if (BatchFTPOverSSL_1.getClient().isConnected()) {
                logger.error( "Collab End IS CONNECTED ============ DO DISCONNECT" );
  4. Once you have made your changes to the Collaboration, click the Commit Changes icon (from the Java Source Editor toolbar).

The OTD parameters listed below accept the following specified values:

Where to Go Next

Configuring Batch Adapter Heuristic Properties.

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