Configuring Java CAPS Project Components for Communication Adapters

ProcedureTo Perform a Simple File Transfer

The following sample code demonstrates how to dynamically configure the Adapter and perform a simple file transfer.

  1. From BatchLocalFile, set the TargetDirectoryName.

    //@map:Copy "InDir" to TargetDirectoryName
    BatchLocalFile_1.getConfiguration().setTargetDirectoryName( "InDir" );
  2. From BatchFTP, Disconnect the Adapter.

  3. Set the TargetDirectoryName.

    //@map:Copy "OutDir" to TargetDirectoryName
    BatchFTP_1.getConfiguration().setTargetDirectoryName( "OutDir" );
  4. Set the HostName

    //@map:Copy "myftphostname" to HostName
    BatchFTP_1.getConfiguration().setHostName( "myftphostname" );
  5. Connect the Adapter.

  6. Perform a simple file transfer:

    Get a local file

  7. Assign the Payload.

    //@map:Copy Payload to Payload
    load() );
  8. Put a file on the FTP server.


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    Where to Go Next

    Dynamic Configurable Parameters for Secure FTP OTDs.

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