Using the FTP Binding Component in a Project

ProcedureTo Create a WSDL Document : ftpTransfer

  1. Expand the BPEL Module project node in the Projects tab.

    For example, SendInventory

  2. Right-click the project node or Process Files node. Select New —> WSDL Document...

    WSDL Document

    This opens the New WSDL Document wizard.

  3. Type the File Name in the File Name field.

    For example, ftpTransfer.wsdl

  4. Select Concrete WSDL Document.

    Note –

    When creating or editing a WSDL file, you may be prompted to select a binding type and a binding subtype. A binding contains protocol and data format information for the operations and messages of a port type. If you select the FTP binding type, then you must select one of the following binding subtypes. Both subtypes provide basic FTP functionality, such as a directory from which to read or write files, filename pattern matching, and message correlation.

    • FTP Message. Select this binding subtype if you plan to rely on default values.

    • FTP Transport. Select this binding subtype if you want to add customization such as specifying custom directories on the FTP server and specifying pre-transfer and post-transfer operations.

  5. Choose the Binding — FTP from the drop-down list.

  6. Choose any one of the following Types from the drop-down list.

    • Poll Request Message: Choose this scenario when the FTP BC polls for request message(s) from a dedicated sub-directory (inbox). In this example, the sub-directory is under the remote FTP directory (message repository) and invokes a JBI service with the message(s).

    • Poll Request Message and Put Response: Choose this scenario when the FTP BC polls for request message(s) from a dedicated sub-directory (inbox). In this example, the sub-directory is under the remote FTP directory (messaging repository) and invokes a JBI service. It puts the response(s) back to a dedicated sub-directory (outbox) under a remote FTP directory (messaging repository).

    • Put Request Message: Choose this scenario when a JBI service invokes FTP BC to put a request message to a dedicated sub-directory (outbox). In this example, the sub-directory is under the remote FTP directory (messaging repository).

    • Put Request Message and Poll Response: Choose this scenario when a JBI service invokes FTP BC to put request message(s) to a dedicated sub-directory (inbox). In this example, the sub-directory is under the remote FTP directory (messaging repository). It polls the response(s) back from a dedicated sub-directory (outbox) under a remote FTP directory (messaging repository).

    • On Demand Get Message: Outbound Get Messaging.

    • Receive Request: Choose this scenario when the FTP BC polls (receiving) for request message(s) from a remote FTP target (source) and invokes a JBI service with the message(s).

      This option is more customized compared to option "Poll Request Message".

    • Receive Request and Send Response: Choose this scenario when the FTP BC polls (receiving) for a request message(s) from a remote FTP target (source). The FTP target invokes a JBI service and puts (sending) the response(s) back to another remote FTP target (destination).

      This option is more customized compared to option "Poll Request Message and Put Response".

    • Send Request: Choose this scenario when a JBI service invokes FTP BC to put (sending) a message to a remote FTP target (destination).

      This option is more customized compared to option "Poll Request Message".

    • Send Request and Receive Response: Choose this scenario when a JBI service invokes FTP BC to put (sending) request message(s) to a remote FTP target (destination). It polls (received) the response(s) back from another remote FTP target (source).

      This option is more customized compared to option "Put Request Message and Poll Response".

    • On Demand Receive Transfer: Outbound Receiving Transferring.

  7. Select Type — Put Request Message from the drop-down list.

    FTP Transfer Put Request
  8. Click Next.

    This opens New WSDL Document — FTP Configuration wizard.

    FTP Configuration
  9. Click FTP Connection tab.

  10. Enter the following:

    1. Host Name: localhost

    2. Host Port: 21

    3. User Id: anonymous

    4. Password: Enter Password

    5. Directory List Style: UNIX

    6. Transfer Mode: BINARY

    7. Message Repository: Enter text in the Message Repository text area. This is optional.

      Note –

      The option Correlate Request Response is selected, by default.

  11. Click Next.

    This opens New WSDL Dcoument — Poll Request wizard.

  12. Enter the following fields:

    • Message Repository: book_updates

    • Message Name: inventory%d.xml

    • Message Name Prefix: This is optional.

    • Enable Overwrite Protect: This option is selected, by default.

    • Enable Staging When Put Message: This option is selected, by default.

    • Payload Processing: The radio button xml is selected, by default.

    Poll Request
  13. Click Finish.

    This action opens the Project tree structure. In the current example, this action displays the WSDL editor for ftpTransfer along with its properties.

    FTP Transfer
  14. Click Save All.