To run the MX Sample Project, complete the following steps.
Import the SWIFT OTD Library SAR file.
Import the sample project.
In eDesigner, under Sun SeeBeyond > OTD Library > Swift, right-click on bic.jar and update CT, CU, and FI bic data files.
In the Connectivity Map, make sure the directory name and the file name in both the File eWay and Batch eWay are valid.
In the Environment, make sure the directory name for the File eWay is valid.
Under the project, create a new Deployment Profile and map all components.
Build and Deploy the project.
Send the input file to the inbound File eWay and watch for the outbound file.
You must build your own XSD OTD and Schema Validation collaboration, based on different MX message types to be validated. You can always reuse the Generic Validation collaboration for all MX messages.