Using the Scheduler Binding Component

ProcedureCreate a Scheduler Binding Component

  1. From the Project tree, right-click the SayHello node and select New -> WSDL Document.

    The WSDL Document Wizard appears.

  2. Enter HelloTriggers as the file name.

  3. Select Concrete WSDL Document as the WSDL type, and select SCHEDULER as the binding.

    Image shows the WSDL Document Wizard with settings to
create a SCHEDULER Binding.
  4. Click Next.

    The Scheduler Control and Triggers Wizard appears.

  5. From the Scheduler wizard's Add field, select Simple. Click the plus sign next to the Add field to open the Add New Simple Trigger dialog box.

    Image displays the Scheduler Control and Triggers Wizard
  6. From the Add New Simple Trigger dialog box, add the following values:

    • Name: SimpleTrigger1

    • Description: Say Hello first 20 seconds

    • Repeat: 4

    • Interval: 5

    • Message: Hello first 20 seconds

    Image shows the Add New Simple Trigger dialog
box as described in context

    This creates a trigger that sends the message “Hello first 20 seconds” and repeats it four times in five second intervals for a total of five messages.

  7. Click Add Simple Trigger.

    SimpleTrigger1 is added to the Triggers field.

  8. Now create a Cron trigger. Change the Add field value to Cron and click the plus sign next to the Add field.

    The Add New Cron Trigger dialog box appears.

  9. From the Add New Cron Trigger dialog box, add the following values:

    • Name: CronTrigger1

    • Description: Say Hello at the bottom of each minute

    • From the Second (1) tab, select Just on Second: and select 30 as the value. Leave remaining tabs at their default values.

    • Message: Hello at the bottom of each minute

    Image shows the Add New Cron Trigger dialog box as described
in context

    This creates a trigger that sends the message “Hello at the bottom of each minute” every minute at second 30, indefinitely.

  10. Click Add Cron Trigger.

    CronTrigger1 is added to the Triggers field.

  11. Now create a Hybrid trigger. Change the Add field value to Hybrid and click the plus sign next to the Add field.

    The Add New Hybrid Trigger dialog box appears.

  12. From the Add New Hybrid Trigger dialog box, add the following values:

    • Name: HybridTrigger1

    • Description: Say Hello for the last 20 seconds of each minute

    • From the Second (1) tab, select Just on Second: and select 40 as the value. Leave remaining tabs at their default values.

    • Duration: 20 Seconds

    • Repeat: Indefinite

    • Interval: 5

    • Message: Hello for the last 20 seconds of each minute

    Image shows the Add New Hybrid Trigger dialog box as
described in context

    This creates a trigger that sends the message “Hello for the last 20 seconds of each minute” every five seconds, from second 40 through 59 of each minute, indefinitely.

  13. Click Add Hybrid Trigger.

    HybridTrigger1 is added to the Triggers field.

  14. Click Finish to create the new WSDL document.

    Image shows the New WSDL Document Wizard containing three

    The HelloTriggers WSDL document is added to the SayHello Project's process files.