Configuring Java CAPS JBI Components for GlassFish Clustering

Adding the File Binding Component to the Cluster

The File BC is dependent on the following shared library:

ProcedureTo Add the File Binding Component to the Cluster

  1. Add the following shared library to the cluster as described in To Add a Shared Library to a Cluster:

    • sun-encoder-library

  2. Add the File BC to the cluster as described in To Add a Java CAPS JBI Component to a Cluster.

    The name of the File BC node is sun-file-binding.

  3. Before you click OK on the Manage Targets page, enter the number of threads for the outbound processor.

    Note –

    If you need to modify the number of outbound threads once the File BC is deployed to a cluster, you need to make the changes using the GlassFish Admin Console and you need to update the property for each instance in the cluster.