Configuring Java CAPS JBI Components for GlassFish Clustering

Configuring the JMS Binding Component for Clustering

The JMS BC can be configured to use queues or durable topics on either clustered JMS brokers or an independent JMS server. In a GlassFish cluster, JMS queues and durable topics are supported on independent JMS servers, but non-durable topics are not supported. With non-durable topics, the BC on each instance is treated as an independent subscriber, which results in duplicate messages. However, non-durable topics do work on a JMS cluster with a standalone GlassFish instance.

More information about JMS BC clustering is provided at JMS Binding Component Clustering in JMS Binding Component User’s Guide. For more information about JMS clustering, see Chapter 8, Broker Clusters, in Sun Java System Message Queue 4.1 Administration Guide and Chapter 10, Java Message Service Load Balancing and Failover, in Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server 2.1 High Availability Administration Guide.

The JMS BC is dependent on the following shared library:

ProcedureTo Add the JMS Binding Component to the Cluster

  1. Add the following shared library to the cluster as described in To Add a Shared Library to a Cluster:

    • sun-encoder-library

  2. Add the JMS BC to the cluster as described in To Add a Java CAPS JBI Component to a Cluster.

    The name of the JMS BC node is sun-jms-binding.

  3. Before you click OK on the Manage Targets page, modify the number of threads if necessary.