Using the Sun HL7 JCA Adapter

Installing the HL7 JCA Adapter

The design-time and runtime files that constitute the HL7 JCA Adapter are supplied in the Java CAPS Adapter Pack.

Design-Time Files (*.nbm) Under .../AdapterPack/NetBeansModules/

Design-time *.nbm files are installed using the NetBeans IDE, menu option Tools -> Plugins.

Runtime File (Global RAR) Under .../AdapterPack/Runtime/adapters/

Runtime RAR files are installed using the GlassFish Admin Console

Note –

Installation may require additional files if there are any dependencies. You will be notified of any required files during installation.


To use the Java CAPS 6.2 JCA Adapters you must have an existing GlassFish v2.1 environment, available from Open ESB Downloads.

What You Need To Do