Complete Contents
Chapter 1 Introducing RADIUS
Chapter 2 Initializing and Configuring RADIUS
Chapter 3 Using Deja to Update RADIUS Information
Chapter 4 RADIUS/LDAP Information Mapping
Chapter 5 Command & File Reference
Appendix A Mapping Syntax and Semantics
RADIUS Extension Guide: Mapping Syntax and Semantics
Previous Contents Index

Appendix A Mapping Syntax and Semantics

This chapter describes the mapping syntax and semantics used in the nis.mapping file and the radius.mapping file. The mapping syntax and semantics are designed to provide maximum flexibility so that you can easily:

If this involves modifying or creating an object class with the attributes that you need, refer to the Netscape Directory Server Administrator's Guide for instructions. For information on the default RADIUS schema, refer to "RADIUS Schema".

This chapter contains the following sections:

File Structure
A mapping file is made up of a number of sections that conform to the following pattern:

Front-end name














The content and meaning of each section is described in "Mapping Semantics". The syntactic rules for each section are described in "Mapping Syntax".

Mapping Semantics
This section describes the meaning of the information held in each portion of a mapping file.

Front-end name indicates the name of the service. All the information that follows that name describes the mapping of service-specific information to LDAP object classes and attributes.

The first Common section immediately following the front-end name gives configuration information that applies to the front-end or service. It contains mandatory configuration variables that are required in the translation process, and optional configuration variables that are stored in the same file for convenience.

The Table section provides a mapping definition for a particular type of information. The mapping definition determines the object class of all entries created using that particular definition. Each table definition is composed of the following sections:

The Dynamic section is the only one that is mandatory. Without it, neither import nor export operations work. The other sections can be omitted if you do not need them. For instance, if you never intend to export information from the directory, you do not need to create an Export section.

Each section contains keywords and definitions used in the import or export process. Table  A.1 provides a list of mapping keywords, the sections in which they can occur, and their purpose.

In any section, you can create variables or tokens, that is, private definitions, by using the following format:

tokenT=token definition

Your private definitions can use the syntax and functions described in "Condense".

Table A.1 Summary of Mapping File Keywords

Mandatory, but can be specified in the Dynamic section
Specifies a subtree. See "BASE_DN".

Mandatory for an NIS table definition
Indicates the name of the NIS table corresponding to the table definition. See "MAP_NAME".

Mandatory when object class is not unique
Used for updates on entries created from several table definitions. See "PRIVATE_OBJECTCLASSES".
Defines a filter for identifying all entries created using the table definition. See "ALL_FILTER".

Defines the mechanism for converting a domain name to an LDAP dc name structure. See "DC_NAMING".

Defines decomposition of input information. See "LINE".

Defines a filter for identifying a particular entry created using the table definition. See "MATCH_FILTER".
Mandatory if the Export section exists
In export file, defines format of line composed of LDAP attributes. See "LINE".

Mandatory for NIS
Identifies NIS key in export file.

Mandatory for NIS
Identifies NIS value in export file.
Mandatory if the Import section exists
Defines decomposition of input information. See "LINE".

Common Section

The Common section contains definitions of variables that apply to all the entries created using that table definition but not to the entire service or front-end. For example, the Common section typically contains the subtree under which the entries are created. The subtree is specified using the BASE_DN keyword.


The BASE_DN keyword specifies the naming context under which the entries are to be created. The dsimport utility looks for this parameter in several places, in the following order:


The MAP_NAME keyword specifies the name of the NIS map corresponding to the table definition. This keyword is used to create administrative entries for the NIS service. The directory server maintains these entries automatically.

This keyword is used also to create the subtree for the NIS entries that are created by using the generic mapping definition.

The MAP_NAME keyword is specific to the NIS service.


The PRIVATE_OBJECTCLASSES keyword specifies an object class when the object class and attributes derived from a table definition do not make up a complete entry. This keyword is necessary for maintaining directory entries that are created from several table definitions. This can be the case when several table definitions each create an auxiliary object class and its associated attributes.

For example, in the NIS environment, network hosts can have entries in at least three files: /etc/bootparams, /etc/ethers, /etc/hosts. However, each host has just one entry in the LDAP directory, with the three auxiliary object classes bootableDevice, ieee802Device, and ipHost. If the entry for the host is deleted in one of these files, the corresponding entry in the LDAP directory must not be deleted but simply updated by removing the appropriate auxiliary object class, and any attributes specific to that object class.

Dynamic Section

The Dynamic section contains equations that make it possible to dynamically build the filters required to locate relevant information.


The LINE keyword is necessary to define how the input information must be dynamically decomposed to provide the elements required in the MATCH_FILTER and ALL_FILTER definitions.

The syntax of the LINE keyword is given in "Extract".


The MATCH_FILTER keyword specifies a filter that is used by the dsimport utility to check whether an entry already exists in the database before creating it. If it exists, the dsimport utility will check whether it needs to be modified.

The MATCH_FILTER keyword is also used by the directory server to respond to commands such as ypmatch.


The ALL_FILTER keyword specifies a filter that is used by the dsexport command to regenerate the file from which the directory entries were originally created. This filter is necessary even if you do not intend to export information from the directory to regenerate the source file for that information.

The ALL_FILTER keyword is used by the directory server to retrieve from the directory all entries that belong to a given NIS table.

The ALL_FILTER keyword is also used by the directory server to respond to commands such as ypcat.


The DC_NAMING keyword defines the mechanism applied to convert a domain name of the form to an LDAP data store suffix or subtree of the form dc=airius, dc=com. This is useful if the naming structure that you use in your directory is a domain component (dc) structure.

Export Section

The Export section provides the method for regenerating a source file from LDAP directory entries. This section is optional. When it exists, it must contain the keyword LINE. The LINE keyword in the Export section must reflect the format of a line in the original source file.

The Export section contains the following subsections:

In the nis.mapping file, the Build subsection defines the rules for constructing an NIS key/NIS value pair; it also defines the rules for generating the line in the NIS file corresponding to the LDAP directory entry.

Import Section

The Import section provides the method for translating a line in an input file into an LDAP directory entry. This section must contain a LINE keyword that defines how a line in the input file can be decomposed into elements that can be described by LDAP attributes. It must also contain the list of LDAP attributes that are created from a line in the input file.

The Import section contains the following subsections:

In the nis.mapping file, the LINE definition in the Extract subsection specifies the rules for analyzing a line in an NIS source file into smaller units of information called NIS tokens.

Mapping Syntax
This section describes the syntax of the variables or tokens that you can create in each section of a table definition. The mapping syntax is described using examples from the nis.mapping file.


The variables defined in the Common section other than the keywords listed in Table  A.1 must follow this syntax:


Variables defined in the Common section contain static configuration information.


The variables defined in the Dynamic section other than the keywords listed in Table  A.1 follow the same syntax as the variables defined in the Common section. However, their values are supplied in the input to the utility (such as dsimport or dsexport) that uses the mapping file during its execution.


The variables defined in the Extract section define the rules for decomposing input information into smaller units of information, called tokens, that can be directly mapped onto LDAP attributes, or that require simple processing in order to be mapped onto LDAP attributes.

The syntax of a variable that defines a decomposition into tokens is:

VARIABLE => $element1 separator $element2 [separator $elementn...|| ...]

The separator between tokens is the separator expected in the input information. It could be white space, a comma, a colon or any other character. However, one space in the line definition will match any number of spaces or tabs in the actual input information. You can specify several alternatives for the decomposition, by using two pipe symbols (||) to introduce each alternative rule.

The conversion process examines the rules in the order in which they are specified, and applies the first one that matches the information it was given in input.

For example, in nis.mapping, the following definition extracts tokens from a line in the bootparams file:

LINE =>$ipHostNameT $parametersT

In this example, the tokens parametersT and allIpHostAliasesT require further processing before they can be mapped onto LDAP attributes. The processing required is defined in the Condense section.

The hosts file provides a slightly more complex example:

LINE =>$dummy $ipHostNumberT $ipHostNameT $allIpHostAliasesT*#$descriptionT* || $dummy $ipHostNumberT $ipHostNameT $allIpHostAliasesT || $dummy $ipHostNumberT $ipHostNameT

In these examples, the tokens parametersT and allIpHostAliasesT require further processing before they can be mapped onto LDAP attributes. The processing required is defined in the Condense section.


The Condense section contains variables that define operations on tokens resulting from the Extract section, or any previously defined variable in the table definition. It simplifies the attribute value definitions given in the Build section.

Variables defined in the Condense section can contain:

Variables in the Condense section can be made up of several alternative rules. The conversion process applies the first rule that matches the input information. The rules must be separated by two pipe symbols, and must all be part of the same expression. For example, the following expression is permitted:

fifi=$parameter1 - $parameter2 || $parameter1 || juju

whereas, the following expression is not:

fifi=$parameter1 - $parameter2



You can define any number of variables in the Condense section. The order in which they are listed is important if you create dependencies between them. For instance, you can have:

fifi=$parameter1 - $parameter2 || $parameter1 || juju

riri=$fifi - $parameterA

loulou=$fifi - $parameterB

split Function

The syntax of the split function is as follows:

variableA=split(string, "separator", "add_prefix", "add_suffix", order)


variableA identifies the variable

string identifies the unit of information, variable or parameter, to which the operation applies

separator indicates where to split the information. This value must be specified between quotes because it could contain a space.

add_prefix specifies a prefix to add to each item resulting from the split. This value must be specified between quotes because it could contain a space.

add_suffix specifies a suffix to add to each item resulting from the split. This value must be specified between quotes because it could contain a space.

order specifies the order in which the items resulting from the split are to be presented. The possible values for this parameter are left2right or right2left.

For example, in the nis.mapping file, the following variable definition is used to split an NIS domain name into a sequence of LDAP domain component attributes:

DC_NAMING=split($DOMAIN_NAME, ".", "dc=", ",", left2right)

If the domain name specified is, the resulting expression is:

dc=eng, dc=europe, dc=airius, dc=com.

string2instances Function

The string2instances function breaks down a specified string into instances. The syntax for this operation is:

variableA=string2instances("string", "separator")


variableA identifies the variable.

string identifies the unit of information, variable, or parameter to which the operation applies. This value must be specified between quotes because it could contain a space.

separator indicates where to split the information. This value must be specified between quotes because it could contain a space.

For example, in nis.mapping, the following definition in the Condense section of the bootparams file breaks down a string of parameters into separate instances:

bootParameterT=string2instances($parametersT," ")

The string2instances function is also used to specify the inheritance tree for an object class. For example, if the object class of an entry created using a particular mapping definition is organizationalPerson, the Condense section of the mapping definition must contain the line:

objectClassT=string2instances("top person organizationalPerson", " ")

instances2string Function

The instances2string function combines several instances into a single string. The syntax for this operation is:

variableA=instances2string(instance, "separator")


variableA identifies the variable.

instance is a discrete element of variableA.

separator marks the separation between the elements of the variable. This value must be specified between quotes because it could be a space.

For example, you could use the following variable to find the list of names and alias names for a given machine:

NameList=instances2string($cn, " ")

If the cn attribute has the values camembert, Cam, Bertie, the resulting string would be:

camembert Cam Bertie

trim Function

The trim function removes any unnecessary white space surrounding a parameter. The syntax for the trim operation is:



variableA identifies the variable

parameter is the item from which white space must be removed

For example, if you decompose an alias list into its constituent members, you could define the following variables:

aliasMember=string2instances($aliasList, ",")


Each aliasMember parameter resulting from the string2instances operation is processed to remove any white spaces.

getrdn Function

The getrdn function returns the naming attribute of an entry, that is the attribute used in the entry's RDN. The syntax for the getrdn operation is:


Note. The getrdn function can only be used in variables in the Condense section.

For example, the cn attribute of a machine has the values camembert, Cam, Bertie, but the actual system name of the machine, used in the RDN is camembert. For example, you could create the following variable:


The getrdn function returns the name camembert.

Note. The getrdn function is case-sensitive.

exclude Function

The exclude function removes a value from a list or a string. The syntax for this operation is:

variableA=exclude(string, exclude-value, "separator")


variableA identifies the variable

string identifies the list or string

exclude-value is the value to exclude

separator marks the separation between the elements of the list or string. This value must be specified between quotes because it could be a space.

For example, to obtain the list of aliases for a machine, you need to exclude the canonical name from the list of names. You could create the following variables:

NameList=instances2string($cn, " ")


HostAliases=exclude(NameList, HostName, " ")

In nis.mapping, the Condense section of the hosts mapping definition contains:

ipHostAliasesLineT=exclude($allIpHostAliasesT,$ipHostNameT, " ")

This definition excludes the ipHostName from the list of alias names for the host.


The Build subsection contains a list of LDAP attributes and the definitions of their values. It must contain at least all mandatory attributes for an object class, and the DN. If the DN definition is missing from the Build section, the entries cannot be created in the directory.

Note. You do not need to specify a DN definition in the Build sections of the radius.mapping file because this file is not used to import entries into the directory.

Attribute value definitions can be made up of:

The syntax of an LDAP attribute and its associated value definition in the Build section is as follows:


For example, if you wanted to create an entry for a mail alias, and use the LDAP attribute rfc822mailMember to store the names of alias members, your mapping would contain the following definitions:


aliasMember=string2instances($aliasList, ",")






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