Sun Java Enterprise System 5 Installation Guide for UNIX

How Silent Installation Works

To run a silent installation, you first run an interactive installation session using the silent install syntax of the installer command. During the interactive session, your responses to the installer are captured as a set of name-value pairs in a state file. Each name-value pair represents a single prompt or field in the installation process. With the state file as input, you can then run the installer on other hosts. This process allows you to propagate one configuration across multiple hosts in your deployment.

The installer cannot run a state file from a different version of Java ES. That is, if you create your state file using Java ES 5, you cannot use this state file to install Java ES 2005Q4.

The following table presents the main events in a silent installation. Links to instructions are in the right column.

Table 5–1 Silent Installation Events


Location of Instructions 

1. Verify that your hosts meet the Java ES installation prerequisites. 

Verifying Installation Prerequisites.

2. Run an interactive installation session to generate a state file. 

Generating the Initial State File

     - Using the graphical installer 

Chapter 3, Installing With the Graphical Interface

     - Using the text-based installer 

Chapter 4, Installing With the Text-Based Interface

3. Copy the state file to another host and edit the state file for that host. 

Editing the State File

4. (Optional) Edit the state file to run on a different platform from the platform where the state file was generated. 

Creating a Platform-Appropriate State File ID

5. Run a silent installation session on each host. 

Running the Installer in Silent Mode