Sun Java Enterprise System 5 Installation Planning Guide

Developing Your User Management Specifications

The process of installing and configuring your Java ES solution configures your LDAP directory. Installing and configuring Java ES creates both an LDAP schema and an LDAP directory tree. The details of the schema and the directory tree are determined by values that you input during the installation and configuration process. Therefore, installation planning includes developing specifications for a schema and a directory tree structure that will support your Java ES solution.

Your directory tree structure and your schema must support the services your solution provides. This section provides basic descriptions of the options that are available, and the services that each option supports. The main purpose of this section, however, is describing how you select input values for the Java ES installer and the Java ES configuration tools in order to create a schema and a directory tree structure that will support your Java ES solution.

For more information on choosing a schema and designing a directory tree, see additional documentation, such as Sun Java System Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.0 Deployment Planning Guide.

Specifying the LDAP Schema for a Solution

Java ES solutions that use Directory Server can use either of two versions of a standard LDAP schema, which are known as Schema 1 and Schema 2. Your user management specification must specify whether your solution uses Schema 1 or Schema 2.

Schema 2 supports the use of Access Manager, and Access Manager's single sign-on feature. If a solution uses Access Manager, it must use Schema 2.

The installation process configures the directory for the specified schema as follows:

Depending on your solution, the following procedures for extending the schema might be necessary:

Your LDAP schema specification identifies the schema used in your solution and any schema extensions required by your solution.

Specifying the Directory Tree Structure for a Solution

The LDAP directory for a Java ES solution can be simple or complex, depending on the solution's needs for organizing user data. LDAP directories are, by their nature, flexible in structure. Java ES does not impose structure on the directory, but the installation and configuration process does implement a directory tree structure. You must design your directory tree before you begin the installation and configuration process.

The installation and configuration process establishes the directory tree structure as follows:

  1. Running the installer to install Directory Server requires an input value for the directory's base suffix (also referred to as root suffix or root DN). The Java ES installer uses the input value to establish the directory's base suffix. You must specify the base suffix name for your directory tree.

    Tip –

    Solutions with simple directory trees, that do not use Messaging Server or Calendar Server, can store user and group data directly under the base suffix.

  2. Running the Messaging Server (a Communications Suite component) configuration wizard to create a Messaging Server instance requires an input value for an LDAP organization DN. The configuration wizard branches the directory tree and creates an LDAP organization using the DN input in the wizard. This organization represents the email domain managed by the Messaging Server instance. The wizard also configures the Messaging Server instance to use the email domain organization for user and group data. The installation plan includes the DN for the email domain organization. For an example of a directory tree structure created by this process, see Figure 2–3. In the example, the base suffix created by the installer is o=examplecorp. The email domain organization created by the Messaging Server configuration wizard is,o=examplecorp.

  3. The configuration wizards for Calendar Server, Communications Express, Instant Messaging, and Delegated Administrator (Communications Suite components) require an input value for an LDAP DN. (The names that appear in the wizards vary.) If a solution uses single sign-on, the same value is input in all of the configuration wizards. The input value is the email domain organization created by the Messaging Server wizard. The result of this configuration is that all of the components store and look up user data in the same LDAP organization. All of the information about a user can be stored in a single directory entry, and the Access Manager single sign-on feature can be used.

An example of a directory tree structure created by this process is illustrated in Figure 2–3. In this example, the Java ES installer established the base suffix o=examplecorp and the Messaging Server configuration wizard added the organization,o=examplecorp. This organization represents the email domain named The user data for the email domain is stored in ou=people,,o=examplecorp. The other Java ES components in the solution are also configured to look up user data in ou=people,,o=examplecorp.

Figure 2–3 Example LDAP Directory Tree

Illustrates LDAP tree as described in text.

If the solution requires the directory tree shown in Figure 2–3, the names for the base suffix and the organization representing the email domain are added to the user management specification.

The example directory tree includes only one mail domain. Many solutions require more complex trees to organize user data. The same basic installation and configuration procedure can establish more complex directory structures. For example, a directory can be configured to support multiple email domains if the solution requires it.

To establish multiple email domains, configure multiple instances of Messaging Server. Each instance manages one email domain. For an example, see Sun Java Enterprise System 2005Q4 Deployment Example: Telecommunications Provider Scenario.

It is possible to use other LDAP directories in a Java ES solution, if the solution uses Access Manager to interact with the directory. The directory server must be an LDAP version 3 (LDAP v3) compliant directory server.