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Sun Java System Connector for Microsoft Outlook Desktop Deployment Configuration Program Reference Manual

Chapter 2
Creating End-User Installation Packages

If the most recent version of the Administrator’s software is not yet installed on your computer, see "Installing the Administrator’s Software" in Chapter 1. The Administrator’s software must be properly installed on your computer before you can run the Deployment Configuration Program.

These instructions define a procedure to create a single desktop installation package for a single user, or for a particular group of users who will all install and configure the Connector for Microsoft Outlook in the same way. To create two or more desktop installation packages with a variety of configuration settings for different groups of users, simply repeat this procedure for each package you want to create.

To create an end-user desktop installation package:

  1. Locate and launch (double-click) the file Admin.exe, in C:\Program Files\Sun\Deployment Configuration Program\, or from a desktop shortcut icon or the Start program menu.
  2. The Deployment Configuration Program then opens its Configuration Window on your desktop, as shown in Figure 2-1.

    Figure 2-1  Deployment Configuration Program: Configuration Window
    Deployment Configuration Program: Configuration Window

    The Configuration Window contains:

    • eight tabbed panels where you will enter the information to characterize an end user’s configuration of the Sun Java System Connector (described separately below).
    • a Help button, which opens a separate window of information about the entry options available on the currently displayed panel.
    • three menus: File, Tools and Help.
    • The File Menu and Help Menu offer several standard, familiar Windows features for file management, and context-sensitive access to the online Help system that accompanies this Deployment Configuration Program:

    • File Menu: New, Open..., Save, Save As..., Print Setup..., Print..., and Exit.
    • Tools Menu: Create Package.
    • Help Menu: Deployment Help, and About the Deployment Configuration Program.
    • The Create Package option on the Tools Menu lets you create a new installation package for an existing .ini configuration file that has been opened into this Configuration Window. You may use File > Open... to locate and open an existing .ini file.

  3. Complete the information in the eight tabbed panels, as described separately (per tab) below. Click on each tab to display the associated panel.
  4. If you begin creating an installation package but then decide to finish it at a later time, you may File > Save a partially completed package, and then File > Open... it later to resume and complete your work.

  5. When you have entered all of the information requested in all eight tabbed panels, select File > Save to save your configuration choices in an .ini file and create a new installation package. Your Save command activates a standard, familiar Windows Save dialog box.
  6. In the dialog box: Enter an appropriate filename and path for the .ini file and .exe file, and click the Save button.
  7. If the program reports a Logon failure or “Could not locate...” a necessary resource while it is running. If you know that the resource exists in the location you have specified, then the administrator account you are using to run this Deployment Configuration Program is not authenticated to the file server where the resource resides. Make sure that you are logged in to the locations of all such resources and then run the Deployment Configuration Program again.

The Save command actually creates two new files: the .ini file, which is saved to whatever folder you designate in the Save dialog box, and an .exe file (the bundled installation package, including a copy of the .ini file), which is saved by default to C:\Program Files\Sun\Deployment Configuration Program\Packages. Both the .ini and .exe files carry whatever filename you designate in the Save dialog box.

Processes Tab

The Processes Tab is shown in Figure 2-2.

Figure 2-2  Deployment Configuration Program: Processes Tab

Desktop Deployment Configuration Program: Processes Tab

User mode

These two options, Silent installation vs. Interactive, are mutually exclusive:

Silent: The user program will install and configure the user’s software, and convert the existing default Exchange user profile and existing Personal Folders (.pst) files, without any user involvement whatsoever, according to the administrator’s pre-set parameters for this process (as set in this and the other tabs in this Deployment Configuration Program).

Interactive: The user program will present the user with at least some choices for the installation, configuration and conversion processes. The extent of user involvement will be as determined by the administrator (as set in this and the other tabs in this Deployment Configuration Program).

Processes to include in this configuration

The installation of these software components to user desktops will require access privileges that often are disallowed to many or most end users. If your network serves “locked-down” Windows environments where end users cannot install software, we strongly recommend a “push” method for software distribution from the system administrator to user desktops that bypasses the requirement for user access privileges. This “push” method of distribution is explained in Chapter 3 "“Push” Method Deployment, If End Users Lack Installation Privileges."

For a full explanation of any or all of the processes offered in this panel, and the implications of installing or not installing them, please see “Deployment Toolkit Components” in chapter 1 of the Desktop Deployment Administrator’s Guide.

Install or upgrade Sun Java System. Tells the user program to install the software that facilitates the necessary ongoing communications between the user’s Outlook client application and the Sun Java System server(s). If Sun Java System Connector for Microsoft Outlook is already installed, the user program will check the installed version and, if appropriate, upgrade to the newer version.

The Sun Java System Connector for Microsoft Outlook system requirements include:

The Sun Java System Connector for Microsoft Outlook Setup Wizard will detect any discrepancy between these requirements and the actual installation environment, and in that case will not install Sun Java System Connector for Microsoft Outlook.

Install or upgrade Microsoft Web Publishing Wizard. Tells the user program to install Microsoft’s Web Publishing Wizard (WPW), which makes the user’s Free/Busy information available to the Sun Java System Calendar Server. If WPW is already installed, the user program will check the installed version and, if appropriate, upgrade to the newer version.

<Enter shared path to web kit>. Specify the network location of the installation kit for the Web Publishing Wizard.

Install or upgrade Microsoft LDAP Service. Tells the user program to install the LDAP component of Outlook 2000, which will facilitate communications between Connector for Microsoft Outlook and the Sun Java System directory. If the LDAP component is already installed, the user program will check the installed version and, if appropriate, upgrade to the newer version. This component is required only if some of your users are using Outlook 2000, and is not required if all users are running Outlook 2002. Connector for Microsoft Outlook uses LDAP services to communicate with the Sun Java System directory, and the LDAP protocol is a standard feature of Outlook 2002. The LDAP protocol is only an optional feature in Outlook 2000, not a part of a “standard” Microsoft Office installation. If any of your users are using Outlook 2000 you will need the corresponding original Microsoft installation CD(s) or files to install the LDAP component. These kits are not included in the Desktop Deployment Toolkit package because they are Microsoft products. For more information, see “Deployment Toolkit Components” in the Desktop Deployment Administrator’s Guide.

<Enter shared path to LDAP kit>. Specify the network location of the installation files for the version of Outlook 2000 used by these users.


If the Browse feature for LDAP does not display the location you need to specify (but you know that it exists).This is an unlikely scenario, but chances are you simply are not authenticated in the domain to which you have browsed. To correct this problem, right-click the target computer and select Explore, and then enter your administrator userID and password at the prompt. You may then return to the Browse feature and select the computer you need to browse.

Create/convert user profile. Activates the User Profiles tabbed panel, so the user program can convert an existing eligible Outlook user profile or create a new profile for use with the new Sun Java System Connector. The user program will convert only an “eligible” profile, meaning that the profile must:

If this box is not marked, the entire User Profiles panel will be grayed out and unavailable, and no user profile will be converted or created. For example, you may want to create a user installation package to simply install or update MAPI services without converting or creating any profiles.

Log file settings

These settings pertain to the directory where the user program will write its log files for the user’s migration session. The first two radio-button options are mutually exclusive:

Status file settings

Post a one-line status of user activity to a .csv file: Adds a one-line summary of user activity to the .csv file you specify in the accompanying box (below). Each line represents one run of the desktop tool by one user. A single user who runs the tool multiple times should generate multiple lines in the .csv file.

Notes (optional)

Any notes or comments you care to include about this configuration can be added in this field.

User Profiles Tab

The settings in this User Profiles panel, shown in Figure 2-3, apply only if this package will create or convert user profiles. Therefore, the features in this panel are available only if the Create/convert user profile option is checked on the Processes tabbed panel. This entire User Profiles panel will be grayed out if the Create/convert user profile option is unmarked.

The settings in this panel determine how Exchange users’ Contacts, Journal and Notes data will be converted to local (desktop) Sun Java System Connector Personal Folders (.pst) files.

Figure 2-3  Deployment Configuration Program: User Profiles Tab

Desktop Deployment Configuration Program: User Profiles Tab

User profile settings

You may mark options in this section to specify whether and how user profiles will be converted and created:

Save password options

Personal folder (.pst) file settings

Update ALL addresses to SMTP format: Tells the user program to convert all addresses that occur within Personal Folders (.pst) files to SMTP (Internet standard) format.

By default, automatically convert a .pst if file is smaller than: ____ MB: In Silent mode: The user program will ignore (not convert) any .pst files larger than or equal to the size specified here. In Interactive mode: If any existing .pst files are larger than or equal to the specified size, the program will prompt the user to specify which (if any) of the large files to convert.

Auto-minimize setup wizard and convert .psts in the background, if total size of all .psts exceeds: ____ MB: This setting is irrelevant in Silent mode. In the Interactive mode, if the total size of all .pst files to be converted exceeds the size specified here, the user program will convert the profiles first, and then automatically minimize itself to the user’s Task Bar to convert the .pst files as a background process. Once the profile has been converted, the user can run Outlook and access the converted profile.

Size for new Sun Java System .pst: ____ MB: The expected amount of disk space required for the new .pst file into which selected items from the old Exchange server are copied. The user program aborts the conversion if a user does not have this much disk space available. Leave this value set at its default unless you have some particular reason to expect that your .psts will be larger.

Password protected .psts: Choose one of these mutually exclusive options for converting password protected .pst files:

Servers Tab

The Servers tab is shown in Figure 2-4.

Figure 2-4  Deployment Configuration Program: Servers Tab

Desktop Deployment Configuration Program: Servers Tab


If the Use SSL box is not marked for the Calendar server, the Free/Busy server values will be the same as for the Calendar, and the Free/Busy line will therefore be grayed out in this panel. But if Use SSL is marked for the Calendar, then you must specify a different port for Free/Busy.


Server Name: The host name for each Sun Java System server: IMAP, SMTP, LDAP, Calendar, and Free/Busy.

Use SSL: Mark this box to require an SSL to connect to the associated server.

Port: The default port number for each server. The default changes if you use SSL to connect to the server.

Default: Restores all Port numbers back to their original default values (if you have changed the values but now want to restore the defaults). The default values for SSL vs. non-SSL are different, and this feature will restore the appropriate default for any given server depending on whether the Use SSL box is marked.


The IMAP Tab is shown in Figure 2-5.

Figure 2-5  Deployment Configuration Program: IMAP Tab

Desktop Deployment Configuration Program: IMAP Tab


IMAPSP folder name: The name that will appear next to the IMAPSP Folders icon in the Outlook Folder List. If left unspecified, the Server Name field (from the Servers tabbed panel in this same Deployment Configuration Program) will appear as the folder name instead.

Only cache messages that are less than: ____ KB: The per-message size limit for the IMAPSP local message cache. This option is intended primarily to reduce download times when the user goes into offline operations. This value, however, will also affect re-display times in online mode, because the message will need to be re-retrieved if it has not been cached.

Move deleted messages to folder: The name of the folder for IMAP trash, where you want deleted messages to be moved.

Check for new messages every: ___ minutes: This is the interval, in minutes, after which a server mailbox will be polled for newly arrived messages. If any new messages have arrived, the mailbox is refreshed and redisplayed in Outlook. If this field is cleared or set to zero, no polling will be done for this server connection.


Enable logging: Causes log, error, and trace information to be sent to a file named ISTOREx.LOG (where 'x' is a numerical value for the day of week, 1-7) in the PC's temp(orary) directory. Only the last three days' logs are saved.

Startup offline, by default: Configures IMAPSP to not initially attempt a connection to the server, so the user will have to execute the Online mode menu to go online.

Cache inbox when going offline: Configures IMAPSP to cache the Inbox when the user goes offline. Alternatively, the user can set the caching status of a given mailbox by highlighting the folder entry in Outlook, then executing the Properties menu, pressing the IMAPSP tab, and turning on the Cache all message parts (attachments) for this folder option.


The SMTP tab is shown in Figure 2-6.

Figure 2-6  Deployment Configuration Program: SMTP Tab

Desktop Deployment Configuration Program: SMTP Tab


BCC all sent messages to self: Configures the user software to automatically insert the user’s e-mail address into the BCC field of every outbound message (effectively lets a sender file a copy of every message sent). The messages are filed within a sender's server INBOX, and subsequently will be affected by any server-based message filtering rules.

Enable logging: Causes log, error, and trace information to be sent to a file named ISSMTPx.LOG (where 'x' is a numerical value for the day of week, 1-7) in the PC's temp(orary) directory. Only the last three days' logs are saved.

Requires authentication: Tells the user software to configure the SMTP Service so as to require user authentication for outbound SMTP mail.


This LDAP tabbed panel, shown in Figure 2-7, lets you specify the settings for the Outlook LDAP Directory Service.

Figure 2-7  Deployment Configuration Program: LDAP Tab

Desktop Deployment Configuration Program: LDAP Tab


Search base: The LDAP distinguished name of the root of your LDAP directory. For example, if the top level of your directory is and your address book in the organizational unit is named ou=People, then your search base should be set as ou=People,

Search times out after: ___ minutes: Limits directory search times to the designated number of minutes.

Maximum number of search results returned: Limits the number of entries returned by a search to the number specified here.

Require authentication: Tells the user software to configure the LDAP Directory Service so as to require user authentication in the form of a user Distinguished Name (DN) for each directory query.

Calendar Tab

The Calendar tab is shown in Figure 2-8.

Figure 2-8  Deployment Configuration Program: Calendar Tab

Desktop Deployment Configuration Program: Calendar Tab


Sync Outlook calendar with calendar server every: ___ minutes: Specifies how often the Outlook calendar will synchronize with the calendar server.

Single User Tab

The Single User tabbed panel, shown in Figure 2-9, lets you specify and authenticate the identity of a single specific user. This panel applies only if you are creating an installation kit for one particular user.

Figure 2-9  Deployment Configuration Program: Single User Tab

Desktop Deployment Configuration Program: Single User Tab


Full name: The “friendly” name associated with the user's e-mail address. When sending messages, this name appears in the From box of the user's outgoing messages.

E-mail address: Specifies the e-mail address that people should use when sending mail to the user at this account — must be in the format

Login name: Specifies the user's account name, which must be the same value for both the IMAP and calendar servers. This is often the same as the part of the user's e-mail address to the left of the “at” sign (@).

Password: The user's account password, which must be a single shared password used for both the IMAP and calendar servers.

Password confirm: A duplicate field for the user’s account password, required as a precaution against typographical errors. (This value must match the Password value above.)

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