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Sun ONE Identity Synchronization for Windows Installation and Configuration Guide

Chapter 2
Preparing for Installation

Before installing Sun ONE Identity Synchronization for Windows, familiarize yourself with the installation and configuration process.

This chapter contains the following sections:

Installation Overview

Identity Synchronization for Windows is made out of two significant types of components: core and connectors. The order by which these components are installed and configured is as follows:

  1. Core is installed using the installer
  2. The product is initially configured via the console
  3. Once configuration is complete, any number of connectors and subcomponents are installed using the installer; the number of connector/subcomponent installs depends on the number of directories to be synchronized.

Core Installation

When core installation is complete the following components will have been installed:

Deployment Configuration

Using the console or the equivalent command line interface, the Administrator initially configures the Directory Sources to be synchronized, and other characteristics of the deployment, all from a centralized location. See Configuration Overview in this Chapter.

Prepare Directory Server Command Line Interface

Directory Server connector supports the Sun ONE Directory Server 5.2 naming context (suffix/database.) The command prepds must be run for every master (preferred secondary) Directory Server of the being synchronized


Running prepds is a pre-requisite for installing a Directory Server Connector for a Directory Server being synchronized.

Connector & Connector Subcomponent Installation

The number of Connector and subcomponent installs depends on the type and number of configured directories.


The console and the installer associate a directory being synchronized and its connector by the directory’s label, see table below for label naming conventions.

Table 2-1  

Connector Type

Directory Source Label


Directory Server connector

Naming context or suffix/database

Directory Server Plugin: 1 to n required. Install one in every Directory Server (master or consumer) for the naming context being synchronized

AD connector

Domain name


NT connector

Domain name

Change Detector and PF DLL:1 set required. Install each pair for every NT connector; these subcomponents are installed together in the same installation.

Label Naming Conventions

Optional Installation Steps

linkusers Command Line Interface

This bootstrap phase is a bulk load process by which the entries in both the Windows and Sun ONE Directory Server directories are uniquely identified and linked each other; it is run after all connectors have been installed and have reached the READY state (the connector’s state is visible via the console Status panel.

resync Command Line Interface

During runtime, the product synchronizes user creations and modifications in real-time, but it does not bulk synchronize existing attributes that have not changed; therefore, resync can be used to synchronize existing attribute values between existing Sun and Windows Directory Source populations.

Configuration Overview

Once you have installed core, the next step is to configure the product deployment, which involves configuring directories to be synchronized and synchronization settings for attribute modifications and optionally user entry creations between the configured directories.

Please familiarize yourself with the following configuration element concepts:

Synchronization Settings

These settings specify in which direction to synchronize user creations and attribute level modifications between Sun and Windows directories. Possible settings are:


A directory represents:

You might configure any number of directories of each type.

Global Catalog and Configuration Directory

Identity Synchronization for Windows uses these repositories to fetch the Active Directory or Directory Server directory topology, as well as the schema information for the directories.

User Objectclass

This is the objectclass of the user entry in the Sun or in the Active Directory space (inetorgperson, User, etc.).


The user objectclass is configurable for Directory Servers but not so for Active Directory (defaults to User) or not applicable for NT.

Significant Attributes

Significant attributes are synchronized in addition to passwords; these attributes are synchronized between the Sun and Windows directories every time they are modified according to the modification synchronization settings.

Creation Attributes

Creation attributes are synchronized in addition to passwords; these attributes are synchronized whenever a new user is created at either the Sun or the Windows directories depending on to the creation synchronization settings.


Please note that significant attributes are automatically synchronized as creation attributes but not the other way around, creation attributes are only synchronized during user creations.

Mandatory Creation Attributes are attributes considered “mandatory” in order to successfully complete a creation action on the target directory. For example, Active Directory expects that both cn and samaccountname have valid values upon user creation, On the Sun side, if configuring inetorgperson as the user objectclass then cn and sn will be expected as mandatory attributes for a creation. You must provide attribute maps for mandatory creation attributes.

A creation attribute default updates the target directory creation attribute with a default value ONLY when there is no value in the attribute propagated from the originating directory.

Attribute Maps

An attribute map maps the name of the Sun attribute to the name of the Windows attribute and vice versa.

Synchronization User Lists

A Synchronization User List defines which specific users in two directories are to be synchronized; these definitions enable synchronization of a flat DIT to a hierarchical DIT:

A Synchronization User List includes two definitions; each definition identifies the group of users to be synchronized in the topology terms of the directory type.

The following concepts are used to define a Synchronization User List:

See Synchronization User List Definitions and Configuration for detailed information about Synchronization User Lists.

Installation and Configuration Decisions

This section gives installation and configuration summaries and details the choices you make in deploying Identity Synchronization for Windows. Have this information available before you begin the installation process. This section contains:

Installation Summary

To install Identity Synchronization for Windows perform the following steps:

Configuration Summary

During installation, you are prompted for basic configuration information. Decide how you are going to configure these basic parameters before you begin the installation process.

  1. Open console
  2. Configure directories to be synchronized
  3. Configure Active Directory Global Catalog (mandatory in Sun/Active Directory synchronization) and Configuration Directory (optional, it is generally automatically configured by console)
  4. Configure modification synchronization settings
  5. Select Sun-side user objectclass
  6. Optionally add and map significant attributes to synchronize (in addition to passwords)
  7. Optionally configure user creation synchronization settings
  8. Configure creation mandatory and optional attributes and maps
  9. Configure synchronization user lists
  10. Save configuration
  11. Proceed with connector and subcomponent installation

Core Installation

Core Configuration

Connector and Subcomponent Installation

Optional Command Line Interface Usage

Several command line interface scripts are available to deal with existing user populations. This section describes their usage:


The bootstrap phase differs if the Sun Directory Server is empty or already populated, and if existing Directory Server entries are already linked to their counterparts in the Windows environment. The assumption is that at a minimum, prior to running this command, Active Directory will already have been populated and the users selected that require password synchronization. Table 2-2 summaries these conditions.

Table 2-2  Existing Conditions

Existing condition


Active Directory -only populated

Directory Server has been installed (it may even be in use for other purposes) but it does not hold any user entries or directory structure that mirrors the Active Directory user entries.

Directory Server and Active Directory populated but not linked

Directory Server and Active Directory both hold overlapping user entries and directory structures that are targeted for password synchronization. However, the two user repositories have not been linked.


Table 2-3 provides examples for deciding when to use the resync command.

Table 2-3  idsync resync Usage

Existing Need

When to use resync

Initially synchronize existing Sun and Windows Directory Source populations

Use resync to bulk resynchronize: synchronize existing attribute values between existing Sun and Windows Directory Source populations


resync must always be run in a deployment with existing Window’s users before starting synchronization for the first time.

Populate empty Active Directory, NT or Directory Server

Use resync to populate an empty Directory Server with users from Active Directory or Windows NT.


Use resync to populate an empty Directory Server with existing Active Directory or Windows NT users

Re- synchronize user entries after a failure or out of sync condition

If two directory sources become out of sync, then resync can once synchronize user entries.

Prime Windows-side Object Cache

resync can "prime" the object cache database of the NT and AD connectors. The object cache maintains a shadow copy of the AD or NT SAM. When the product is first installed, resync primes the object cache to match the contents of the AD or NT SAM.

Create users

resync can create users and synchronize attributes, but it cannot synchronize passwords. However, resync can synchronize existing Active Directory passwords with their corresponding Directory Server entry.

When running resync with the -i ALL_USERS option, on-demand password synchronization occurs between each Active Directory user entry in the Directory Server.

Post-installation Recommendations

If users exist in the Windows directories, then the resync command must be run before synchronization is started.

The following table summarizes the post-installation steps that must be followed based on existing user populations.

Table 2-4  

Users Exist In

Required Post-installation Steps to Follow



Existing users should be synchronized

Existing users should NOT be synchronized







Run idsync resync -o Sun -c to create existing Sun directory users in Windows




Run idsync resync -c to create existing Windows users in the Sun directory

Run idsync resync -u to populate the connector’s local cache of user entries.



Run idsync linkusers to link users between Windows and Sun. Then run idsync resync or idsync resync -o Sun to synchronize existing user values between the two directories.

Run idsync resync -u to populate the connector’s local cache of user entries.

Post Installation Steps

Installation Checklists

These checklists are intended to aid in the installation process. Print them out and record the following information prior to installing Identity Synchronization for Windows.

Core Installation



JAVA_HOME must be set on all systems. or best performance, make sure the Java 2 Platform Standard Edition SDK (JDK) 1.4.1-03 or higher and not the Java Runtime Environment (JRE).


Configuration Directory URL.


Root suffix for the configuration directory such as dc=example,dc=com.


File system directory in which to install Identity Synchronization for Windows.


Configuration Directory Server administrator’s name and password.


A secure configuration password that is used to protect sensitive configuration information.


The port number of the Sun ONE Message Queue instance.


Core Configuration



Active Directory Global Catalog when appropriate.


Sun ONE Directory Server schema server.


Sun ONE Directory Server User object class.


Synchronized Attributes.


Flow of user modifications.


Flow of user creations.


Sun ONE Directory sources.


Active Directory Sources.


Synchronization User Lists.


Windows source filter creation expression


Sun ONE source filter creation expression


Connector and Subcomponent Installation



Configuration Directory URL.


Root suffix for the configuration directory.


File system directory in which to install the connector.


Configuration Directory Server administrator name and password.


A secure configuration password that is used to protect sensitive configuration information.


JJAVA_HOME must be set on all systems. or best performance, make sure the Java 2 Platform Standard Edition SDK (JDK) 1.4.1-03 or higher and not the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) is available on the host.


Directory sources.


Linking Users



The synchronization user lists to be linked.


The attributes that are used to match equivalent users.


XML configuration file.





SUL selection.


Synchronization source.


Whether to automatically the create a user entry, if a corresponding user is not found at the destination directory source.


Whether or not Sun ONE Directory Server passwords should be invalidated.


Whether only users that match the specified ldap filter and are in the selected SULs will be synchronized.


Installation Requirements

This section covers the required operating system version, patches, and utilities for each platform. The following hardware and software are required for this release of Identity Synchronization for Windows.

Table 2-5  Hardware and Software Requirements 


Solaris Requirement

Windows Requirement


Sun Solaris 8 for UltraSPARC
(32 and 64 bit)

Sun Solaris 9 for SPARC® platforms
(32 and 64 bit)

Windows 2000 Server SP4

Windows 2000 Advanced Server SP4

Sun ONE Directory Server and Active Directory connectors

Sun Solaris 8 for UltraSPARC
(32 and 64 bit)

Sun Solaris 9 for SPARC® platforms (32 and 64 bit)

Windows 2000 Server SP4

Windows 2000 Advanced Server SP 4

Sun ONE Directory Server plug-in

Sun Solaris 8 for UltraSPARC
(32 and 64 bit)

Sun Solaris 9 for SPARC® platforms (32 and 64 bit)

Windows 2000 Server SP4

Windows 2000 Advanced Server SP 4

NT connectors and subcomponents


Windows Primary Domain Controller NT 4.0 Server SP 6A
(x86 only)

Sun ONE Software Requirements

The following Sun ONE software components must be installed:

Hardware Requirements

On all platforms, you will need:

Configuring Windows for SSL Operation

If you are planning to propagate password changes from Sun ONE Directory Server to Windows Active Directory servers you must configure each Active Directory server to use SSL.

The Identity Synchronization for Windows Active Directory connector installer can automatically setup SSL in the Active Directory connector if LDAP over SSL in AD has been enabled by automatically obtaining a certificate from a Microsoft Certificate Services Enterprise Root certificate authority as described in:;en-us;q247078.

However, LDAP over SSL can more easily be configured as described in this MSDN tech note:;en-us;321051.

In this case, the administrator must manually install the certificate in the connector’s certificate database as described in Enabling SSL in the Active Directory Connector.

Unpacking the Software

If you have downloaded Identity Synchronization for Windows software, unpack it before beginning installation.

  1. Create a new directory for the installation:
  2. # mkdir pwsync

    # cd pwsync

  3. Download the product binaries file to the installation directory.
  4. On a UNIX system, unpack the product binaries file using the following command:
  5. # gzip -dc file_name.tar.gz | tar -xvof -

Installation Privileges

On UNIX systems, you must install as root.

On Windows systems, you must run the installation as Administrator.

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