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Sun ONE Identity Synchronization for Windows Installation and Configuration Guide

Chapter 3
Core Installation

This section contains procedures for using the Identity Synchronization for Windows setup program. Perform the following procedures in the order presented:

Starting the Installer

To prepare and start the installer perform the following steps:

  1. Log in as root or an Administrator as appropriate.

  2. Note

    If the Identity Synchronization for Windows has been previously installed, remove it following the procedures found at "Removing the Software".

  3. Create a new directory:
  4. # mkdir isw10

    # cd isw10

  5. If you have not already done so, download the product binaries file to the installation directory.
  6. Unpack the product binaries file using the following command in the UNIX environment:
  7.   # gunzip -dc file_name.tar.gz | tar -xvof -

    where file_name corresponds to the product binaries that you want to unpack.

  8. On a Windows system unzip the product binaries file.
  9. Run the installer. You can find it in the directory where you untarred binary files. On Windows machines execute the setup executable in the installer directory:
  10. cd installer

Core Installation

Install the Identity Synchronization for Windows Core components by performing the following steps:


Identity Synchronization for Windows 1.0 requires root privileges on Solaris to install and run its services. If you wish to run services on Solaris under a non-root user see"Running Services as Non-Root".

Installation of Identity Synchronization for Windows 1.0 on Windows 2000 requires logging on as Administrator.

  1. At the welcome screen press Next.
  2. At the Software License Agreement, read the license screen and press Yes (Accept License) to accept the license terms. Press No to exit setup.
  3. When prompted, enter the Configuration Directory URL.
  4. The configuration directory is the fully qualified domain name of the Directory Server instance where configuration information is to be stored. Enter the following:

    ldap://Directory Server name:port number


    Host names should be DNS resolvable to the machine on which the console is running in order to avoid warnings that credentials and /or host names could not be validated.

  5. Select the root suffix where you would like the Identity Synchronization for Windows configuration to be stored. Press Fetch Root Suffixes and a drop-down list will populate with choices. Select the desired root suffix.

  6. Specify configuration directory URL and root suffix.

  7. Press Next.
  8. Enter the Configuration Directory Server administrator’s name and password and press Next.

  9. Note

    The credentials provided will be sent without encryption. Consider changing them in the Directory Server after installation if network traffic confidentiality may be compromised.

  10. Enter and confirm a password used to encrypt sensitive configuration information.

  11. Note

    Remember this password as it is used to configure the system and to access the console. For information on changing the configuration password see "Using changepw".

    If desired, select Use SSL between core components and configuration directory and provide the SSL port. Press Next.


    Sensitive configuration information is encrypted before it sent to the configuration Directory Server. If however, further transport encryption is desired between the console and configuration directory, first make sure SSL has been enabled for both the Sun ONE Administration Server and Configuration Directory Server. Then, you should set up a secure connection between the Administration Server to which you will be authenticating the Sun ONE Server Console (see Administration Server Configuration: The Configuration Directory in the Server Management Guide).

    Enter password and SSL port to encrypt sensitive parts of configuration.

  12. Enter the directory to install Identity Synchronization for Windows. Press Browse to select available directories. For example, on a Windows machine enter:
  13. C:\Program Files\Sun\MPS

  1. Press Next.
  2. You are then prompted Do you want to install a new Sun ONE Message Queue?
    Click No to use an existing version of Sun ONE Message Queue. Click yes if there is not an existing instance of Sun ONE Message Queue.

  3. Note

    An administrator user is created by core installer for managing Sun ONE Message Queue. This user has administrator privileges for Sun ONE Message Queue. This password is set to the configuration password during core installation. If you run idsync changepw, this does not change this password. Of course, the Directory Manager can change the password as desired. The entry is

    ou=Services,<configuration - root suffix>


    If you desire to use an existing Sun ONE Message Queue, it can not be currently in use in any way. If you choose an existing SUN ONE Message Queue and it is already configured and in use, the Message Queue Broker configuration will be over written.

    There can only be one Message Queue Broker instance running per host.

    An existing Sun ONE Message Queue must be version 3.0.1 sp2 or greater.

  4. Click Next.
  5. Enter the Localhost Name and Port Number of the Sun ONE Message Queue; for example:



    On Solaris systems Sun ONE Message Queue should not be installed in the same directory as Identity Synchronization for Windows

    Enter Localhost Name and Port Number for Sun ONE Message Queue.

  7. Click Next.
  8. The setup program checks for available disk space and a installation summary menu appears.

    Summary Window showing products to be installed and available disk space.

  9. Ensure that the following components are loading into the desired directory:
  10. Core

    SunONE MQ

    When ready, click Install Now.

  11. Setup then installs Identity Synchronization for Windows.
  12. The Register Configuration Data menu appears.

  13. Click Next.
  14. Setup enables and configures Sun ONE Message Queue. This can take several minutes.

  15. An Installation Summary appears. Press Details if you wish to view the installation log. Press close to exit setup.
  16. A message appears asking if you wish to start the console.

  17. Configure the Identity Synchronization for Windows core by following the procedures found in the Chapter 4, "Resource Configuration".

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