Sun GlassFish Web Space Server 10.0 Installation Guide

ProcedureTo Use Update Tool With an Older Version of Web Space Server Behind a Proxy That Requires Authentication

When using Update Tool to upgrade a version of Web Space Server prior to Update 5, a workaround is required when performing the upgrade from behind a proxy server that requires authentication.

Before You Begin

The workaround presented here is only required when updating Web Space Server versions prior to Update 5. Web Space Server Update 5 and later are bundled with Update Center 2.2, which supports proxy authentication and therefore does not require this workaround. See To Determine the Current Web Space Server Version for instructions on displaying the current Web Space Server version.

  1. Download Update Center 2.2 package suitable for your platform from the Update Center wiki.

  2. Unzip the Update Center 2.2 package to the temporary directory of your choice.

    In this example, the temporary directory is named /tmp/uc2.2, and the package is for the Sun Solaris x86 operating environment.

  3. Copy the pkg-bootstrap.jar and pkg-client.jar files from /tmp/uc2.2/pkg-toolkit-platform_name/pkg/lib to the ws-install-dir/pkg/lib directory.

  4. Change to the ws-install-dir/bin directory and run the updatetool command.

    You are prompted to specify the proxy host and port.

  5. Enter the proxy information as prompted.

    The latest versions of the updatetool and pkg files are downloaded and installed.

  6. Run updatetool again, and proceed with the Web Space Server update, as described in To Install the Update Components Using the GUI-Based Update Tool or To Install the Update Components Using the CLI-Based pkg Tool.