Sun GlassFish Web Space Server 10.0 Installation Guide

ProcedureTo Install Web Space Server Software Into an Existing Oracle WebLogic Server Configuration

This procedure describes how to install the Web Space Server package specifically intended for use with WebLogic Server software. Only install this Web Space Server package on WebLogic; do not install any of the Web Space Server evaluation bundles or GlasFish bundles. See Getting Sun GlassFish Web Space Server Software for information about all available Web Space Server packages.

Before You Begin

Oracle WebLogic Server software must be installed and running on your system before proceeding with these instructions. See Installing Oracle WebLogic Server Softwarefor more information about installing Oracle WebLogic Server software.

  1. (Mac OS X systems only) Configure your Java environment.

    • If using JDK 1.6, use the Java Preferences application to specify the correct JDK version.

      Also be sure to set JAVA_HOME to point to JDK 1.6.

      export JAVA_HOME=/System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/1.6.0/Home
    • If using JDK 1.5, rename the 14compatibility.jar file.

      The 14compatibility.jar file includes some aspects of the Xalan XSLT processor and the Crimson XML parser that conflict with newer versions of the classes bundled with Web Space Server 10.0.

      Use the following commands to rename the 14compatibility.jar file:

      cd /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/1.5.0/ \
      sudo mv 14compatibility.jar 14compatibility.jar.orig
      cd /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/A/Resources/.compatibility
      sudo mv 14compatibility.jar 14compatibility.jar.orig
  2. Open the WebLogic administration console in a Web browser; for example:

  3. Navigate to the domain in which Web Space Server will be installed, and then click on the Web Applications tab.

  4. Enable the Optimistic Serialization option and save the setting.

  5. Stop the WebLogic domain.

  6. Download the integration bundle and unzip it in the directory of your choice.

    Tip –

    To avoid the chance of overwriting existing WebLogic configuration settings or files, it is strongly recommended that you not unzip the Web Space Server package into an existing WebLogic directory structure.

    For the remainder of these instructions, the root directory of the existing WebLogic installation is referred to as or-install-dir, and the directory in which the Web Space Server installer has been unzipped is referred to as ws-install-dir.

  7. Change to the ws-install-dir/webspace/application directory and run the install.xml script.

    cd ws-install-dir/webspace/application
    ant -f ./install.xml
  8. Follow the prompts to complete the Web Space Server installation in the WebLogic domain you want to use.

    The Web Space Server WAR files are copied to the ws-install-dir/var/webspace/war-workspace/finals/ directory.

  9. (Optional) Configure Web Space Server to work with a database other than the default HSQL database.

    In most production environments, you will want to use a database other than the default HSQL database that is bundled with Web Space Server. See Configuring a Database for Use With Web Space Server for detailed instructions. Continue with the next step, below, after configuring your database.

  10. Start the WebLogic domain.

    1. In a command shell, change to the or-install-dir/domains/domain1/bin directory.

    2. Enter the domain startup command.

      • On Linux and Solaris:

      • On Microsoft Windows:

  11. Deploy the Web Space Server WAR files.

    The Web Space Server WARs can be deployed using the GUI-based WebLogic administration console or the WebLogic command line.

    • To deploy the Web Space Server WARs using the GUI-based WebLogic administration console

      1. Use a Web browser to log in to the WebLogic administration console; for example:

      2. Click Deployments, and manually deploy the Web Space Server WAR files, one at a time.

        The Web Space Server WAR files are located in the ws-install-dir/var/webspace/war-workspace/finals/ directory.

        Tip –

        When running WebLogic in Production mode, you must explicitly click the Start button in the WebLogic administration console for each WAR file you deploy.

    • To deploy the Web Space Server WARs using the WebLogic command line

      1. Open a root command shell for your operating environment on the server on which WebLogic is running.

      2. Add the weblogic.jar to the Java CLASSPATH.

        export  CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:or-install-dir/server/lib/weblogic.jar
      3. Deploy the webspace.war file.

        java weblogic.Deployer -adminurl t3://localhost:7001 -user \
        weblogic -password weblogic -deploy webspace.war

        Note that the above command should be entered on a single line. To start the application, invoke the above command with the -start option.

      4. Deploy the tunnel-web.war file.

        java weblogic.Deployer -adminurl t3://localhost:7001 -user \
        weblogic -password weblogic -deploy tunnel-web.war

        As with the webspace.war example, this command should be entered on a single line, and the application can be started by invoking the command with the -start option.

      5. (Optional) Verify that the application WARs are deployed.

        java weblogic.Deployer -adminurl t3://localhost:7001 -user \
        weblogic -password weblogic -listapps
  12. (Optional) Open the Web Space Server site.

    Web Space Server uses whatever HTTP/HTTPS port is defined for your domain. For example:
