Solaris Advanced Installation Guide

Profile Examples

The following profile examples describe how you can use different profile keywords and profile values to control how the Solaris software is installed on a system. See "Profile Keyword and Profile Value Descriptions" for the list of profile keywords and profile values.

Mounting Remote File Systems and Adding and Deleting Packages

# profile keywords       profile values
# -----------------      -----------------
 [This profile keyword is required in every profile.]  install_type            initial_install
 [This profile keyword defines that the system will be installed as a standalone system.]  system_type             standalone
 [The file system slices are determined by the software to be installed (default value); however, the size of swap is set to 60 Mbytes and is installed on any disk (any value). The standard and OpenWindows man pages are mounted from the file server, s_ref, on the network.]  partitioning            default
	filesys                 any 60 swap   # specify size of /swap
	filesys                 s_ref:/usr/share/man - /usr/share/man ro
	filesys                 s_ref:/usr/openwin/share/man - 
                              /usr/openwin/share/man ro,quota
 [The developer software group (SUNWCprog) is installed on the system.]  cluster                 SUNWCprog
 [Because the man pages are being mounted remotely, those packages are selected not to be installed on the system; however, the packages containing the OPEN LOOK and X Window System demo programs and images are selected to be installed on the system.]  package                 SUNWman delete
	package                 SUNWolman delete
	package                 SUNWxwman delete
 package                 SUNWoldem add
 package                 SUNWxwdem add
	package                 SUNWoldim add
	package                 SUNWxwdim add

Specifying Where to Install File Systems

# profile keywords       profile values
# ----------------        -------------------
 install_type	           initial_install
	 system_type              standalone
 [The file system slices are determined by the filesys keywords (explicit value). The size of root is based on the selected software (auto value) and is installed on c0t0d0s0; the size of swap is set to 32 Mbytes and is installed on c0t3d0s1; and usr is based on the selected software and the installation program determines where it is installed (any value).] 	partitioning             explicit
	 filesys                  c0t0d0s0 auto /
 filesys                  c0t3d0s1 32 swap
  filesys                  any auto usr
 [The entire distribution software group (SUNWCall) is installed on the system. ]  cluster                  SUNWCall

x86: Using the fdisk Keyword

# profile keywords     profile values
# ----------------      -------------------
	 install_type          initial_install
	 system_type           standalone
 [All fdisk partitions of type DOSOS16 (04 hexadecimal) are deleted from the c0t0d0 disk.] 	fdisk                   c0t0d0 0x04 delete
 [A Solaris fdisk partition is created on the largest contiguous free space on the c0t0d0 disk.] 	fdisk	                  c0t0d0 solaris maxfree
 [The entire distribution software group (SUNWCall) is installed on the system.] 	cluster                 SUNWCall
 [The system accounting utilities (SUNWCacc) are selected not to be installed on the system.] 	cluster                 SUNWCacc delete

Reallocating Disk Space for an Upgrade

# profile keywords       profile values
# ----------------       -------------------
 [This profile upgrades a system by reallocating disk space. In this example, disk space must be reallocated because some file systems on the system did not have enough room for the upgrade.] 	install_type             upgrade
 [The root file system on c0t3d0s2 is upgraded.] 	root_device              c0t3d0s2
 [A remote system named timber will be used to back up data during the disk space reallocation.]  backup_media             remote_filesystem timber:/export/scratch
 [The layout_constraint keywords designate that auto-layout can change slice 2 and 5 (the slices can be moved to another location and their size can be changed) and it can move slice 5 (the slice can be moved to another location but its size stays the same) when it tries to reallocate disk space for the upgrade.]  layout_constraint        c0t3d0s2 changeable 100
  layout_constraint        c0t3d0s4 changeable
  layout_constraint        c0t3d0s5 movable
 [The binary compatibility package (SUNWbcp) will not be installed on the system after the upgrade.] 	package                  SUNWbcp delete
 [This code ensures that the OpenLook and X Windows man pages and the universal multiplexor software are selected to be installed if they are not installed on the system. (All packages already on the system are automatically upgraded.)] 	package                  SUNWolman add
  package                  SUNWxwman add
	  cluster                  SUNWCumux add
 [The German localization packages are selected to be installed on the system.] 	locale                   de