SunVTS 3.0 User's Guide

OPEN LOOK System and Test Status Panel

The System and Test Status panel displays the test information. Figure 4-19 shows a typical System Status panel.

Figure 4-19 OPEN LOOK System Status Panel


Test Status Buttons

You can run more tests than can be displayed on the test status panel. For example, there may be as many as 100 disk drive tests running on a SPARCcenter(TM) 2000 system at one time. Figure 4-20 shows the Test Status buttons that you can use to view these tests.

Figure 4-20 OPEN LOOK Test Status Buttons


Figure 4-21 shows how to go directly to a specific test or test group by clicking the curved arrow button and dragging right to display the pop-up menu.

Figure 4-21 OPEN LOOK Test Status Button Menu
