Solaris 7 User Supplement

Configuring Conduits

The Conduits tab contains a list of all the conduits that are available to the PDA sync application. This is not a fixed list, as conduits can be added and removed. Active conduits are indicated with a check mark. A Synchronize operation runs all of the active conduits ONLY, as specified in the following figure.


The buttons underneath the scrolling list represent actions you can take on the selected conduit in the list (except the last button, Add Conduit). When the pointer is over one of the buttons, the button name is displayed in a small Button Tag that appears near the button. The button names in the toolbar, from left to right, are:

Using the Calendar Conduit

The CalendarSyncConduit "Change conduit settings" window enables you to determine how appointments will be synchronized between calendar applications. Refer to the following figure.


In this window you can:

Using the Memo Conduit

The Configure Memo Synchronization Conduit (MemoSyncConduit) window enables you to synchronize text files between the desktop and the PDA as shown in the following figure.


You change the data synchronization direction to:

In the memos directory, separate directories can be created for different categories of memos, such as Business and Personal. These become categories on your PDA when synchronized. Conversely, new categories on your PDA become directories in the memo folder on your file system when synchronized.

Using the Address Conduit

The Address Synchronization Conduit (AddressSyncConduit) dialog enables you to determine how entries are synchronized between address applications.


In this window you can:

Using the System Conduit

The Configure System Conduit (SystemConduit) backs up all system information, graffiti shortcuts, and any .pdbs and .prcs that are not already associated with other applications. The default is that your PDA overwrites the desktop. Refer to the following figure.

Note -

You should choose "Desktop overwrites PDA" only if everything on your PDA has been corrupted or lost.


Using the Mail Conduit

The Configure Mail Synchronization Conduit Mail (SyncConduit) window tells your PDA your INBOX location. Refer to the following figure.


In Mail Synchronization Conduit dialog you can:

All other setup for mail synchronization is done on your PDA. When you synchronize, your PDA automatically:

In the Mail synchronization options on the PDA, you can tell your PDA to:

Using the Installer Conduit

The Configure Installer Conduit (InstallerConduit) window allows you to determine which files (applications or databases) to install on your PDA.


In this window you can:


The default directory is /home/user/PDASync/PalmPilot/install.

Adding a Conduit

The Add Conduit window enables you to add new conduits to PDA sync. The available conduits come from one of three categories, represented in the pull-down menu:

Viewing the Activity Log

The third tab in the PDA sync application lets you view the activity log for each synchronization. This area consists of a vertical and horizontal scrolling read-only text field, which displays a real-time log of a sync or install operation.

By default, the top of the log is displayed at the top of the data window. Because the log file can be appended (see Application Properties dialog), the top of the current log may be at the bottom of the file. This means that the scroll bar may be at the bottom of the window when the log is displayed and scrolling up will reveal previous logs.

By default, the date on which the sync operation is performed is displayed at the top and bottom of the current log. Time stamp information is added as appropriate. You can also choose to show full debugging information in the log through an option on the Application Properties dialog.

The log is saved to disk as a text file. This option can be turned off in the Application Properties dialog. The log file can also be printed.

The only time the log is displayed without you explicitly showing it is if a failure occurs during a sync operation. If a failure occurs, the system beeps and the log shows where the failure occurred, and the sync operation is aborted. These entries should give as much information as is reasonable to provide. You may also turn on debugging information in the Application Properties dialog in order to troubleshoot. After a failure occurs, the application should not minimize itself, regardless of the "Iconify application window after synchronization" setting in the Application Properties dialog.