Solaris 7 Installation Supplement

Reviewing the Patch Analyzer Output

After performing the analysis, use these steps to review the output.

  1. Review the output of the analyze_patches script.

    • The Patch Analyzer provides a list of patches that will be removed, downgraded, accumulated, or obsoleted by other patches. Patch accumulations are similar to patch upgrades. The accumulated patch is removed and its fixes are delivered by a new patch. Messages like the following are shown:

      Patch 105644-03 will be removed.
      Patch 105925 will be downgraded from -02 to -01.
      Patch 105776-01 will be accumulated/obsoleted by patch 105181-05.
    • If the Patch Analyzer program does not provide a list, no action will be taken against any patches previously installed on your system.

  2. Decide if patch replacements and deletions are acceptable.

    • If the patch replacements and deletions by the Solaris 7 11/99 operating environment are acceptable, refer to "Upgrading a System" in the Solaris 7 (SPARC Platform Edition) Installation Library or the Solaris 7 (Intel Platform Edition) Installation Library to upgrade to the Solaris 7 11/99 operating environment.

    • If the patch replacements and deletions by the Solaris 7 11/99 operating environment are not acceptable, do not upgrade using the Solaris 7 11/99 CD. You may use the Solaris 7 MU4 CD and Solaris 7 Maintenance Update 4 Release Notes to install the patches on your Solaris 7 system.

Note -

During an upgrade, you may receive an informational message regarding some of the packages (including SUNWolrte, SUNWoldcv, SUNWoldte, SUNWolaud). No action is required.

An example of this message is:

Doing pkgadd of SUNWolrte to /

This message indicates an attempt to install the same architecture and version of a package that is already installed.

Installation of SUNWolrte was successful...

Note -

If you are running Solstice AdminSuite 2.3 software and you want to add OS services to your server, you need to install Solstice AdminSuite 2.3 patch: number 104468-11 (SPARC) or 104469-11 (Intel) or any subsequent revision of this patch. See "AdminSuite Patch Required for Installation or Upgrade" for more information.