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Sun Datacenter InfiniBand Switch 648 Topic Set

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Preparing the Site

Installing the Switch


Administering the Switch

Understanding Administrative Commands

Understanding the Component Addressing Scheme

Power Supply Addressing

CMC Addressing

Fabric Card Addressing

Line Card Addressing

Line Card CXP Connector Addressing

CLIA Command Overview

Switch-Specific Command Overview

ILOM Command Overview

InfiniBand Software Command Overview

Monitoring the Switch

Performing General Tasks

Display the General Health of the Switch

Display Components Present

Display the Active Sessions

Checking Power Supplies

Display Power Supplies Present

Check the Status of a Power Supply

Display the Firmware Version of a Power Supply

Checking CMCs

Check Internal Power and Temperature of a CMC

Check the Status of a CMC

Check the Status LEDs of a CMC

Display the Firmware Version of a CMC

Display the Firmware Version of the Switch Chassis Manager

Checking Fabric Cards

Check Fan Speed and Status

Display Fabric Cards Present

Check Fabric Card Power Faults

Check the Internal Power and Temperature of a Fabric Card

Check Fabric Card Internal Temperatures

Check Fabric Card Internal Voltages

Display the Base GUIDs of a Fabric Card

Check Fabric Card Link Status (Simple)

Check Fabric Card Link Status (Detailed)

Check Fabric Card Switch Chip Health

Check the IPMB State of a Fabric Card

Check the Status LEDs of a Fabric Card

Display the Firmware Versions of a Fabric Card

Checking Line Cards

Display Line Cards Present

Check Line Card Power Faults

Check the Internal Power and Temperature of a Line Card

Check Line Card Internal Temperatures

Check Line Card Internal Voltages

Display the Base GUIDs of a Line Card

Check Line Card Link Status (Simple)

Check Line Card Link Status (Detailed)

Check Line Card Switch Chip Health

Check the IPMB State of a Line Card

Check the Status LEDs of a Line Card

Display the Firmware Versions of a Line Card

Checking Other Switch Characteristics

Display the Date

Display the User Accounts

Display the Network Management Configuration

Locate a Switch Chip or Connector From the GUID

Monitoring the InfiniBand Fabric

Display Information About the Local HCA

Identify All HCAs in the Fabric

Identify All Switches in the Fabric

Display the InfiniBand Fabric Topology

Display a Route Through the Fabric

Display the Link Status of a Node

Display Counters for a Node

Display Data Counters for a Node

Display Low-Level Detailed Information About a Node

Display Low-Level Detailed Information About a Port

Map LIDs to GUIDs

Determine the GUID and LID for a Node Within the Switch

Display Subnet Manager Status

Display OFED Software Version Information

Controlling the Switch

Setting Up the Hardware

Change the root Password

Get Help on a CLIA Command

Set the Date

Change the CMC Host Name

Reconfigure the Network Management Parameters

Reconfigure the CMCs for Identical Addresses

Setting Up the Users

Add a User

Change a User's Password

Delete a User

Managing Power Supplies

Restart a Power Supply

Enable and Activate a Power Supply

Deactivate and Disable a Power Supply

Managing CMCs

Restart a CMC

Activate a CMC

Deactivate a CMC

Switch Over to Another CMC

Managing Fabric Cards

Restart a Fabric Card or Filler

Enable a Fabric Card or Filler

Disable a Fabric Card or Filler

Enable Standby Power for a Fabric Card or Filler

Disable Standby Power for a Fabric Card or Filler

Enable a Fabric Card Slot for Hot-Insertion

Activate a Fabric Card or Filler

Deactivate a Fabric Card or Filler

Turn On a Fabric Card or Filler Locator LED

Turn Off a Fabric Card or Filler Locator LED

Enable Downed Fabric Card Links

Enable a Fabric Card Switch Chip Port

Disable a Fabric Card Switch Chip Port

Reset a Fabric Card Switch Chip

Managing Line Cards

Restart a Line Card

Enable a Line Card

Disable a Line Card

Enable Standby Power for a Line Card

Disable Standby Power for a Line Card

Enable a Line Card Slot for Hot-Insertion

Activate a Line Card

Deactivate a Line Card

Turn On a Line Card Locator LED

Turn Off a Line Card Locator LED

Enable Downed Line Card Links

Enable a Line Card Switch Chip Port

Disable a Line Card Switch Chip Port

Reset a Line Card Switch Chip

Controlling the InfiniBand Fabric

Perform Comprehensive Diagnostics for the Entire Fabric

Perform Comprehensive Diagnostics for a Route

Determine Changes to the InfiniBand Fabric Topology

Find 1x or SDR or DDR Links in the Fabric

Determine Which Links Are Experiencing Significant Errors

Clear Error Counters

Clear Data Counters

Check All Ports

Reset a Port

Set the Speed of a Port

Disable a Port

Enable a Port

Controlling the Subnet Manager

Start the Subnet Manager With Min Hop Routing

Start the Subnet Manager With Fat Tree Routing

Create the guid.txt File

Start the Subnet Manager With the opensmd Daemon

Stop the Subnet Manager With the opensmd Daemon

Create the opensm.conf File

Diagnosing a Problem

Remote Management

Understanding ILOM on the Switch

Installing the ILOM Firmware

Administering ILOM (CLI)

Administering ILOM (Web Interface)

Administering ILOM (SNMP)

Administering Hardware (IPMI)

Understanding ILOM Commands


Servicing the Switch


Command Reference


Check the Internal Power and Temperature of a Fabric Card
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