C H A P T E R  16

Environmental Test (env3test)

env3test Description

env3test is an environmental control test for the Sun Blade 1000/2000, Sun Blade 100/150 and Sun Blade 1500/2500, and A70 workstation systems. Although the central function of this test environmentals and thus common to all these platforms, the exact behavior of the test is platform-specific.

For Sun Blade 100/150 and 1000/2000 workstations, the test monitors the system by reading temperatures and fan speeds, as well as their limits. The test reports whether the temperatures and fan speeds fall within system environmental condition limits. The MAX 1617 temperature sensor maintains a set of hard limits for the maximum and minimum temperatures allowed within the system. If the temperature passes one of these limits, the system performs a hard shutdown to protect hardware components. env3test also checks against the environmental monitor daemon, which maintains its own limits. By reading these temperature values, the test reports the possibility of a failure of the system environmental feedback loop between the fans and the temperature sensors.

For Sun Blade 1500 and 2500 systems, the test displays the temperature sensors and temperatures, and all the fans and their speeds in RPM. The test has an option for logging this information. The test will fail if one or more fans are bad, are disconnected or are weak. An appropriate error message indicates a disconnected or bad case, or a weak fan case.

For the A70, the test displays the temperature sensors and temperatures, and all the fans and their speeds in RPM. It has an option for logging this information. The test fails if the fan status indicates a fan fault.

For Sun Blade 1500 and 2500, and the A70 workstations, the env3test supports the Exclusive and Connection test modes.

Note - On Sun Blade 100/150, 1000/2000, if env3test fails to register temperature values, the system temperature indicators could be faulty.

Note - On Sun Blade 1500/2500 workstations, env3test fails if a fan is bad, disconnected, or weak. An error message indicates which case. For the Sun Blade 1500, the outtake-fan RPM cannot be monitored due to hardware limitation.

Note - On Sun Blade 100/150, 1000/2000 workstations, env3test requires Solaris 8 10/00 OS or later.

env3test Options

To reach the following dialog box, right-click on the test name in the System Map and select Test Parameter Options. If you do not see this test in the System Map, you might need to expand the collapsed groups, or your system might not include the device appropriate to this test. Refer to the SunVTS User's Guide for more details.

Screenshot of the env3test Test Parameter Options dialog box

FIGURE 16-1 env3testTest Parameter Options Dialog Box


TABLE 16-1 env3test Options



Fan Test

Displays the percentage of performance at which each fan is running. The temperature values are in degrees Celsius.


Specifies the target devices.

Log File

Logs two lines of information read from the system into the log file /var/opt/SUNWvts/logs/env3test.log. The first line is a time stamp. The second line is a list of names and the read values, for example,Wed May 24 13:55:57 2000system-fan, 19, cpu-fan, 49, power-supply-fan, 100, cpu, 81, cpu-ambient,24


env3test Test Modes

TABLE 16-2 env3test Supported Test Modes

Test Mode



Attempts connection to the device. Supported on Sun Blade 1500/2500 and A70 workstations.


Reports the received information to the GUI logging window in verbose mode. Supported on Sun Blade 150/1000 workstations.


Reports the received information to the GUI logging window in verbose mode. Supported on Sun Blade 1500/2500 and A70 workstations.

env3test Command-Line Syntax

/opt/SUNWvts/bin/env3test [standard arguments] -o dev=driver_name, logging=true|false, fantest=enable, fan=All/intake-fan+outtake-fan

TABLE 16-3 env3test Command-Line Syntax




Specifies the driver name for this test. The driver for the Sun Blade 1000 workstation is max1617.


Enables or disables the logging feature.


Enables the fan test.


Specifies the fan to be tested (such as, cpu-fan, intake-fan, or outtake-fan).

The keyword All specifies all the fans env3test probe found.