Service Registry 3 2005Q4 Developer's Guide
Numbers and Symbols
 % (percent sign), wildcard in JAXR queries ( Index Term Link )
 _ (underscore), wildcard in JAXR queries ( Index Term Link )
 addAssociation method (RegistryObject interface) ( Index Term Link )
 addChildConcept method (ClassificationScheme interface) ( Index Term Link )
 addChildConcept method (Concept interface) ( Index Term Link )
 addChildOrganization method (Organization interface) ( Index Term Link )
 addChildOrganizations method (Organization interface) ( Index Term Link )
 addClassification method (RegistryObject interface) ( Index Term Link )
 addRegistryObject method (RegistryPackage interface) ( Index Term Link )
 addRegistryObjects method (RegistryPackage interface) ( Index Term Link )
 addServiceBindings method (Service interface) ( Index Term Link )
 addServices method (Organization interface) ( Index Term Link )
 addSpecificationLink method (ServiceBinding interface) ( Index Term Link )
 AdhocQueryManagerImpl class ( Index Term Link )
 approveObjects method (LifeCycleManagerImpl class) ( Index Term Link )
 approving registry objects ( Index Term Link )
  example ( Index Term Link )
 asant command, using with JAXR examples ( Index Term Link )
 Association interface ( Index Term Link )
  creating objects ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 AssociationType classification scheme ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  concepts ( Index Term Link )
 audit trails
  generating events ( Index Term Link )
  retrieving ( Index Term Link )
 AuditableEvent interface ( Index Term Link )
  retrieving objects ( Index Term Link )
 authentication ( Index Term Link )
B file, JAXR examples ( Index Term Link )
 BusinessLifeCycleManager interface ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 BusinessQueryManager interface ( Index Term Link )
 certificates, obtaining ( Index Term Link )
 Classification interface ( Index Term Link )
  adding objects ( Index Term Link )
  retrieving objects ( Index Term Link )
  using to find objects ( Index Term Link )
 classification schemes
  creating with JAXR ( Index Term Link )
  ebXML specification ( Index Term Link )
 ClassificationScheme interface ( Index Term Link )
 clients, JAXR ( Index Term Link )
  examples ( Index Term Link )
  setting up ( Index Term Link )
 Concept interface ( Index Term Link )
 concepts, using to create classifications with JAXR ( Index Term Link )
 connection factories, JAXR
  creating ( Index Term Link )
  looking up ( Index Term Link )
 Connection interface ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 connection properties, JAXR, examples ( Index Term Link )
 ConnectionFactory class ( Index Term Link )
 connections, JAXR
  creating ( Index Term Link )
  setting properties ( Index Term Link )
 ContentManagementService classification scheme ( Index Term Link )
 createAssociation method (LifeCycleManager interface) ( Index Term Link )
 createClassification method (LifeCycleManager interface) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 createClassificationScheme method (LifeCycleManager interface) ( Index Term Link )
 createConcept method (LifeCycleManager interface) ( Index Term Link )
 createExternalIdentifier method (LifeCycleManager interface) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 createExternalLink method (LifeCycleManager interface) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 createExtrinsicObject method (LifeCycleManager interface) ( Index Term Link )
 createInternationalString method (LifeCycleManager interface) ( Index Term Link )
 createKey method (LifeCycleManager interface) ( Index Term Link )
 createLocalizedString method (LifeCycleManager interface) ( Index Term Link )
 createObject method (LifeCycleManager interface) ( Index Term Link )
 createOrganization method (LifeCycleManager interface) ( Index Term Link )
 createPersonName method (LifeCycleManager interface) ( Index Term Link )
 createPostalAddress method (LifeCycleManager interface) ( Index Term Link )
 createQuerymethod (DeclarativeQueryManager interface) ( Index Term Link )
 createRegistryPackage method (LifeCycleManager interface) ( Index Term Link )
 createService method (LifeCycleManager interface) ( Index Term Link )
 createServiceBinding method (LifeCycleManager interface) ( Index Term Link )
 createSlot method (LifeCycleManager interface) ( Index Term Link )
 createSpecificationLink method (LifeCycleManager interface) ( Index Term Link )
 createTelephoneNumber method (LifeCycleManager interface) ( Index Term Link )
 createUser method (LifeCycleManager interface) ( Index Term Link )
 DataType classification scheme ( Index Term Link )
 DeclarativeQueryManager interface ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 DeclarativeQueryManagerImpl class ( Index Term Link )
 deleteObjects method (LifeCycleManager interface) ( Index Term Link )
 DeletionScopeType classification scheme ( Index Term Link )
 deprecateObjects method (LifeCycleManager interface) ( Index Term Link )
 deprecating registry objects ( Index Term Link )
  example ( Index Term Link )
 ebXML, registries ( Index Term Link )
 EmailAddress interface ( Index Term Link )
  retrieving objects ( Index Term Link )
 EmailType classification scheme ( Index Term Link )
 ErrorHandlingModel classification scheme ( Index Term Link )
 ErrorSeverityType classification scheme ( Index Term Link )
 EventType classification scheme ( Index Term Link )
   adding classifications to objects ( Index Term Link )
   adding external identifiers to objects ( Index Term Link )
   adding external links to objects ( Index Term Link )
   adding slots to objects ( Index Term Link )
   changing the state of registry objects ( Index Term Link )
   creating an extrinsic object as a specification link ( Index Term Link )
   creating associations ( Index Term Link )
   creating classification schemes ( Index Term Link )
   creating extrinsic objects ( Index Term Link )
   creating organization hierarchies ( Index Term Link )
   creating organizations ( Index Term Link )
   creating registry packages ( Index Term Link )
   declarative queries ( Index Term Link )
   deleting objects ( Index Term Link )
   displaying classification schemes and concepts ( Index Term Link )
   federated queries ( Index Term Link )
   finding objects by classification ( Index Term Link )
   finding objects by external identifier ( Index Term Link )
   finding objects by external link ( Index Term Link )
   finding objects by key ( Index Term Link )
   finding objects by name ( Index Term Link )
   finding objects by type ( Index Term Link )
   finding objects by unique identifier ( Index Term Link )
   finding objects you published ( Index Term Link )
   introduction ( Index Term Link )
   iterative queries ( Index Term Link )
   publishing a service ( Index Term Link )
   retrieving organization and user attributes ( Index Term Link )
   retrieving organization hierarchies ( Index Term Link )
   stored queries ( Index Term Link )
   storing items in the repository ( Index Term Link )
 executeQuery method (DeclarativeQueryManager interface) ( Index Term Link )
 executeQuery method (DeclarativeQueryManagerImpl class) ( Index Term Link )
 external classification schemes, definition ( Index Term Link )
 ExternalIdentifier interface ( Index Term Link )
  adding objects ( Index Term Link )
  retrieving objects ( Index Term Link )
  using to find objects ( Index Term Link )
 ExternalLink interface ( Index Term Link )
  adding objects ( Index Term Link )
  retrieving objects ( Index Term Link )
  using to find objects ( Index Term Link )
 extramural associations, definition ( Index Term Link )
 ExtrinsicObject interface
  creating objects ( Index Term Link )
  deleting objects ( Index Term Link )
  using objects as specification links ( Index Term Link )
 ExtrinsicObject< interface ( Index Term Link )
 federations, registry, querying ( Index Term Link )
 FindAllMyObjects stored query ( Index Term Link )
 findClassificationSchemeByName method (BusinessQueryManager interface) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 findObjects method (BusinessQueryManagerImpl class) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 getAccessURI method (ServiceBinding interface) ( Index Term Link )
 getAddress method (EmailAddress interface) ( Index Term Link )
 getAreaCode method (TelephoneNumber interface) ( Index Term Link )
 getAuditTrail method (RegistryObject interface) ( Index Term Link )
 GetCallersUser stored query ( Index Term Link )
 getChildOrganizations method (Organization interface) ( Index Term Link )
 getCity method (PostalAddress interface) ( Index Term Link )
 getClassifications method (RegistryObject interface) ( Index Term Link )
 getConnectionFactory method (JAXRUtility class) ( Index Term Link )
 getCountry< method (PostalAddress interface) ( Index Term Link )
 getCountryCode method (TelephoneNumber interface) ( Index Term Link )
 getDescendantOrganizations method (Organization interface) ( Index Term Link )
 getDescription method (RegistryObject interface) ( Index Term Link )
 getEmailAddresses method (User interface) ( Index Term Link )
 getEventType method (AuditableEvent interface) ( Index Term Link )
 getExtension method (TelephoneNumber interface) ( Index Term Link )
 getExternalIdentifiers method (RegistryObject interface) ( Index Term Link )
 getExternalLinks method (RegistryObject interface) ( Index Term Link )
 getFirstName method (PersonName interface) ( Index Term Link )
 getId method (Key interface) ( Index Term Link )
 getIdentificationScheme method (ExternalIdentifier interface) ( Index Term Link )
 getKey method (RegistryObject interface) ( Index Term Link )
 getLastName method (PersonName interface) ( Index Term Link )
 getLid method (RegistryObjectImpl class) ( Index Term Link )
 getMiddleName method (PersonName interface) ( Index Term Link )
 getName method (RegistryObject interface) ( Index Term Link )
 getNumber method (TelephoneNumber interface) ( Index Term Link )
 getObjectType method (RegistryObject interface) ( Index Term Link )
 getParentOrganization method (Organization interface) ( Index Term Link )
 getPersonName method (User interface) ( Index Term Link )
 getPostalAddress method (Organization interface) ( Index Term Link )
 getPostalAddresses method (User interface) ( Index Term Link )
 getPostalCode method (PostalAddress interface) ( Index Term Link )
 getPrimaryContact method (Organization interface) ( Index Term Link )
 getRegistryObject method (QueryManager interface) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 getRegistryObjects method (QueryManager interface) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 getRootOrganization method (Organization interface) ( Index Term Link )
 getServiceBindings method (Service interface) ( Index Term Link )
 getServices method (Organization interface) ( Index Term Link )
 getSlots method (RegistryObject interface) ( Index Term Link )
 getSlotType method (Slot interface) ( Index Term Link )
 getSpecificationLinks method (ServiceBinding interface) ( Index Term Link )
 getSpecificationObject method (SpecificationLink interface) ( Index Term Link )
 getStateOrProvince method (PostalAddress interface) ( Index Term Link )
 getStreet method (PostalAddress interface) ( Index Term Link )
 getStreetNumber method (PostalAddress interface) ( Index Term Link )
 getTelephoneNumbers method (Organization interface or User interface) ( Index Term Link )
 getTimeStamp method (AuditableEvent interface) ( Index Term Link )
 getType method (EmailAddress interface) ( Index Term Link )
 getType method (PostalAddress interface) ( Index Term Link )
 getType method (TelephoneNumber interface) ( Index Term Link )
 getUrl method (TelephoneNumber interface) ( Index Term Link )
 getUsageDescription method (SpecificationLink interface) ( Index Term Link )
 getUsageParameters method (SpecificationLink interface) ( Index Term Link )
 getValues method (Slot interface) ( Index Term Link )
 getVersionInfo method (RegistryObjectImpl class) ( Index Term Link )
 getVersionName method (VersionInfoType interface) ( Index Term Link )
 Glossary, link to ( Index Term Link )
 information model, JAXR ( Index Term Link )
  interfaces ( Index Term Link )
 internal classification schemes, definition ( Index Term Link )
 InternationalString interface ( Index Term Link )
 intramural associations, definition ( Index Term Link )
 InvocationModel classification scheme ( Index Term Link )
 IterativeQueryParams class ( Index Term Link )
 javax.xml.registry.infomodel package ( Index Term Link )
 javax.xml.registry package ( Index Term Link )
  architecture ( Index Term Link )
  classification schemes ( Index Term Link )
  clients ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  creating connections ( Index Term Link )
  creating objects ( Index Term Link )
  definition ( Index Term Link )
  establishing security credentials ( Index Term Link )
  information model ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  provider ( Index Term Link )
  publishing objects to a registry ( Index Term Link )
  querying a registry ( Index Term Link )
  specification ( Index Term Link ) file, JAXR examples ( Index Term Link )
 Key interface ( Index Term Link )
  using to find objects ( Index Term Link )
 LifeCycleManager interface ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 LocalizedString interface ( Index Term Link )
 logical identifiers, retrieving ( Index Term Link )
 NodeType classification scheme ( Index Term Link )
 NotificationOptionType classification scheme ( Index Term Link )
 ObjectType classification scheme ( Index Term Link )
 Organization interface ( Index Term Link )
  creating objects ( Index Term Link )
  deleting objects ( Index Term Link )
  retrieving object attributes ( Index Term Link )
  retrieving parent and child objects ( Index Term Link )
  retrieving services and service bindings ( Index Term Link )
 PersonName interface ( Index Term Link )
 PhoneType classification scheme ( Index Term Link )
 PostalAddress interface ( Index Term Link )
  retrieving objects ( Index Term Link )
 providers, JAXR ( Index Term Link )
  basic methods ( Index Term Link )
  by classification ( Index Term Link )
  by external identifier ( Index Term Link )
  by external link ( Index Term Link )
  by name ( Index Term Link )
  by type ( Index Term Link )
  by unique identifier ( Index Term Link )
  declarative ( Index Term Link )
  federated ( Index Term Link )
  iterative ( Index Term Link )
  stored ( Index Term Link )
 QueryLanguage classification scheme ( Index Term Link )
 QueryManager interface ( Index Term Link )
  definition ( Index Term Link )
  ebXML ( Index Term Link )
  federations ( Index Term Link )
  UDDI ( Index Term Link )
 registry federations, definition ( Index Term Link )
 registry objects
  adding classifications ( Index Term Link )
  adding external identifiers ( Index Term Link )
  adding external links ( Index Term Link )
  adding names and descriptions ( Index Term Link )
  adding slots ( Index Term Link )
  approving, deprecating, or undeprecating ( Index Term Link )
  creating ( Index Term Link )
  creating associations ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  creating identifiers ( Index Term Link )
  finding by classification ( Index Term Link )
  finding by external identifier ( Index Term Link )
  finding by external link ( Index Term Link )
  finding by key ( Index Term Link )
  finding by name ( Index Term Link )
  finding by type ( Index Term Link )
  finding by unique identifier ( Index Term Link )
  finding objects you published ( Index Term Link )
  finding with declarative queries ( Index Term Link )
  finding with iterative queries ( Index Term Link )
  finding with stored queries ( Index Term Link )
  organizing as registry packages ( Index Term Link )
  removing ( Index Term Link )
  retrieving audit trail ( Index Term Link )
  retrieving classifications ( Index Term Link )
  retrieving external identifiers ( Index Term Link )
  retrieving external links ( Index Term Link )
  retrieving information about ( Index Term Link )
  retrieving logical identifier ( Index Term Link )
  retrieving name or description ( Index Term Link )
  retrieving slots ( Index Term Link )
  retrieving type ( Index Term Link )
  retrieving unique identifier ( Index Term Link )
  retrieving version information ( Index Term Link )
  saving ( Index Term Link )
  using create methods ( Index Term Link )
 registry providers, definition ( Index Term Link )
 RegistryObject interface ( Index Term Link )
 RegistryPackage interface ( Index Term Link )
  creating objects ( Index Term Link )
 RegistryService interface ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  definition ( Index Term Link )
  storing items in ( Index Term Link )
 ResponseStatusType classification scheme ( Index Term Link )
 saveObjects method (LifeCycleManager interface) ( Index Term Link )
 saveOrganizations method (BusinessLifeCycleManager interface) ( Index Term Link )
 saving registry objects ( Index Term Link )
 security credentials for Registry ( Index Term Link )
 service bindings, definition ( Index Term Link )
 Service interface ( Index Term Link )
  creating objects ( Index Term Link )
  deleting objects ( Index Term Link )
  retrieving objects ( Index Term Link )
 Service Registry
  changing the state of objects ( Index Term Link )
  getting access ( Index Term Link )
  obtaining authorization ( Index Term Link )
  publishing objects with JAXR ( Index Term Link )
  querying with JAXR ( Index Term Link )
  removing objects ( Index Term Link )
  saving objects ( Index Term Link )
  starting ( Index Term Link )
  storing items in the repository ( Index Term Link )
 ServiceBinding interface ( Index Term Link )
  creating objects ( Index Term Link )
  retrieving objects ( Index Term Link )
 ServiceBinding objects, using extrinsic objects as specification links ( Index Term Link )
 setAccessURI method (ServiceBinding interface) ( Index Term Link )
 setAreaCode method (TelephoneNumber interface) ( Index Term Link )
 setCountryCode method (TelephoneNumber interface) ( Index Term Link )
 setDescription method (RegistryObject interface) ( Index Term Link )
 setEmailAddresses method (User interface) ( Index Term Link )
 setFederated method (QueryImpl class) ( Index Term Link )
 setFederation method (QueryImpl class) ( Index Term Link )
 setKey method (RegistryObject interface) ( Index Term Link )
 setLid method (RegistryObjectImpl class) ( Index Term Link )
 setMimeType method (ExtrinsicObject interface) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 setNumber method (TelephoneNumber interface) ( Index Term Link )
 setObjectType method (ExtrinsicObjectImpl class) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 setPersonName method (User interface) ( Index Term Link )
 setPostalAddress method (Organization interface) ( Index Term Link )
 setSpecificationObject method (SpecificationLink interface) ( Index Term Link )
 setTelephoneNumbers method (Organization interface) ( Index Term Link )
 setTelephoneNumbers method (User interface) ( Index Term Link )
 setType method (TelephoneNumber interface) ( Index Term Link )
 setUrl method (User interface) ( Index Term Link )
 setValidateURI method (ExternalLink interface) ( Index Term Link )
 setValidateURI method (ServiceBinding interface) ( Index Term Link )
 Slot interface ( Index Term Link )
  adding objects ( Index Term Link )
  retrieving objects ( Index Term Link )
 SpecificationLink interface ( Index Term Link )
  using extrinsic objects ( Index Term Link )
 StatusType classification scheme ( Index Term Link )
 SubjectGroup classification scheme ( Index Term Link )
 SubjectRole classification scheme ( Index Term Link )
 targets.xml file, JAXR examples ( Index Term Link )
 TelephoneNumber interface ( Index Term Link )
  retrieving objects ( Index Term Link )
 UDDI, registries ( Index Term Link )
 unDeprecateObjects method (LifeCycleManager interface) ( Index Term Link )
 undeprecating registry objects ( Index Term Link )
  example ( Index Term Link )
 unique identifiers
  finding objects by ( Index Term Link )
  retrieving ( Index Term Link )
 User interface ( Index Term Link )
  creating objects ( Index Term Link )
  retrieving object attributes ( Index Term Link )
 version information, retrieving ( Index Term Link )
 wildcards, using in JAXR queries ( Index Term Link )
 WSDL files, storing as extrinsic objects ( Index Term Link )