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Sun Java System Portal Server 6 2005Q4 Desktop Customization Guide 

Chapter 10
Branding the Desktop

This chapter describes how to brand the Desktop with your site’s logo and name. It contains the following sections:

Changing the HTML Title (Title That Appears in the Browser)

The title is in the productName property in the display profile definition for all the providers and channels. Edit this property to change the HTML title.

Changing the Logo (Image) in the Banner Header

The logo image is defined in the themes in the display profile. The related theme properties are:


The brand image on the left of the header.


The brand image in the center of the header; if there’s no need to have the second image, then use spacer.gif.


The background color for the left image file.


The background color for the center image file.


The width of the left image file.


The image that is displayed in the Theme/preset Themes page.

    To Change the Logo (image) in the Banner
  1. Log in to the Sun Java System Access Manager administration console.
  2. Select Services from your Organization View pull-down menu and select Portal Desktop.
  3. Select Edit XML to directly edit the display profile XML fragment. Or,
    1. Select Container and Channel Management Link and Edit Properties for Display Profile.
    2. Select Edit Collection for Global Themes and the theme you wish to modify.
  4. Modify the relevant theme properties.
  5. Copy the new image into PortalServer-base/web-src/images directory.
  6. Run PortalServer-base/bin/deploy redeploy -deploy_admin_password password command to deploy the new image.
  7. The images will be deployed to the web_container_install_root/portal_web_application_install_root/images directory.

  8. Reload the Desktop to verify the change.

Changing the Header and Footer of the Theme, Content, and Layout Pages

Depending on the Desktop, the particular header and footer files for in the Theme, Content, and Layout pages are determined by the container that contains the Theme, Content, and Layout pages.

For example, when you access the Content page for JSPTabContainer, JSPContentContainer is the container that is used to include the header and footer files that the tab container is using. The contentedit.jsp file, located in the JSPContentContainer directory, uses logic, based on the container, to access the appropriate header and footer files.

To brand the header and footer of the Theme, Content, and Layout pages:

Use Table 10-1 to determine the appropriate header and footer JSP files to edit. This two column table lists the Desktop containers in the first column and the corresponding header and footer files in the second column.

Table 10-1  Header and Footer Files for Theme, Content, and Layout Pages  

Desktop Container

Header and Footer Files for Theme, Content, and Layout Pages


framePreferenceHeader.jsp and framePreferenceMenubar.jsp


singlePreferenceHeader.jsp and singlePreferenceMenubar.jsp


tabPreferenceHeader.jsp and tabPreferenceMenubar.jsp


tablePreferenceHeader.jsp and tablePreferenceMenubar.jsp

Containers not listed in Table 10-1 use defaultHeader.jsp and defaultMenubar.jsp files. These two files are actually the same as singlePreferenceHeader.jsp and singlePreferenceMenubar.jsp files. If you want a default look and feel for the container’s header and menubar, customize these two JSPs. Currently, the sample portal does not use defaultHeader.jsp and defaultMenubar.jsp files.

    To Change the Header and Footer of the Theme, Content, and Layout Pages
  1. Change to the appropriate directory.
  2. That is, change to /etc/opt/SUNWps/desktop/sampleportal (if sampleportal is installed) or change to the specific desktop type subdirectory associated with the target user or organization.

  3. Edit the JSP files.
  4. For example, change the HTML title and logo in the header file, and change the product name in the footer.

  5. Run the touch command.
  6. For example, type touch *.jsp.

  7. Reload the Desktop to verify the change.

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Part No: 819-4156-10.   Copyright 2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.