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Sun Java System Portal Server 6 2005Q4 Desktop Customization Guide 

Chapter 11
Changing Desktop Colors

This chapter describes how to change the color for various Desktop components, such as header, footer, font color in the header and footer, and so on. This chapter contains the following:

Changing Desktop Colors

Most of these colors are part of the global theme attributes. See Portal Server Technical Reference Guide for more information.

    To Change the Desktop Colors
  1. Use Table 11-1 to determine what you want to change and what file you need to change. This two column table lists the Desktop component to customize in the first column, the files to edit in the second column, and the corresponding theme attribute in the third column.
  2. Table 11-1  Files to Customize to Change Desktop Colors  

    Desktop Component to Customize

    File to Edit in /etc/opt/SUNWps/desktop/default/

    Theme Attribute

    Header background color

    JSP-based containers:

    • ./JSPSingleContainerProvider/header.jsp  
    • ./JSPTabContainer/header.jsp  
    • ./JSPTableContainerProvider/header.jsp
    • ./PredefinedFrontPageFramePanelContainerProvider/header.jsp
    • ./PredefinedFrontPageTabPanelContainerProvider/header.jsp
    • ./PredefinedSamplesTabPanelContainerProvider/header.jsp

    Frame-based containers:

    • ./FrameTabContainer/banner.jsp
    • ./PredefinedSamplesFramePanelContainerProvider/header.jsp


    Footer background color

    JSP-based containers:

    • ./JSPSingleContainerProvider/menubar.jsp  
    • ./JSPTabContainer/menubar.jsp  
    • ./JSPTableContainerProvider/menubar.jsp
    • ./PredefinedFrontPageFramePanelContainerProvider/menubar.jsp
    • ./PredefinedFrontPageTabPanelContainerProvider/menubar.jsp
    • ./PredefinedSamplesTabPanelContainerProvider/menubar.jsp

    Frame-based containers:

    • ./FrameTabContainer/menubar.jsp
    • ./PredefinedSamplesFramePanelContainerProvider/menubar.jsp


    Font color in the header and footer

    The related JSPs are the header.jsp and menubar.jsp that listed in header background color and footer background color.


    Selected tab color

    JSP-based containers:


    Frame-based containers:



    Content Page color

    ./JSPContentContainer/contentLayoutBar.jsp  ./JSPEditContainer/contentLayoutBar.jsp  ./JSPLayoutContainer/contentLayoutBar.jsp  ./TabJSPEditContainer/contentLayoutBar.jsp


    Layout Page color



    Desktop body



  3. Edit the appropriate file.
  4. In almost all case, make modifications to the bgcolor=value statement to change the color. In the case of the font color in the header and footer, change the color inside of the FONT tag for the specific link.

  5. In the directory where you make the change, run the following command:
  6. touch *.jsp

    (Or, if you know the parent JSP file, just run the touch command on that file.)

  7. Reload the Desktop.

Changing the Default Color Scheme for an Organization

There are two ways in which to provide a new color scheme and layout for an organization:

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Part No: 819-4156-10.   Copyright 2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.