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Sun Java System Portal Server 6 2005Q4 Technical Reference Guide 

Chapter 18
Desktop Configuration Properties File

This chapter contains the following sections:


The file defines server-specific parameters that the Desktop reads during initialization. Any changes to this file require a server restart in order to go into effect. By default, this file is in the /etc/opt/SUNWps/desktop directory.


Parameters marked as Internal are not customizable. So you can only configure the debug level and the base directory for additional classes. The following is a two column table; the first column lists the parameter with its default value and the second column gives a description of its function and possible values.


Level of debugging messages to be produced by Desktop. Debug output is stored in /var/opt/SUNWam/debug/desktop.debug file. Use caution when increasing the value of logLevel for excessive logging causes intensive IO operations leading to performance degradation.

Possible values are: (in the ascending order of less to more logging) off, error, warning, message, or on.

  • off: No logging
  • error: Log errors only
  • warning: Log errors and warning
  • message: Log everything



Level of performance metrics to be logged by Desktop. Output is stored in /var/opt/SUNWam/debug/desktop.perf file. Under production environment, this parameter should always be off.

Possible values are: off or message.

  • off: No performance metrics logged
  • message: Log all performance metrics

serviceAppContextClassName=com.sun.por tal.desktop.context.DSAMEServiceAppCon text


templateBaseDir=/etc/opt/SUNWps/deskto p/

Root directory under which all template files are located.

providerClassBaseDir=/etc/opt/SUNWps/d esktop/classes

Root directory under which the customer is allowed to place provider classes, whether those are overriding the bundled providers, or their own new providers (usually the case). They must be placed in this directory, either in a jar at the top level, or in a com (or whatever) package directory.

jjspCompilerWARClassPath=<Used only on application server> jjspCompilerWARClassPath=/export/home/ ias60sp3/ias/APPS/modules/ps/WEB-INF/l ib


Used only on application server.



Default desktop type used by the ErrorProvider when DesktopAppContext is available but DesktopContext is not available.















Prefix used for all desktop cookies.


Defines number of seconds between scans (checking for changes) of the template files in the /etc/opt/SUNWps directory. This interval can improve the performance and scalability because the server uses the cached information between scans. The default value is 30 seconds.

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Part No: 819-4159.   Copyright 2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.