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Sun Java System Portal Server 6 2005Q4 Technical Reference Guide 

Chapter 19
Search Configuration Properties File

This chapter contains the following sections:


In the default installation, the search.conf file is in the /var/opt/SUNWps/https-instancename/portal/config directory. The search.conf file lists all the specific search values you have set. The /opt/SUNWps/samples/config directory contains a sample search.conf file.

The default install assigns $CSROOT to /var/opt/SUNWps/http-instancename/portal, $CSBIN to /opt/SUNWps/bin, and $CSLIB to /opt/SUNWps/lib. Most of these parameters can be changed in the Sun Java System Application Server Enterprise Edition administration console under Search Server Settings or Search Server Advanced Settings.


The following is a two column table. Column one gives the possible parameters you can change and the default value of the parameter, and column two provides a brief description of the corresponding parameter.

Table 19-1  search.conf File Parameters  

csid=x-catalog://$ HOST:$PORT/$N ICK

Defined at installation. Server identifier string, mainly for backward compatibility with Compass Server.


Defined at installation. Location of binaries.


Defined at installation. Location of database (used by server).


Defined at installation. Location of database (used by indexer).


Limits the number of server threads that can access the database at any one time. You can change this value for performance reasons, but it should be set to about 1.25 times the number of index threads for best performance.


The logical database name. You can change this value to another database including an external one.


Directory where database transaction logs are kept.


Enables or disables document level security. Can be reset in the administration console under Server Settings.

security-manager=com.sun.porta erver.DSameSe curityManager

Security manager class name. Do not edit.


Whether to use group in addition to user role for security control.

debug-logfile=$CSROOT/logs/rdmserver.l og

Logs internal server activity. Defined at installation. Can be reset in the administration console under Server Advanced Settings.


Sets the default log level. Can be reset in the administration console under Server Advanced Settings.


Checks for number of servers aliased to the same address. Can be reset in the administration console under Robot Simulator.


Checks for any server redirects. Can be reset in the administration console under Robot Simulator.

import-config=$CSROOT/config/ nf

Defined at installation. Contents generated by the Search server when you define an import agent in the administration console under Database Import.


Defined at installation.


Log of RDM server requests. Defined at installation. Can be reset in the administration console under Server Advanced Settings.


Disables RDM request logging. Can be reset in the administration console under Server Advanced Settings.

classification-stats-durin g-browse=true

If true, server records how many documents are found in each browse category.


Whether to browse for documents at the root of the category tree.

search-logfile=$CSROOT/logs/ searchengine.log

Search engine logfile. Defined at installation. Can be reset in the administration console under Server Advanced Settings.


Maximum number of documents in each index batch.


Number of search query threads. Should be set to 3-6 threads per CPU that you wish to utilize.


Number of search index threads. Usually left at 1.


The format of the search engine index. Do not edit.


The blocking factor used during index merges. Do not edit.


Format of the search dictionary. Do not edit.


Controls the timeout (milliseconds) of slow wildcard searches.

-1 means unlimited.


Enable search result highlighting.


Maximum number of dynamic summary passages to generate.


Size of context (in words) around each highlight passage.

#search-field-multipliers="title 1.0"

Search weights assigned to different document fields. Can be a comma separated list.

rdmgr-logfile=$CSROOT/logs/ rdmgr.log

Log file for the indexer process. Defined at installation. Can be reset in the administration console under Server Advanced Settings.

schema-description=$CSROOT/config/sche ma.rdm

The default Search Engine Schema. Defined at installation.

server-description=$CSROOT/config/serv er.rdm

The RDM server description returned by server description requests. Defined at installation.


Server instance root directory. Defined at installation. Can be reset in the administration console under Server Settings.


The logical name of the taxonomy index database.

taxonomy-description-refre sh-rate=3600 -> 60

Polling interval for automatic taxonomy reloads.

taxonomy-description=$CSROOT/config/ta xonomy.rdm

The RDM Taxonomy definition. Edit using the Category Editor under Categories. Defined at installation.


Defined at installation. Can be reset in the administration console under Robot Crawling.


Number of milliseconds between refreshes of the Robot Control page of the administration console.

admin-category_editor_node s_per_page=25,50,100,250 ,500,-1

List of available choices, defining the maximum number of categories displayed per page.

-1 = display all tree.

admin-category_editor_max_ combo_element=10

Maximum number of elements in the category editor drop down select list of target categories.

The following parameters are not used:













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Part No: 819-4159.   Copyright 2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.