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Sun Java Enterprise System Upgrade Guide for Microsoft Windows 

Chapter 4
Directory Proxy Server

This chapter describes how to upgrade Directory Proxy Server from previous Java ES versions to Java ES 2005Q4 (Release 4): Sun Java System Directory Proxy Server 5 2005Q4.

The chapter provides a general overview of upgrade issues and procedures for the different upgrade paths supported by Java ES Release 4. The chapter covers the following:


File locations in this chapter are specified with respect to a directory path referred to as Server_Root. At least part of this path might have been specified as an installation directory when Directory Proxy Server was initially installed and configured. If not, a default value was assigned.

The default value of Server_Root is <INSTALL_DIR>/Server_Root.

Overview of Directory Proxy Server Upgrades

This section describes the following general aspects of Directory Proxy Server that impact upgrading to Java ES 2005Q4 (Release 4):

About Java ES Release 4

Java ES Release 4 Directory Proxy Server represents only minor bug fixes and improvements. There are no new functional capabilities.

Java ES Release 4 Upgrade Roadmap

Table 4-1 shows the supported Directory Proxy Server upgrade paths to Java ES Release 4.

Table 4-1  Upgrade Paths to Java ES Release 4:
Sun Java System Directory Proxy Server 5 2005Q4

Java ES Release

Directory Proxy Server Version

General Approach

Re-configuration Required

Release 3

Sun Java System Directory Proxy Server 5 2005Q1

Direct upgrade:
Apply patches and re-configure configuration directory.

Automatic re-configuration of data in configuration directory

Directory Proxy Server Data

Directory Proxy Server makes use of Directory Server for storing configuration data. The data is stored in a specific tree structure within the directory. The Directory Server instance hosting the configuration is referred to as the configuration directory.

In most deployment architectures, the configuration directory is remote from the other components that use it to store configuration information.

The following table shows the type of data that could be impacted by an upgrade of Directory Proxy Server software.

Table 4-2  Directory Proxy Server Data Usage

Type of Data



Directory Proxy Server configuration data

Configuration directory

Configuration of Directory Proxy Server

Compatibility Issues

Java ES Release 4 Directory Proxy Server does not introduce any interface changes and is backwardly compatible with earlier versions.


Dependencies on other Java ES components can impact the procedure for upgrading and re-configuring Directory Proxy Server software. Directory Proxy Server has dependencies on specific Java ES shared components (see Table 1-6). Directory Proxy Server provides front-end access to Directory Server and uses Administration Server for configuration purposes. Directory Proxy Server therefore has dependencies on both Directory Server and Administration Server.

Upgrading Directory Proxy Server from Java ES Release 3

This section includes information about upgrading Directory Proxy Server from Java ES 2005 Q1 (Release 3) to Java ES 2005Q4 (Release 4). The section covers the following topics:


When upgrading Java ES Release 3 Directory Proxy Server to Release 4, consider the following aspects of the upgrade process:

Directory Proxy Server Upgrade

This section describes how to perform an upgrade of Directory Proxy Server from Java ES Release 3 to Java ES Release 4. The section covers the following topics:

Pre-Upgrade Tasks

Before you upgrade Directory Proxy Server, you should perform the tasks described below.

Verify Current Version Information

You can verify the current version of Directory Proxy Server using the following commands:

cd <Server_Root>/bin/dps/server/bin

ldapfwd -v

The output is shown in the following table:

Table 4-3  Directory Proxy Server Version Verification Outputs

Java ES Release

Directory Proxy Server Version Number

Release 3

Sun ONE Directory Proxy Server Version 5.2_Patch_3

Release 4

Sun ONE Directory Proxy Server Version 5.2_Patch_4

Upgrade Directory Proxy Server Dependencies

It is generally recommended that all Java ES components on a computer system (and in a computing environment) be upgraded to Java ES Release 4.

Directory Proxy Server has hard upgrade dependencies on Directory Server and Administration Server, even when they run on remote computers, so these components should be upgraded before upgrading Directory Proxy Server.

Upgrading of Java ES Release 3 shared components upon which Directory Proxy Server depends is optional, but recommended.

You can upgrade Directory Proxy Server dependencies in the following order, all before you upgrade Directory Proxy Server. You can skip any that might already have been upgraded.

Back Up Directory Server Data

The Directory Proxy Server upgrade process modifies configuration directory data. Therefore, before you upgrade, it is recommended that you back up your configuration directory data using the Directory Server Console or a command-line utility such as db2bak.

For more information about backing up Directory Server, see the Sun Java System Directory Server Administration Guide (

Obtain Required Configuration Information and Passwords

Directory Proxy Server must run as the same user and group as Directory Server and Administration Server.

Upgrading Directory Proxy Server

This section discusses considerations that impact the upgrade procedure for Directory Proxy Server followed by a description of the procedure itself.

Upgrade Considerations

The upgrade of Directory Proxy Server software to Java ES Release 4 takes into account the following considerations:

Upgrade Procedure

The procedure documented below applies to Directory Proxy Server instances residing locally on the computer where the upgrade is taking place.

  1. Obtain the required patches, based on Table 1-3.
  2. Patches can be downloaded from:

  3. Stop the Administration Console if it is running locally.
  4. Shut down all Java ES components dependent on the Directory Proxy Server instances that are to be upgraded. This step might depend on how Directory Proxy Server is replicated within your deployment architecture.
  5. For information about how to shut down a Java ES component, see its respective administration guide.

  6. Make sure you have upgraded any Java ES components upon which Directory Proxy Server has hard upgrade dependencies (see Upgrade Directory Proxy Server Dependencies).
  7. Upgrade Directory Proxy Server.
    1. Ensure that the configuration directory is running.
    2. If it is local you might have to start it up. If it is remote, check to make sure it is running.

    3. Run the before executing the patch:
    4. perl <Server-Root>

    5. Apply the patch by double-clicking the <Patch-id>.exe
    6. After applying the patch, run the following:
    7. perl<Server_Root> <Admin id> <Admin Password>

  8. Restart Directory Proxy Server and all Java ES components dependent on Directory Proxy Server.
  9. To restart Directory Proxy Server:


Verifying the Upgrade

You can verify successful upgrade of Directory Proxy Server using the following commands:

cd <Server_Root\bin\dps\server\bin

ldapfwd -v

See Table 5-3 on page 126 for output values.

Post-Upgrade Tasks

There are no post-upgrade tasks beyond the steps described in Upgrade Procedure.

Rolling Back the Upgrade

This section describes considerations that impact the upgrade rollback procedure for Directory Proxy Server, followed by the procedure itself.

Rollback Considerations

The procedure for rolling back the upgrade to Release 4 of Directory Proxy Server is pretty much the reverse of the procedure for upgrading to Release 4. The patches are removed and the configuration directory is re-synchronized.

One special consideration is that when you apply patches, you upgrade the SSL certificate database to a cert8 format. The patch backs up the cert7 data, and then converts it to cert8 format. If you subsequently decide to roll back the upgrade and have added new certificates to the certificate database, you should manually extract these certificates, back out the patches, and then add the certificates back to the previous cert7 format certificate database.

When you roll back an upgrade after having changed the SSL certificate database, you cannot start in SSL mode. To work around this problem, turn off SSL mode, restart Administration Server and Directory Proxy Server, reinstall the certificate, and then enable SSL mode.

Rollback Procedure
  1. Stop the Administration Console if it is running locally.
  2. Shut down all Java ES components dependent on the Directory Proxy Server instances that are to be upgraded. This step might depend on how Directory Proxy Server is replicated within your deployment architecture.
  3. For information about how to shut down a Java ES component, see its respective administration guide.

  4. Roll back the Directory Proxy Server upgrade.
    1. Ensure that the configuration directory is running.
    2. If it is local you might have to start it up. If it is remote, check to make sure it is running.

    3. Run the before uninstalling the patch:
    4. perl <Server-Root>

    5. Remove the patch by running the Uninstall_<Patch-id>.bat
    6. Run after removing the patch.
    7. perl <Server-Root> <Admin id> <Admin Password>

  5. Roll back upgrades to any Java ES components upon which Directory Proxy Server has hard upgrade dependencies, in particular Directory Server and Administration Server.
  6. Restart Directory Proxy Server and all Java ES components dependent on Directory Proxy Server.

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Part No: 819-4461-10.   Copyright 2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.