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Sun Java System Application Server Standard and Enterprise Edition 7 2004Q2 Developer's Guide 

A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z



ACC clients

about  1

assembling  1

creating  1

deploying  1

module definition  1

preparing the client machine  1

security  1

action attribute  1, 2

Administration interface

about  1

using for deployment  1

using for dynamic reloading  1

using for HPROF configuration  1

using for JProbe configuration  1

using for lifecycle module deployment  1

using for Optimizeit configuration  1

using for SSL configuration  1

using to add file realm users  1

using to add to the server classpath  1

using to change logging settings  1

using to configure realms  1

using to disable modules and applications  1

using to enable debugging  1

using to make EJB access remote  1

ANT_HOME environment variable  1

Apache Ant

and deployment descriptor verification  1, 2

overview  1

Sun Java System Application Server specific tasks  1

using for deployment  1

using for JSP precompilation  1

using for server administration  1, 2

Apache SOAP  1

appclient script  1

Application Client Container see ACC

application.xml file  1, 2

example of  1

application-client.xml file  1


assembling  1

best practices for creating  1

business logic layer  1

client layer  1

creating  1

creating reusable code  1, 2

data access layer  1

definition  1

directories deployed to  1

directory structure  1

disabling  1, 2

examples  1

functional isolation  1

identifying requirements  1

J2EE programming model  1

JNDI naming  1

modularizing  1

naming  1

naming, automatic  1

presentation layer  1

runtime environment  1

security  1, 2

asadmin command  1, 2

asadmin create-auth-realm command  1

asadmin create-file-user command  1

asadmin create-lifecycle-module command  1

asadmin delete-auth-realm command  1

asadmin delete-file-user command  1

asadmin delete-lifecycle-module command  1

asadmin deploy command  1

--force option  1

--precompilejsp option  1

asadmin deploydir command  1

asadmin list-auth-realms command  1

asadmin list-file-groups command  1

asadmin list-file-users command  1

asadmin list-lifecycle-modules command  1

asadmin undeploy command  1

asadmin update-file-user command  1

asant script  1

asenv.conf file  1


formulas for modularizing  1

of ACC clients  1

of applications  1

of connectors  1

of EJB components  1

of lifecycle modules  1

of web applications  1

overview  1

attributes, about  1


definition  1

for web applications  1


definition  1

for EJB components  1

for web applications  1


Bean managed persistence (BMP)  1


entity  1, 2

message-driven  1, 2, 3

session  1, 2

best practices for application creation  1

bin directory  1

Bootstrap Classloader  1

build.xml file  1, 2

business logic layer  1


certificate realm  1

CGI  1


cladmin command  1, 2

class-loader element  1

classloaders  1

delegation hierarchy  1

isolation  1

isolation, circumventing  1

classpath attribute  1

classpath, server, changing  1

classpathref attribute  1

classpath-suffix attribute  1


ACC clients  1, 2

browsers  1

client layer  1


JAR file for  1, 2

JMS  1

web service  1

cluster, deployment to  1, 2

code re-use  1

command attribute  1

commandfile attribute  1

command-line server configuration see asadmin command

Common Classloader  1

using to circumvent isolation  1

Common Gateway Interface see CGI

Common Object Request Broker Architecture see CORBA

common.xml file  1

compiler, FastJavac  1

component subelement  1

connection factories, JNDI subcontexts for  1


assembling  1

connector architecture  1

creating  1

deploying  1

JNDI subcontext for  1

module definition  1

Container managed persistence (CMP)  1

context, for JNDI naming  1

contextroot attribute  1, 2

context-root element  1

CORBA clients  1

CORBA Mapping specification  1


data access layer  1

.dbschema file  1

debug attribute  1, 2

debug-enabled attribute  1


enabling  1

generating a stack trace  1

JSPs  1

Sun Java System Message Queue  1

using Sun ONE Studio  1

debug-options attribute  1

default-realm attribute  1

delegation, classloader  1


directory deployment  1

disabling deployed applications and modules  1, 2

dynamic  1

errors during  1

module vs. application based  1

of ACC clients  1

of connectors  1

of EJB components  1

of lifecycle modules  1

of web applications  1

overview  1

redeployment  1

standard J2EE descriptors  1

Sun Java System Application Server descriptors  1

to a cluster  1, 2

tools for  1

undeploying an application or module  1, 2

using Apache Ant  1

using the Administration interface  1

verifying descriptor correctness  1

destdir attribute  1

development environment, creating  1

tools for developers  1

directory deployment  1

document directories

primary  1

document root  1

domain attribute  1, 2

DTD files

location of  1

structure of  1


deployment  1

reloading  1


EAR file, creating  1

EIS systems  1

EJB Classloader  1

EJB components

about  1

assembling  1

calling from a different application  1

creating  1

deploying  1

generated source code  1

module definition  1

remote access  1

security  1, 2

see also beans

ejb-jar.xml file  1

ejb-ref mapping, using JNDI name instead  1

Enterprise JavaBeans see EJB components

entity beans  1

creating  1

env-classpath-ignored attribute  1

errors during deployment  1

events, server life cycle  1

example applications  1

exceptions, sending to the client  1

explicitcommand attribute  1


failonerror attribute  1

failover for web module sessions  1

FastJavac compiler  1

file attribute  1, 2, 3, 4

file realm  1

adding users  1

fileset subelement  1

force attribute  1, 2

forcing deployment  1


getCmdLineArgs method  1

getData method  1

getEventType method  1

getInitialContext method  1

getInstallRoot method  1

getInstanceName method  1

getLifecycleEventContext method  1

group-name element  1


and roles  1

creating for file realm users  1

listing for file realm users  1


handleEvent method  1

host attribute  1, 2, 3, 4, 5

HPROF profiler  1

HTML pages  1


IIOP, support for  1


instance attribute  1, 2, 3, 4, 5

instanceport attribute  1, 2

Introscope profiler  1

Intuitive Systems web site  1

iPlanet Application Server 6.x, migrating from  1

iPlanet Web Server 6.x, migrating from  1

is-failure-fatal attribute  1


of classloaders  1, 2

of code  1



connector architecture (CA)  1

policy set  1

programming model  1

security model  1

standard deployment descriptors  1

JAR Extension Mechanism Architecture  1

JAR file

client, for a deployed application  1, 2

creating  1

creating for an ACC client  1

Java Authentication and Authorization Service (JAAS)  1

Java Database Connectivity see JDBC

Java Message Service see JMS

Java Naming and Directory Interface see JNDI

Java Platform Debugger Architecture see JPDA

java-config element  1, 2

JavaMail, JNDI subcontext for  1



JNDI subcontext for  1


clients  1

debugging  1

JNDI subcontext for  1


ACC clients  1

and lifecycle modules  1, 2

CORBA clients, simple  1

naming  1

subcontexts for connection factories  1

using instead of ejb-ref mapping  1

JPDA debugging options  1

JProbe profiler  1

JSP Engine Classloader  1

jsp-config element  1, 2


about  1

best practices  1

compared to servlets  1

creating  1

debugging  1

generated source code  1

precompiling  1, 2, 3, 4


-keepgenerated flag  1


ldap realm  1

lib directory

and ACC clients  1

and Apache Ant  1

and the Common Classloader  1

DTD file location  1

for a web application  1

libraries  1, 2, 3

lifecycle modules  1

allocating and freeing resources  1

and classloaders  1

and the server.policy file  1

assembling  1

configuration  1

deploying  1

LifecycleEvent class  1

LifecycleEventContext interface  1

LifecycleListener interface  1 file  1

LifeCycleModule Classloader  1, 2

load balancing  1, 2, 3

local attribute  1, 2

log method  1

logging  1

login method  1

login, programmatic  1

log-service element  1


message-driven beans  1, 2

creating  1

META-INF directory  1, 2, 3

migration tools  1

MIME (Multi-purpose Internet Mail Extension) types

definition and accessing page  1

modularizing applications  1


definition  1

directories deployed to  1

directory structure  1

disabling  1, 2

individual deployment of  1

naming  1

naming, automatic  1

runtime environment  1

see also applications


name attribute  1, 2, 3, 4

naming service  1

native library path

configuring for hprof  1

configuring for JProbe  1

configuring for OptimizeIt  1

NetDynamics servers, migrating from  1

Netscape Application Servers, migrating from  1

-nolocalstubs option  1


Optimizeit profiler  1


package attribute  1

package-appclient script  1

packaging see assembly

PAM infrastructure  1

pass-by-reference element  1

pass-by-value semantics  1

password attribute  1, 2, 3, 4, 5


changing in server.policy  1

default in server.policy  1

port attribute  1, 2, 3, 4, 5

precompilejsp attribute  1, 2

--precompilejsp option  1

presentation layer  1

primary document directory, setting  1

principal-name element  1

profilers  1

programmatic login  1

ProgrammaticLogin class  1

ProgrammaticLoginPermission  1


ra.xml file  1

RAR file, creating  1



and role mapping  1

certificate realm  1

configuring  1

custom  1

default  1, 2

definition  1

file realm  1

ldap realm  1

solaris realm  1

supported  1

user information in  1

redeployment  1

.reload file  1

reloading, dynamic  1

reload-interval property  1

remote access of EJB components  1

requirement rules  1

resource adapters see connectors

retrievestubs attribute  1, 2

reusable code  1, 2

RMI/IIOP clients  1

rmic-options attribute  1

Role Based Access Control (RBAC)  1

role-name element  1


creating  1

mapping  1

rpm  1


sample applications  1

security  1, 2

ACC clients  1

applications  1

declarative  1

disabling the security manager  1

EJB components  1, 2

goals  1

J2EE model  1

of containers  1

programmatic  1

programmatic login  1

responsibilities overview  1

role mapping  1

server.policy file  1

Sun Java System Application Server features  1

Sun Java System Application Server model  1

terminology  1

user information  1

web applications  1, 2

security policy domains see realms

security-role-mapping element  1

security-service element  1


administering instances using Ant  1

changing the classpath of  1

lib directory of  1, 2, 3, 4

life cycle events  1

optimizing for development  1

security model  1

Sun Java System Application Server deployment descriptors  1

using Ant scripts to control  1

server subelement  1

server.policy file  1

and lifecycle modules  1

changing permissions  1

default permissions  1

disabling the security manager  1

Optimizeit profiler options  1

ProgrammaticLoginPermission  1

server.xml file

application configuration  1

default realm  1

disabling modules and applications  1

dynamic reloading  1

enabling debugging  1

HPROF profiler  1

Introscope profiler  1

JProbe profiler  1

keeping stubs  1

lifecycle module configuration  1

logging  1

module configuration  1

Optimizeit profiler  1

security manager, disabling  1

stack trace generation  1

System Classloader  1, 2

server-classpath attribute  1

ServerLifecycleException  1

server-parsed HTML see SHTML


about  1

best practices  1

compared to JSPs  1

creating  1

session beans  1

creating  1

session persistence for web modules  1


and dynamic redeployment  1

and dynamic reloading  1

Shared Classloader  1, 2

showrev  1



Sitraka web site  1


solaris realm  1

srcdir attribute  1

SSI  1

SSL  1

authentication configuration  1

stack trace, generating  1


static content  1

stderr, logging to  1


directory for  1, 2

keeping  1, 2, 3

making remote  1

subelements, about  1

Sun customer support  1

Sun Java System Message Queue  1

installation of  1

Sun ONE Studio

about  1

Apache SOAP web services support  1

debugging  1

debugging JSPs  1

using for assembly  1

using for deployment  1

sun-acc.xml file  1, 2

sun-application element  1

sun-application.xml file  1

elements in  1

example of  1

schema for  1

sun-application_1_3-0.dtd file  1

sun-application-client.xml file  1

sun-appserv-admin task  1

sun-appserv-component task  1

sun-appserv-deploy task  1

sun-appserv-instance task  1

sun-appserv-jspc task  1

sun-appserv-undeploy task  1

sun-cmp-mapping.xml file  1

sun-ejb-jar.xml file  1

sunonehome attribute  1, 2, 3, 4, 5

sun-ra.xml file  1

sun-web.xml file  1, 2, 3

and classloaders  1

System Classloader  1

using to circumvent isolation  1


tasks, Apache Ant  1



for deployment  1

for developers, general  1


attributes  1

type attribute  1, 2, 3, 4


unique-id element  1

upload attribute  1, 2

URI, configuring for an application  1

uribase attribute  1

uriroot attribute  1

URL, JNDI subcontext for  1

user attribute  1, 2, 3, 4, 5


adding to the file realm  1

and roles  1

security information  1

utility classes  1, 2, 3


verbose attribute  1

verifier tool  1

verify attribute  1, 2

virtualservers attribute  1, 2


WAR file, creating  1

web applications

assembling  1

creating  1

deploying  1

module definition  1

security  1, 2

Web Classloader  1

changing delegation in  1

web element  1

web service

changing Web Classloader delegation for  1

clients  1

sample applications  1

web.xml file  1

and certificate configuration  1

webapp attribute  1

WEB-INF directory  1

WebLogic Server, migrating from  1

Websphere Application Server, migrating from  1

web-uri element  1

Wily Technology web site  1



specification  1

syntax verifier  1

-Xrs option and debugging  1, 2

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