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Sun Java System Application Server Standard and Enterprise Edition 7 2004Q2 Developer's Guide 

About This Guide

This guide describes how to create and run Java™ 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition (J2EE™ platform) applications that follow the new open Java standards model for Java™ Servlet, JavaServer Pages™ (JSP™), Enterprise JavaBeans™ (EJB™), and other J2EE components on Sun Java™ System Application Server 7, Enterprise Edition. In addition to describing programming concepts and tasks, this guide offers sample code, implementation tips, reference material, and a glossary. Topics include application design, developer tools, security, assembly, deployment, debugging, and creating lifecycle modules.

This preface contains information about the following topics:

Who Should Use This Guide

The intended audience for this guide is the person who develops, assembles, and deploys J2EE applications in a corporate enterprise.

This guide assumes you are familiar with the following topics:

Using the Documentation

The Sun Java System Application Server Standard and Enterprise Edition manuals are available as online files in Portable Document Format (PDF) and Hypertext Markup Language (HTML).

The following table lists tasks and concepts described in the Sun Java System Application Server manuals. The manuals marked (updated for 7 2004Q2) have been updated for the Sun Java System Application Server Standard and Enterprise Edition 7 2004Q2 release. The manuals not marked in this way have not been updated since the version 7 Enterprise Edition release.

Table 1  Sun Java System Application Server Documentation Roadmap 

For information about

See the following

(Updated for 7 2004Q2) Late-breaking information about the software and the documentation. Includes a comprehensive, table-based summary of supported hardware, operating system, JDK, and JDBC/RDBMS.

Release Notes

Sun Java System Application Server 7 overview, including the features available with each product edition.

Product Overview

Diagrams and descriptions of server architecture and the benefits of the Sun Java System Application Server architectural approach.

Server Architecture

(Updated for 7 2004Q2) How to get started with the Sun Java System Application Server product. Includes a sample application tutorial. There are two guides, one for Standard Edition and one for Enterprise Edition.

Getting Started Guide

(Updated for 7 2004Q2) Installing the Sun Java System Application Server Standard Edition and Enterprise Edition software and its components, such as sample applications and the Administration interface. For the Enterprise Edition software, instructions are provided for implementing the high-availability configuration.

Installation Guide

(Updated for 7 2004Q2) Evaluating your system needs and enterprise to ensure that you deploy Sun Java System Application Server in a manner that best suits your site. General issues and concerns that you must be aware of when deploying an application server are also discussed.

System Deployment Guide

Creating and implementing Java™ 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition (J2EE™ platform) applications intended to run on the Sun Java System Application Server that follow the open Java standards model for J2EE components such as servlets, Enterprise JavaBeans™ (EJBs™), and JavaServer Pages™ (JSPs™). Includes general information about application design, developer tools, security, assembly, deployment, debugging, and creating lifecycle modules. A comprehensive Sun Java System Application Server glossary is included.

Developer’s Guide

(Updated for 7 2004Q2) Creating and implementing J2EE web applications that follow the Java™ Servlet and JavaServer Pages (JSP) specifications on the Sun Java System Application Server. Discusses web application programming concepts and tasks, and provides sample code, implementation tips, and reference material. Topics include results caching, JSP precompilation, session management, security, deployment, SHTML, and CGI.

Developer’s Guide to Web Applications

(Updated for 7 2004Q2) Creating and implementing J2EE applications that follow the open Java standards model for enterprise beans on the Sun Java System Application Server. Discusses Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) programming concepts and tasks, and provides sample code, implementation tips, and reference material. Topics include container-managed persistence, read-only beans, and the XML and DTD files associated with enterprise beans.

Developer’s Guide to Enterprise JavaBeans Technology

(Updated for 7 2004Q2) Creating Application Client Container (ACC) clients that access J2EE applications on the Sun Java System Application Server.

Developer’s Guide to Clients

Creating web services in the Sun Java System Application Server environment.

Developer’s Guide to Web Services

(Updated for 7 2004Q2) Java™ Database Connectivity (JDBC™), transaction, Java Naming and Directory Interface™ (JNDI), Java™ Message Service (JMS), and JavaMail™ APIs.

Developer’s Guide to J2EE Services and APIs

Creating custom NSAPI plug-ins.

Developer’s Guide to NSAPI

(Updated for 7 2004Q2) Information and instructions on the configuration, management, and deployment of the Sun Java System Application Server subsystems and components, from both the Administration interface and the command-line interface. Topics include cluster management, the high-availability database, load balancing, and session persistence. A comprehensive Sun Java System Application Server glossary is included.

Administration Guide

(Updated for 7 2004Q2) Editing Sun Java System Application Server configuration files, such as the server.xml file.

Administrator’s Configuration File Reference

Configuring and administering security for the Sun Java System Application Server operational environment. Includes information on general security, certificates, and SSL/TLS encryption. HTTP server-based security is also addressed.

Administrator’s Guide to Security

Configuring and administering service provider implementation for J2EE™ Connector Architecture (CA) connectors for the Sun Java System Application Server. Topics include the Administration Tool, Pooling Monitor, deploying a JCA connector, and sample connectors and sample applications.

J2EE CA Service Provider Implementation Administrator’s Guide

(Updated for 7 2004Q2) Migrating your applications to the new Sun Java System Application Server programming model, specifically from iPlanet Application Server 6.x and Sun ONE Application Server 7.0. Includes a sample migration.

Migrating and Redeploying Server Applications Guide

(Updated for 7 2004Q2) How and why to tune your Sun Java System Application Server to improve performance.

Performance Tuning Guide

(Updated for 7 2004Q2) Information on solving Sun Java System Application Server problems.

Troubleshooting Guide

(Updated for 7 2004Q2) Information on solving Sun Java System Application Server error messages.

Error Message Reference

(Updated for 7 2004Q2) Utility commands available with the Sun Java System Application Server; written in manpage style.

Utility Reference Manual

Using the Sun™ Java System Message Queue 3.5 software.

The Sun Java System Message Queue documentation at: prod/s1.s1msgqu

How This Guide Is Organized

This guide provides a Sun Java System Application Server environment overview for designing programs, and includes the following topics:

Finally, a Glossary and Index are provided.

Related Information

You can find a directory of URLs for the official specifications at install_dir/docs/index.htm. Additionally, the following resources may be useful:

General J2EE Information:

Core J2EE Patterns: Best Practices and Design Strategies by Deepak Alur, John Crupi, & Dan Malks, Prentice Hall Publishing

Java Security, by Scott Oaks, O’Reilly Publishing

Programming with Servlets and JSPs:

Java Servlet Programming, by Jason Hunter, O’Reilly Publishing

Java Threads, 2nd Edition, by Scott Oaks & Henry Wong, O’Reilly Publishing

Programming with EJB components:

Enterprise JavaBeans, by Richard Monson-Haefel, O’Reilly Publishing

Programming with JDBC:

Database Programming with JDBC and Java, by George Reese, O’Reilly Publishing

JDBC Database Access With Java: A Tutorial and Annotated Reference (Java Series), by Graham Hamilton, Rick Cattell, & Maydene Fisher

Documentation Conventions

This section describes the types of conventions used throughout this guide:

General Conventions

The following general conventions are used in this guide:

Conventions Referring to Directories

By default, when using the Solaris package-based or Linux RPM-based installation, the application server files are spread across several root directories. This guide uses the following document conventions to correspond to the various default installation directories provided:

Contacting Sun

You might want to contact Sun Microsystems in order to:

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If you have general feedback on the product or documentation, please send this to:

Obtain Training

Application Server training courses are available at:

Visit this site often for new course availability on the Sun Java System Application Server.

Contact Product Support

If you have problems with your system, contact customer support using one of the following mechanisms:

Please have the following information available prior to contacting support. This helps to ensure that our support staff can best assist you in resolving problems:

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