C H A P T E R  7

Patching Software on a Solaris Cluster

When you are patching the software on the cluster, consult the patch README and your hardware documentation for any information about patch dependencies or special installation instructions. You can add a patch to the cluster during initial cluster installation with the nhinstall tool by adding the patch details to the addon.conf file. For further information, see the addon.conf4 and nhinstall1M man pages.

For information about how to manually add a patch to the Netra HA Suite software and Solaris packages, see the following sections:

About Patching Software on a Solaris Cluster

Some Netra HA Suite packages are shared and some are not shared. A patch for a shared package is installed on the master node only. A patch for a nonshared package is installed on all peer nodes for which the patch is relevant.

Before you install a patch, consider the following:

The patch database holds information about the patches. The information is node-specific for patches that are applied to nonshared packages. The database describes the file system where the patch contents are installed. To view the patches that are currently installed on a node, use the patchadd p command. For further information, see the patchadd1M man page.

Choosing a Procedure to Patch Software on a Cluster

You can patch the following packages. The path to the patch database for each package and a pointer to how to install the patch are also provided.

Overwriting Modified Netra HA Suite Files

The following patches overwrite Netra HA Suite files:

If you install one of these patches, you must reinstall the Netra HA Suite software.

Patching a Nonshared Package on Both Master-Eligible Nodes

This section describes how to patch a nonshared package on the master-eligible nodes. You must install the patch on both master-eligible nodes.

procedure icon  To Patch a Nonshared Package on Both Master-Eligible Nodes

  1. Log in to a master-eligible node as superuser.

  2. Consult the patch README for the patchid and for any constraints on applying this patch.

    Constraints can include the requirement to be in single-user mode, or the requirement to stop the node or the cluster.

  3. Copy the patch to the /var/spool/patch directory.

    The /var/spool/patch directory is the default directory where the patchadd command looks for a patch.

  4. Take steps to comply with any constraints described in the patch README.

  5. Apply the patch.

    • If you have copied the patch to /var/spool/patch, install the patch as follows:

      # patchadd patchid

    • If you have not copied the patch to /var/spool/patch, specify the location of the patch by using the -M option of the patchadd command:

      # patchadd -M patch-directory patchid

  6. Verify that the patch has been installed:

    # patchadd -p

    A list of all patches on the node is displayed on the screen.

    # patchadd -p | grep patchid

    The patch for which you specified the patchid is displayed if this patch is installed.

  7. Verify that the node is configured correctly:

    # nhadm check

    For more verification procedures, see Chapter 3.

  8. Log in to the second master-eligible node as superuser.

  9. Repeat Step 3 through Step 7.

Patching a Dataless Node

This section describes how to install a patch on a dataless node. You must install the patch on each dataless node.

procedure icon  To Patch a Dataless Node

  1. Log in to a dataless node as superuser.

  2. Perform Step 2 through Step 7 of To Patch a Nonshared Package on Both Master-Eligible Nodes.

  3. Repeat Step 1 and Step 2 for each dataless node in the cluster.

Patching a Diskless Node

Solaris packages for diskless nodes are installed on the master node, in the /usr directory or the root directory. Before proceeding, determine whether the package you want to patch is installed in the /usr directory or the root directory.

For information about how to apply a patch to a package installed in the /usr directory, see To Patch the /usr Directory for Diskless Nodes. For information about how to apply a patch to a package installed in the root directory, see To Patch the root File System for Diskless Nodes.

Patching the /usr Directory for a Diskless Node

This section describes how to apply a patch to a package installed in the /usr directory for diskless nodes. The /usr directory is common to the diskless nodes in a cluster.

procedure icon  To Patch the /usr Directory for Diskless Nodes

  1. Log in to the master node as superuser.

    The master node must be running the Foundation Services when you install a patch for diskless nodes.

  2. Perform Step 2 through Step 4 of To Patch a Nonshared Package on Both Master-Eligible Nodes.

  3. Apply the patch.

    • If you have copied the patch to /var/spool/patch, install the patch as follows:

      # patchadd -S target-OS patchid

      Possible values for target-OS are Solaris_9 or Solaris_10.

    • If you have not copied the patch to /var/spool/patch, specify the location of the patch (patch-directory) by using the -M option of the patchadd command:

      # patchadd -M patch-directory -S target-OS patchid

  4. Verify that the patch has been installed:

    # patchadd -p target-OS

    where target-OS is the Solaris Operating System. For example, Solaris_9 or Solaris_10.

    A list of all patches on the node is displayed on the screen.

  5. Verify that the node is configured correctly:

    # nhadm check

    For more verification procedures, see Chapter 3.

Patching the root Directory for Diskless Nodes

This section describes how to apply a patch to a package installed in the root directory for diskless nodes.

procedure icon  To Patch the root File System for Diskless Nodes

  1. Log in to the master node as superuser.

    The master node must be running Netra HA Suite when you install a patch for diskless nodes.

  2. Perform Step 2 through Step 4 of To Patch a Nonshared Package on Both Master-Eligible Nodes.

  3. Apply the patch for a diskless node:

    • If you have copied the patch to /var/spool/patch, install the patch as follows:

      # patchadd -R /export/root/diskless-node-name patchid

    • If you have not copied the patch to /var/spool/patch, specify the location of the patch using the -M option of the patchadd command:

      # patchadd -M patch-directory -R /export/root/diskless-node-name \

  4. Reboot the diskless node as described in To Perform a Clean Reboot of a Linux Node.

  5. Verify that the patch has been installed:

    # patchadd -p -R /export/root/diskless-name

    A list of all patches on the node is displayed on the screen.

  6. Verify that the node is configured correctly:

    # nhadm check

    For more verification procedures, see Chapter 3.

  7. Repeat Step 3 through Step 6 for each diskless node with an /export/root/diskless-name directory on the master node.

Patching a Shared Package

This section describes how to install a patch on a shared Netra HA Suite package.

procedure icon  To Patch a Shared Package on a Cluster

  1. Log in to the master node as superuser.

    The master node must be running the Foundation Services when you install a shared package.

  2. Perform Step 2 through Step 4 of To Patch a Nonshared Package on Both Master-Eligible Nodes.

  3. If your cluster was installed by the nhinstall tool, create the INST_RELEASE file used by the patchadd command:

    # nhadm confshare

    For information about nhadm confshare, see the nhadm1Mman page.

  4. Apply the patch.

    • If you have copied the patch to /var/spool/patch, install the patch as follows:

      # patchadd -R /SUNWcgha/local/export/services/ha_3.0 patchid

    • If you have not copied the patch to /var/spool/patch, specify the location of the patch by using the -M option of the patchadd command:

      # patchadd -M patch-directory -R \
      /SUNWcgha/local/export/services/ha_3.0 patchid

  5. Verify that the patch has been installed:

    # patchadd -p -R /SUNWcgha/local/export/services/ha_3.0

    A list of all patches on the node is displayed on the screen.

    You can also search for a specific patch as follows:

    # patchadd -p -R /SUNWcgha/local/export/services/ha_3.0 | \grep 

  6. If you stopped the cluster to install the patch, restart the cluster.

    For information, see To Restart a Cluster.

  7. Verify that the node is configured correctly:

    # nhadm check

    For more verification procedures, see Chapter 3.