

.rhosts, summary of, 1, 2
/etc/hostname.hme, network configuration file, 1
/etc/hosts file
avoiding naming service conflicts, 1
definingloghost, 1
names of nodes, 1
network configuration file, 1
/etc/nodename, network configuration file, 1
/usr directory, patching for diskless nodes, 1

, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6


abrupt halt
on Linux, 1
on the Solaris OS, 1
abrupt poweroff, on the Solaris OS, 1
abrupt reboot
on Linux, 1
on the Solaris OS, 1
adding a node, 1
addressing example
class B, 1
class C, 1


back up, mirrored data partition
See data partitions, mirrored
boot command, summary of, 1
bootparams database, summary of, 1, 2


on Linux, 1
on the Solaris OS, 1
when to use, 1
verifying a redundant network, 1
viewing the routing table, 1
class B addressing example, 1
class C addressing example, 1
clean halt
on Linux, 1
on the Solaris OS, 1
clean poweroff
on Linux, 1
on the Solaris OS, 1
clean reboot
on Linux, 1
on the Solaris OS, 1
master and vice-master node synchronization, 1
presence of master and vice-master node, 1
Cluster Membership Manager, verifying operation of, 1
cluster network, mapping, 1
cluster_nodes_table, summary of, 1
recovering from failure, 1
requirements for a valid cluster, 1
restarting, 1
shutting down, 1
shutting down, avoiding during disk replacement, 1
correct configuration, 1
daemon operation, 1
network configuration, 1
Reliable Boot Service operation, 1
See also individual command names
, 1
See also individual command names
adding commands to your path, 1
communication, external network configuration, 1
configuration files
Foundation Services, 1
Linux, 1
modifying, 1
Solaris, 1
coreadm.conf file, summary of, 1
crashed daemon, removing links to log files, 1


Daemon Monitor
debugging daemons, 1
removing links to logfiles, 1
verifyingthat a daemon is running on a node, 1
data and attribute caching
on Linux, 1
on Solaris, 1
when to use, 1
data caches, impact to performance, 1
data partitions, mirrored
adding on a virtual disk
on Linux, 1
on the Solaris OS, 1
backing up on a physical disk
on Linux, 1
on the Solaris OS, 1
deleting on Linux, 1
increasing size on a physical disk
on Linux, 1
on the Solaris OS, 1
increasing size on a virtual disk
on Linux, 1
on the Solaris OS, 1
data replication, viewing routing table, 1
dataless node
patching, 1, 2
replacing a disk, 1
shutting down, 1
applications using thesnoop command, 1
diskless nodes, 1
deleting partitions on Linux, 1
dfstab file, summary of, 1
DHCP configuration, modifying, 1
disk partition
change size on the Solaris OS, 1
display configuration
on Linux, 1
on the Solaris OS, 1
modify configuration on the Solaris OS, 1
on master-eligible nodes
on Linux, 1
on the Solaris OS, 1
disk, replacing
on a dataless node, 1
on a vice-master node, 1
on two master-eligible nodes, 1
diskless nodes
debugging, 1
examining, 1
/usr directory, 1
root directory, 1
shutting down, 1
Domain Name System (DNS), avoiding naming conflicts, 1
DRBD metadata, defined, 1
dump command
backing up a mirrored data partition on a physical disk, Linux, 1
summary of, 1


errors, checking for, 1
Ethernet addresses, identifying, 1
external access, to peer node, 1
external communication
configuring, 1
examining network configuration, 1


failure, recovering clusters from, 1
See also individual file names
, 1
See also individual file names
nonshared files, 1
shared files, 1
synchronizing, 1
filesystems, growing
on Linux, 1
on the Solaris OS, 1
floating address triplet, examining configuration of, 1
floating external address, examining
ifconfig output, 1
nhfs.conf configuration file, 1
Node State Manager configuration, 1
format command
disk partition configuration
displaying, 1
modifying, 1
summary of, 1
Foundation Services
administration tools, 1
configuration files, 1
modifying configurationfiles, 1
patching, 1
restarting, 1
stopping, 1
stopping and restarting the Daemon Monitor, 1


growing a file system
growfs command on the Solaris OS, 1
resize2fs command on Linux, 1


halt, clean node halt
on Linux, 1
on the Solaris OS, 1
highly available services, minimum criteria, 1
hostname., 1
hosts file, summary of, 1, 2


ifconfig command
examining network configuration, 1
summary of, 1, 2
in.dhcp daemon, verifying operation, 1
inetd.conf file, summary of, 1, 2
inittab file, summary of, 1, 2
IP address
example of class B, 1
example of class C, 1


administration tools, 1
files modified to use the Netra HA Suite software, 1
log files
accessing, 1
configuring system log files, 1
logging NFS operations, 1
maintaining, 1
message categories, 1
redirecting log message to files, 1
removing old log files, 1
log messages, redirecting to nonpeer node, 1
loghost, defining in/etc/hosts file, 1


man pages, adding to your path, 1
master node
examining Node State Manager configuration, 1
external floating address, 1
floating address triplet, 1
shutting down, 1
verifying the presence of, 1
master-eligible node
disk partitions
on Linux, 1
on the Solaris OS, 1
replacing disks without shutdown, 1
configuring categories, 1
high volume traffic, 1
redirecting to a nonpeer node, 1
mirrored data partitionSee data partition
monitored daemon, verifying daemon is running on a node, 1
mount command, summary of, 1, 2
mount options, usingO_SYNC orO_DSYNC, 1


names of nodes, avoiding conflicts between, 1
naming services, guidelines for configuration, 1
identifying from theifconfig output, 1
summary of, 1, 2
netstat command
examining network configuration, 1
summary of, 1, 2
viewing the routing table, 1
netstat r command, description of output, 1
network cards, identifying Ethernet addresses, 1
network configuration
dataless node, 1
diskless node, 1
examining, 1, 2
floating addresstriplet, 1
verify for the cluster, 1
vice-master node, 1
network configuration file
/etc/hostname.hmex, 1
/etc/hosts, 1
/etc/nodename, 1
Network Information Services, avoiding naming conflicts, 1
network interface, determining status of, 1
network topology map, 1
logging NFS operations, 1
traffic, avoid disruption of, 1
nhadm command
cluster startup, 1
network configuration, 1
comparing the content of files, 1
examining network configuration, 1
subcommands, 1
summary of, 1
cluster configuration, 1
peer node communcation, 1
nhadmsync.conf file, editing to compare files, 1
nhcmmd command, verifying operation, 1
nhcmmqualif command, summary of, 1
nhcmmrole command, summary of, 1
nhcmmstat command
finding the role of a node, 1
subcommands, 1
summary of, 1
triggering switchover, 1
verifying existence of vice-master node, 1
nhcmmstat command, finding the role of a node, 1
nhcrfsadm command, summary of, 1
nhenablesync command, summary of, 1
nhfs.conf file, summary of, 1
nhpmdadm command, summary of, 1
NIS, avoiding naming conflicts, 1
nma.notifs.txt file, summary of, 1
nma.params.txt file, summary of, 1 file, summary of, 1 file, summary of, 1
nma.targets.txt file, summary of, 1
noac option
on Linux, 1
on the Solaris OS, 1
when to set, 1
nodeid, identifying from theifconfig output, 1
nodename file, summary of, 1
abrupt halt
on Linux, 1
on the Solaris OS, 1
abrupt poweroff on the Solaris OS, 1
abrupt reboot
on Linux, 1
on the Solaris OS, 1
adding, 1
clean halt
on Linux, 1
on the Solaris OS, 1
clean poweroff
on Linux, 1
on the Solaris OS, 1
clean reboot
on Linux, 1
on the Solaris OS, 1
configuring for external communication, 1
debugging diskless nodes, 1
determining role of, 1
predefined, 1
restarting, 1
shutting down, 1
verifying a daemon is running on, 1
nonpeer node, system log messages from peer nodes, 1
nonshared files, managing, 1
nonshared packages, patching
list of packages to patch, 1
on dataless nodes
on Linux, 1
on the Solaris OS, 1
on master-eligible nodes
on Linux, 1
on the Solaris OS, 1
not_configured file
creating, 1
use of, 1
notrouter file, summary of, 1
nsswitch.conf file, summary of, 1, 2


O_SYNC andO_DSYNC mount options, when to use, 1


packages, patching
on Linux, 1
on the Solaris OS, 1
parted command
displaying disk partition configuration, 1
summary of, 1
partitionSee data partition
patchadd command, summary of, 1
/usr directory for diskless nodes, 1
choosing a procedure, 1
introduction, 1, 2
nonshared packages on a dataless node
on Linux, 1
on the Solaris OS, 1
nonshared packages on master-eligible nodes
on Linux, 1
on the Solaris OS, 1
planning, 1
root directory on diskless nodes, 1
shared packages, 1
PATH environment variable, adding command and man pages, 1
peer nodes
accessing externally, 1
verifying communication of, 1
performance, impact of data caches and shared file systems, 1
pgrep command, summary of, 1, 2
physical disk
backing up a mirrored data partition
on Linux, 1
on the Solaris OS, 1
increasing size of a mirrored data partition
on Linux, 1
on the Solaris OS, 1
pkill command, summary of, 1, 2
abrupt node halt
on Linux, 1
on the Solaris OS, 1
abrupt node poweroff, on the Solaris OS, 1
clean node poweroff
on Linux, 1
on the Solaris OS, 1
predefined node
determining whether a cluster has them, 1
summary of, 1
profile file, summary of, 1
ps command, summary of, 1


rdc.conf, reconfiguring the scoreboard bitmap, 1
abrupt node reboot
on Linux, 1
on the Solaris OS, 1
clean node reboot
on Linux, 1
on the Solaris OS, 1
reboot command, summary of, 1, 2
recovering a failed cluster, 1
redundant network, verifying existence of, 1
Reliable NFS
logging NFS operations, 1
verifying it is running, 1
ReliableBoot Service, verifying operation of, 1
replacing a disk
on a dataless node, 1
on a vice-master node, 1
on master-eligible nodes without shutdown, 1
replacing Ethernet cards
on a dataless node, 1
on a diskless node
with the DHCP dynamic boot policy, 1
with the DHCP static boot policy, 1
on a vice-master node node, 1
replication, viewing the routing table, 1
resize2fs command, growing a file system on Linux, 1
a node, 1
clusters, 1
nodes, 1
restore backup
restore command, on Linux, 1
ufsrestore command, on the Solaris OS, 1
restore command
restoring a backup on Linux, 1
summary of, 1
role of a node, determining, 1
route, summary of, 1, 2
routing table, viewing, 1
rpm command, summary of, 1


scoreboard bitmap
changing location of, 1
configuration of, 1
restarting, 1
stopping, 1
services file, summary of, 1, 2
shared file systems, impact to performance, 1
shared files, managing, 1
shared packages, patching
on Linux, 1
on the Solaris OS, 1
shutting down
a cluster, 1
diskless node or dataless node, 1
master node, 1
nodes, 1
vice-masternode, 1
snoop command, debugging diskless nodes, 1
Solaris configuration files modified for Netra HA Suite software, 1
Solaris Operating System
administration tools, 1
patching, 1
strace command, summary of, 1
nhcmmstat, 1
triggering, 1
switchover, triggering, 1
of files, 1
verifying of masternode and vice-master node, 1
configuring, 1
summary of, 1, 2
system file
summary of, 1
synchronization of, 1
system log files
accessing, 1
configuring system log files, 1
logging NFS operations, 1
maintaining, 1
message categories, 1
redirecting log message to files, 1
removing old log files, 1


adding tools to your path, 1
examining network configuration, 1
Foundation Services administration tools, 1
Linux administration tools, 1
Solaris administration tools, 1
truss command, summary of, 1


ufrestore, restoring a backup, 1
ufsdump command
backing up mirrored data partition on physical disk, 1
summary of, 1
ufsrestore command, summary of, 1


vfstab command, summary of, 1, 2
vice-master node
replacing a disk, 1
shutting down, 1
verifying the presence of, 1
virtual disk
adding a mirrored data partition
on Linux, 1
on the Solaris OS, 1
increasing the size of a mirrored data partition
on Linux, 1