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Oracle Solaris Cluster Data Service for Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Guide
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Installing and Configuring HA for TimesTen

A.  HA for TimesTen Extension Properties

B.  Deployment Example: Installing HA for TimesTen in a Failover Configuration

Target Cluster Configuration

Software Configuration


Installing and Configuring HA for TimesTen on Shared Storage

Example: Configuring Cluster Resources for TimesTen

Example: Preparing the Cluster for TimesTen

Example: Installing TimesTen Software on Shared Storage

Example: Enabling TimesTen Software to Run in the Cluster

C.  Deployment Example: Installing HA for TimesTen in an Active-Active Configuration

D.  Deployment Example: Installing HA for TimesTen in a Scalable Subscriber Configuration


Example: Installing TimesTen Software on Shared Storage

These steps illustrate how to install TimesTen software on shared storage.

  1. Create the home directory for the TimesTen user.
    zone1# mkdir /global/mnt3/timesten
  2. Change the ownership of the timesten directory.
    zone1# chown -R timesten:timesten /global/mnt3/timesten
  3. Create the /etc/TimesTen directory and set the permission for the timesten user.
    zone1# mkdir /etc/TimesTen
    zone1# chgrp -R timesten /etc/TimesTen
    zone1# chmod 775 /etc/TimesTen
    zone2# mkdir /etc/TimesTen
    zone2# chgrp -R timesten /etc/TimesTen
    zone2# chmod 775 /etc/TimesTen
  4. Log in as the TimesTen user.
    zone1# su - timesten
    zone2# su - timesten
  5. Create the data directory on shared storage.
    zone1$ mkdir /global/mnt3/timesten/data
  6. Create a .profile file in the TimesTen user's home directory.

    Add the following lines to the .profile file to set the necessary environment for logical hostname ha-host-1.

    zone1# vi .profile
    export LD_PRELOAD_32=$LD_PRELOAD_32:/usr/cluster/lib/
    export LD_PRELOAD_64=$LD_PRELOAD_64:/usr/cluster/lib/64/
    export SC_LHOSTNAME=ha-host-1
  7. Check the setting.
    zone1# su - timesten
    zone1$ hostname
  8. Change to your software directory and install the TimesTen software.
    zone1$ cd /global/mnt3/repository/
    zone1$ tar xf timesten1121.tar
    zone1$ cd ./solx8664
    zone1$ ./

    Provide the following answers to the questions. Most prompts in this example accept the default.

    Please choose an instance name for this installation? [ tt1121 ] 
    Instance name will be 'tt1121'. Is this correct? [ yes ]
       Of the three components:    
    [1] Client/Server and Data Manager   
    [2] Data Manager Only   
    [3] Client Only  
    Which would you like to install? [ 1 ]  
     Of the following options :    
    [1] /export/tt
    [2] /my-data/solx8664   
    [3] Specify a location   
    [q] Quit the installation  
    Where would you like to install the tt1121 instance of TimesTen? [ 1 ] 3 
    Please specify a directory to install TimesTen? [ /export/tt ] /global/mnt3/timesten  
    Where would you like to create 
    the daemon home directory? [ /global/mnt3/timesten/TimesTen/tt1121/info ] 
    Would you like to specify a different location for the daemon logs? [ no ] 
    Do you want to use the default port number for the TimesTen daemon? [ yes ] 
    Restrict access to the the TimesTen installation to the group 'timesten'? [ yes ]  
    Please enter a value for TNS_ADMIN (s=skip)? [  ] s 
    What is the TCP/IP port number that you want 
    the TimesTen Server to listen n? [ 53389 ] 
    Do you want to install QuickStart and the TimesTen Documentation? [ no ]  
    Would you like to install the documentation (without QuickStart)? [ yes ]  
    Where would you like to create 
    the doc directory (s=skip)? [ /global/mnt3/TimesTen/tt1121/doc ]
  9. Adjust the PATH variable to contain the TimesTen binaries, for convenience.
    zone1$ PATH=$PATH:/global/mnt3/TimesTen/tt1121/bin
    zone1$ export PATH
  10. Create a data store.

    Add the following lines to the /global/mnt3/TimesTen/tt1121/info sys.odbc.ini file.

  11. Connect to the data store.
    zone1$ ttIsql -e "exit;" test
  12. Stop the TimesTen server.
    zone1$ /global/mnt3/TimesTen/tt1121/startup/tt_tt1121 stop
  13. Leave the TimesTen user and exit the non-global zone.