Interface DiscoEntryHandler

public interface DiscoEntryHandler

The class DiscoEntryHandler is an interface that is used to get and set DiscoEntries for a user.

A default implementation will be provided for this discovery service. If you want to handle DiscoEntry differently, implement this interface and set the implementing class to DiscoEntryHandler Plugins Class field in Discovery Service.

Field Summary
static String NEW_ENTRY_IDS
          Key used in method modifyDiscoEntries() return Map.
static String STATUS_CODE
          Key used in method modifyDiscoEntries() return Map.
Method Summary
 Map getDiscoEntries(String userID, List reqServiceTypes)
          Finds all the discovery entries for a user.
 Map modifyDiscoEntries(String userID, List removes, List inserts)
          Modifies discovery entries for a user.

Field Detail


static final String STATUS_CODE
Key used in method modifyDiscoEntries() return Map. The value of this key is status code String such as "OK", "Failed", etc.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final String NEW_ENTRY_IDS
Key used in method modifyDiscoEntries() return Map. The value of this key is a List of entryIds for the entries that were added.

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Method Detail


Map getDiscoEntries(String userID,
                    List reqServiceTypes)
Finds all the discovery entries for a user.

userID - The user whose discovery entries will be returned.
reqServiceTypes - List of objects from discovery query.
Map of entryId and objects for this user. For each DiscoEntry element in the List, the entryId attribute of ResourceOffering should be set.


Map modifyDiscoEntries(String userID,
                       List removes,
                       List inserts)
Modifies discovery entries for a user.

userID - The user whose discovery entries will be set.
removes - List of jaxb objects.
inserts - List of jaxb objects.
Map which contains the following key value pairs: Key: DiscoEntryHandler.STATUS_CODE Value: status code String such as "OK", "Failed", etc. Key: DiscoEntryHandler.NEW_ENTRY_IDS Value: List of entryIds for the entries that were added. The second key/value pair will only exist when status code is "OK", and there are InsertEntry elements in the Modify request. When successful, all modification (removes and inserts) should be done. No partial changes should be done.