Class LogReader

  extended by com.sun.identity.log.LogReader

public class LogReader
extends Object

LogReader class provides mechanism to read a log file to the caller. It does the authorization check, reads line from the file, applies the query (if any), collects most recent records, sorts the records, and returns the result in a two dimensional String. Where columns in the the first row, i.e. 0th row, always holds the header info (field names) present in the ELF formatted file. Other rows hold the value present under those columns.

Method Summary
static ArrayList getLogFields()
          Returns the names of the Log Fields that are selected for logging in the Logging Service template, plus the mandatory "time" and "Data" fields.
static Set getLogNames()
          Returns the names of the Log Files or Tables.
static long getSize(String logName)
          Returns the number of LogRecords in the specified table in the DB.
static int getSizeUnits()
          Returns the units (LogConstants.NUM_BYTES or LogConstants.NUM_RECORDS) that applies to the value returned by getSize(logName).
static String[][] read(Set fileNames, LogQuery logQuery, Object userCrdential)
          Retrieves specific records in a given sorted order on specific field (if user specifies valid sorting by field).
static String[][] read(String fileName, LogQuery logQuery, Object userCrdential)
          Retrieves specific records in a given sorted order on specific field (if user specifies valid sorting by field).
static String[][] read(String fileName, Object userCrdential)
          Reads the specified log file provided the user has the authorization.
static String[][] read(String logName, String logType, LogQuery logQuery, Object userCrdential)
          Retrieves records from log file provided it has the required authorization.
static String[][] read(String logName, String logType, Object userCrdential)
          Retrieves records from a log file provided the user has the required authorization.
static String[][] read(String logname, String logtype, String timeStamp, LogQuery logQuery, Object userCrdential)
          Reads a log file provided it has the required authorization.
static String[][] read(String logName, String logType, String timeStamp, Object userCrdential)
          Reads a log file provided the user has the authorization.

Method Detail


public static int getSizeUnits()
Returns the units (LogConstants.NUM_BYTES or LogConstants.NUM_RECORDS) that applies to the value returned by getSize(logName).

the units applying to the return value of getSize(logName), LogConstants.NUM_BYTES (in the case of File logging), or LogConstants.NUM_RECORDS (in the case of DB logging).
Exception - if unrecoverable problem occurs, that is beyond its control.


public static long getSize(String logName)
Returns the number of LogRecords in the specified table in the DB. In the case where logging is to a file, the number of bytes in the specified file is returned. Use getSizeUnits() to get which units apply.

logName - the name of the Table or File.
the number of LogRecords (in the DB table), or number of bytes (in the file).
IOException - if file does not exist.
Exception - if unrecoverable problem occurs, that is beyond its control.


public static Set getLogNames()
Returns the names of the Log Files or Tables. The Set of names is what is found in the directory or DB, filtered through a default list of names. Thus, log files or tables with custom names will not be included. This does not preclude querying those log files or tables with custom names.

the Log File/Table names in a Set.


public static ArrayList getLogFields()
Returns the names of the Log Fields that are selected for logging in the Logging Service template, plus the mandatory "time" and "Data" fields.

the Field/Column names in an ArrayList.


public static String[][] read(String fileName,
                              Object userCrdential)
Reads the specified log file provided the user has the authorization. It reads all records and returns them without any modification. This query ignores the max record parameter set through configuration. This API is present to support log verifier requirement.

fileName - the filename without path to be read.
userCrdential - user credential to check authorization.
results in a two dimensional String, where columns in the the first row always hold the field names present in the file. Other rows hold the values present under those column.
IOException - if interrupted or failed to do I/O.
NoSuchFieldException - if invalid field has been specified.
IllegalArgumentException - when inappropriate argument specified.
RuntimeException - when it has been caught in any phase.
Exception - if unrecoverable problem occurs, that is beyond its control.


public static String[][] read(String logName,
                              String logType,
                              Object userCrdential)
Retrieves records from a log file provided the user has the required authorization. It identifies the filename using logname and type. It reads all records from the file but returns the maximum number of most recent records set through configuration.

logName - an identifier and is a part of file name to be read.
logType - the components of file name that will be read. it could be either of "access", "error" or "system".
userCrdential - user credential to check authorization.
results in a two dimensional String, where columns in the the first row always hold the field names present in the file. Other rows hold the values present under those column.
IOException - if interrupted or failed to do I/O.
NoSuchFieldException - if invalid field has been specified.
IllegalArgumentException - when inappropriate argument specified.
RuntimeException - when it has been caught in any phase.
Exception - if unrecoverable problem occurs, that is beyond its control.


public static String[][] read(String logName,
                              String logType,
                              String timeStamp,
                              Object userCrdential)
Reads a log file provided the user has the authorization. It reads all records but returns the maximum number of most recent records set through configuration.

logName - an identifier and is a part of file name to be read.
logType - the components of filename to be read, not null.
timeStamp - last component of filename to be read and not null.
userCrdential - user credential for authorization check.
results in a two dimensional String, where columns in the the first row always hold the field names present in the file. Other rows hold the values present under those column.
IOException - if interrupted or failed to do I/O.
NoSuchFieldException - if invalid field has been specified.
IllegalArgumentException - when inappropriate argument specified.
RuntimeException - when it has been caught in any phase.
Exception - if unrecoverable problem occurs, that is beyond its control.


public static String[][] read(String logName,
                              String logType,
                              LogQuery logQuery,
                              Object userCrdential)
Retrieves records from log file provided it has the required authorization. It reads all records applies query and returns the result as asked by the caller.

logName - an identifier and is a part of file name to be read.
logType - the components of filename to be read.
logQuery - contains search criteria details.
userCrdential - user credential for authorization check.
results in a two dimensional String, where columns in the the first row always hold the field names present in the file. Other rows hold the values present under those column.
IOException - if interrupted or failed to do I/O.
NoSuchFieldException - if invalid field has been specified.
IllegalArgumentException - when inappropriate argument specified.
RuntimeException - when it has been caught in any phase.
Exception - if unrecoverable problem occurs, that is beyond its control.


public static String[][] read(String logname,
                              String logtype,
                              String timeStamp,
                              LogQuery logQuery,
                              Object userCrdential)
Reads a log file provided it has the required authorization. It reads all records but returns the maximum number of most recent records (if asked) those meet the caller's requirement as specified through query.

logname - an identifier and is a part of file name to be read.
logtype - the components of filename to be read.
timeStamp - is the last component of filename to be read and not null.
logQuery - contains search criteria details.
userCrdential - user credential for authorization check.
results in a two dimensional String, where columns in the the first row always hold the field names present in the file. Other rows hold the values present under those column.
IOException - if interrupted or failed to do I/O.
NoSuchFieldException - if invalid field has been specified.
IllegalArgumentException - when inappropriate argument specified.
RuntimeException - when it has been caught in any phase.
Exception - if unrecoverable problem occurs, that is beyond its control.


public static String[][] read(String fileName,
                              LogQuery logQuery,
                              Object userCrdential)
Retrieves specific records in a given sorted order on specific field (if user specifies valid sorting by field). The API also needs the user has a successful authorization.

fileName - filename without path that will be read.
logQuery - contains search criteria details.
userCrdential - user credential for authorization check.
results in a two dimensional String, where columns in the the first row always hold the field names present in the file. Other rows hold the values present under those column.
IOException - if interrupted or failed to do I/O.
NoSuchFieldException - if invalid field has been specified.
IllegalArgumentException - when inappropriate argument specified.
RuntimeException - when it has been caught in any phase.
Exception - if unrecoverable problem occurs, that is beyond its control.


public static String[][] read(Set fileNames,
                              LogQuery logQuery,
                              Object userCrdential)
Retrieves specific records in a given sorted order on specific field (if user specifies valid sorting by field). The API also needs the user has a successful authorization.

fileNames - set of filenames without path that will be read
logQuery - contains search criteria details
userCrdential - user credential for authorization check.
results in a two dimensional String, where columns in the the first row always hold the field names present in the file. Other rows hold the values present under those column.
IOException - if interrupted or failed to do I/O.
NoSuchFieldException - if invalid field has been specified.
IllegalArgumentException - when inappropriate argument specified.
RuntimeException - when it has been caught in any phase.
Exception - if unrecoverable problem occurs, that is beyond its control.