System Administration Guide: Basic Administration
Numbers and Symbols
 4.3 Tahoe file system ( Index Term Link )
 9660 CD format ( Index Term Link )
  disk devices ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  pathnames for removable media ( Index Term Link )
  removable media (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  tape devices ( Index Term Link )
  a device driver (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  a disk (overview)
   IA ( Index Term Link )
   SPARC ( Index Term Link )
  a package, example of ( Index Term Link )
  a package from a mounted CD (example of) ( Index Term Link )
  a peripheral device (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  a SCSI device to a SCSI bus (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  diskless client OS services (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  entry to /etc/vfstab file (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  hot-pluggable USB camera (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  multiple versions of a package ( Index Term Link )
  packages (prerequisites) ( Index Term Link )
  packages from a spool directory (example of) ( Index Term Link )
  packages from remote package server (example of) ( Index Term Link )
  packages to a spool directory (example of) ( Index Term Link )
  packages with administration files ( Index Term Link )
  packages with base directory ( Index Term Link )
  PCI adapter card (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  preparing to add OS services for diskless clients (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  run control script (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  server and client support
   description ( Index Term Link )
  software with Solaris Product Registry ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  software with Solaris Web Start ( Index Term Link )
  swap to vfstab ( Index Term Link )
  USB audio device ( Index Term Link )
  USB mass storage device with vold running ( Index Term Link )
  USB mass storage device without vold running ( Index Term Link )
  user initialization files ( Index Term Link )
  adding and removing packages
   overview ( Index Term Link )
  adding packages (how to) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  removing packages (how to) ( Index Term Link )
 aging user passwords ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 aliases, user login names vs. ( Index Term Link )
 allocated inodes ( Index Term Link )
 appliances, definition ( Index Term Link )
  files to multiple diskettes with cpio command (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  for older SunOS releases with cpio command (how to) ( Index Term Link )
 AutoClient, definition ( Index Term Link )
 autoconfiguration process ( Index Term Link )
 autofs ( Index Term Link )
  and /home ( Index Term Link )
  user home directories ( Index Term Link )
 backing up
  a UFS snapshot with the tar command (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  and restoring file systems
   commands for ( Index Term Link )
   definition ( Index Term Link )
  choosing file systems to ( Index Term Link )
  file systems to tape (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  full and incremental, defined ( Index Term Link )
  preparing for (overview) ( Index Term Link )
  reasons for ( Index Term Link )
  types of ( Index Term Link )
  UFS snapshot (full) (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  UFS snapshot information (incremental) (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  device names ( Index Term Link )
  full (level 0) backup to tape (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  record of incremental ( Index Term Link )
 backup schedules
  daily cumulative, weekly cumulative backups ( Index Term Link )
  daily cumulative, weekly incremental backups ( Index Term Link )
  daily incremental, weekly cumulative backups ( Index Term Link )
  examples ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  for a server ( Index Term Link )
  guidelines for ( Index Term Link )
  recommendations ( Index Term Link )
  using dump levels for ( Index Term Link )
 bad block numbers ( Index Term Link )
 bad inode number ( Index Term Link )
 bad superblock ( Index Term Link )
 banner command (PROM) ( Index Term Link )
 bar command, retrieving files created with (how to) ( Index Term Link )
 base directory (basedir) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 basedir keyword (administration files) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 becoming superuser (root) ( Index Term Link )
 bin group ( Index Term Link )
 block disk device interface
  defined ( Index Term Link )
  when to use ( Index Term Link )
  bad ( Index Term Link )
  boot ( Index Term Link )
  data ( Index Term Link )
  directory data ( Index Term Link )
  duplicate ( Index Term Link )
  free ( Index Term Link )
  indirect ( Index Term Link )
  logical size ( Index Term Link )
  regular data ( Index Term Link )
  special inodes ( Index Term Link )
 boot block ( Index Term Link )
 boot-from PROM setting ( Index Term Link )
 boot process
  description (SPARC) ( Index Term Link )
  IA ( Index Term Link )
 boot types, description ( Index Term Link )
  a diskless client (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  a system, guidelines ( Index Term Link )
  and PC BIOS ( Index Term Link )
  for recovery purposes (how to)
   IA ( Index Term Link )
   SPARC ( Index Term Link )
  from the network
   IA ( Index Term Link )
   SPARC ( Index Term Link )
  interactively (how to)
   IA ( Index Term Link )
   SPARC ( Index Term Link )
  the Solaris Device Configuration Assistant (how to)
   IA ( Index Term Link )
  to force a crash dump and reboot (how to)
   IA ( Index Term Link )
   SPARC ( Index Term Link )
  to run level 3
   SPARC ( Index Term Link )
  to run level 3 (how to)
   IA ( Index Term Link )
  to run level S
   SPARC ( Index Term Link )
  to run level S (how to)
   IA ( Index Term Link )
  with the kernel debugger (how to)
   IA ( Index Term Link )
   SPARC ( Index Term Link )
 Bourne shell
  basic features ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  environment variables and ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  shell (local) variables and ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  user initialization files and ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 Break key ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 BSD Fat Fast File system ( Index Term Link )
 bus-oriented disk controllers ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 bytes (number per inode) ( Index Term Link )
 C shell
  basic features ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  environment variables and ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  shell (local) variables and ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  user initialization files and ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 CacheFS file systems
  checking with fsck command (example of) ( Index Term Link )
  checking with fsck command (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  collecting CacheFS statistics (overview) ( Index Term Link )
  creating (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  creating a packing list (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  deleting (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  displaying information about (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  displaying packed files (example of) ( Index Term Link )
  displaying packed files (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  locating CacheFS log file ( Index Term Link )
  mounting (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  overview ( Index Term Link )
  packing files in the cache (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  packing with cachefspack command (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  packing with cachefspack command (overview) ( Index Term Link )
  parameters ( Index Term Link )
  setting up CacheFS logging (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  stopping CacheFS logging ( Index Term Link )
  troubleshooting cachefspack errors ( Index Term Link )
  unpacking files (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  viewing CacheFS statistics ( Index Term Link )
  viewing working set (cache) size ( Index Term Link )
 cachefspack command
  how to use ( Index Term Link )
  overview ( Index Term Link )
 cartridge tape, retensioning ( Index Term Link )
 causes of file system damage ( Index Term Link )
 CD-ROM devices
  adding software from mounted CD
   example of ( Index Term Link )
 CDPATH environment variable ( Index Term Link )
 cdrw command
  checking CD media (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  copying a CD (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  creating a multi-session data CD (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  creating an audio CD (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  description ( Index Term Link )
  erasing CD-RW media (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  extracting an audio track on a CD (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  identifying CD media (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  restricting access to (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  writing data and audio CDs (overview) ( Index Term Link )
  ISO 9660 format ( Index Term Link )
  names ( Index Term Link )
   SPARC vs. IA format ( Index Term Link )
  PCI hot-plugging (overview) ( Index Term Link )
  SCSI hot-plugging (overview) ( Index Term Link )
 cfsadmin command ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  default boot device
   SPARC ( Index Term Link )
  directory ownership for user accounts ( Index Term Link )
  file ownership for user accounts ( Index Term Link )
  primary USB audio device (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  user ID numbers ( Index Term Link )
  user login names ( Index Term Link )
  user passwords
   by user ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
   frequency of ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
   Users Tool ( Index Term Link )
 character special inodes ( Index Term Link )
  and repairing file systems ( Index Term Link )
  CacheFS file systems (example of) ( Index Term Link )
  CacheFS file systems (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  CD media (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  file system size ( Index Term Link )
  file systems interactively ( Index Term Link )
  format and type of inodes ( Index Term Link )
  free blocks ( Index Term Link )
  free inodes ( Index Term Link )
  inode list for consistency ( Index Term Link )
  installed packages (example of) ( Index Term Link )
 clean shutdown ( Index Term Link )
 clri command ( Index Term Link )
 collecting, CacheFS statistics (overview) ( Index Term Link )
  a SCSI controller with cfgadm command (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  a SCSI device with cfgadm command (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  a USB device(how to) ( Index Term Link )
  a SCSI controller (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  a USB device(how to) ( Index Term Link )
 controlling file and directory access ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  a CD (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  all files in a directory to tape with cpio command (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  complete file systems (dd) ( Index Term Link )
  directories between file systems with cpio command (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  directories between file systems with cpio command (overview) ( Index Term Link )
  files to diskette (overview) ( Index Term Link )
  files to diskette with tar command (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  files to remote tape with tar and dd commands (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  files to tape with pax command (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  files to tape with tar command (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  files with different header format with cpio command (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  groups of files with cpio command (overview) ( Index Term Link )
  individual files with cpio command (overview) ( Index Term Link )
  removable media information (how to) ( Index Term Link )
 copying disks, with the dd command (how to) ( Index Term Link )
 cp command, copying removable media information (how to) ( Index Term Link )
 cpio command ( Index Term Link )
  copying directories between file systems (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  copying files with different header format (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  extract all files from tape (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  listing files on tape (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  overview ( Index Term Link )
  retrieving specific files from tape (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  a data CD file system (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  a full backup of UFS snapshot information (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  a packing list (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  a Solaris fdisk partition (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  a UFS file system (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  a UFS snapshot
   example of ( Index Term Link )
  a UFS snapshot (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  an audio CD (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  an incremental backup of UFS snapshot (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  compatible archives with cpio command (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  disk slices and labeling a disk (how to)
   IA ( Index Term Link )
   SPARC ( Index Term Link )
  file systems (overview) ( Index Term Link )
  loopback file system (overview) ( Index Term Link )
  multi–session data CD (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  swap file ( Index Term Link )
  temporary file system (TMPFS) (how to) ( Index Term Link )
 .cshrc file
  customizing ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  description ( Index Term Link )
 custom parameters for file systems ( Index Term Link )
 customizing user initialization files (how to) ( Index Term Link )
 cylinder group ( Index Term Link )
 daemon group ( Index Term Link )
 daily cumulative backups ( Index Term Link )
 daily discrete backups ( Index Term Link )
 damage to file systems ( Index Term Link )
 data block ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 data directory blocks ( Index Term Link )
 dd command
  cloning disks (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  copying files to remote tape with tar command (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  overview ( Index Term Link )
  retrieving files from remote tape drive with tar command (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  file system for /tmp (TMPFS) ( Index Term Link )
  mount options ( Index Term Link )
  SunOS file system ( Index Term Link )
 delay (rotational) ( Index Term Link )
  CacheFS file systems (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  diskless client OS services (example of) ( Index Term Link )
  diskless client OS services (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  UFS snapshot information
   example of ( Index Term Link )
  UFS snapshot information (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  user home directories ( Index Term Link )
  user mailboxes ( Index Term Link )
 detecting end of media
  cpio command ( Index Term Link )
  ufsdump command ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  file system types ( Index Term Link )
  mounted file systems ( Index Term Link )
  system's run level (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  tape device name ( Index Term Link )
  type of tape drive ( Index Term Link )
  who is logged in to a system ( Index Term Link )
 /dev/dsk directory ( Index Term Link )
 /dev/rdsk directory ( Index Term Link )
 devfsadm command ( Index Term Link )
 device driver
  adding ( Index Term Link )
  defined ( Index Term Link )
 device instance name ( Index Term Link )
 device names
  backup ( Index Term Link )
  finding a file system name ( Index Term Link )
  finding tape ( Index Term Link )
  accessing ( Index Term Link )
  when to turn off power to ( Index Term Link )
 df command ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 dfstab file
  configuring for shared local removable media (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  user home directory sharing and ( Index Term Link )
 direct disk controllers ( Index Term Link )
 direct I/O ( Index Term Link )
  base directory (basedir) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  changing ownership for user accounts ( Index Term Link )
  controlling access to ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  copying between file systems with cpio command (overview) ( Index Term Link )
  home ( Index Term Link )
  inodes ( Index Term Link )
  PATH environment variable and ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  /proc ( Index Term Link )
  skeleton ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  /tmp ( Index Term Link )
  unallocated blocks ( Index Term Link )
  run control script (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  user accounts
   passwords and ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
   Users Tool ( Index Term Link )
  a SCSI controller (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  a USB device subtree (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  adding to a (overview)
   IA ( Index Term Link )
  automatic configuration of SCSI drives ( Index Term Link )
  connecting a system disk
   IA ( Index Term Link )
  creating disk slices and labeling a disk (how to)
   IA ( Index Term Link )
  formatting a (overview) ( Index Term Link )
  repairing defective sectors ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  when to format (overview) ( Index Term Link )
 disk-based file systems ( Index Term Link )
 disk controllers ( Index Term Link )
 disk label
  creating (overview) ( Index Term Link )
  description ( Index Term Link )
  examining with prtvtoc command (how to) ( Index Term Link )
 disk slices
  defined ( Index Term Link )
  determining which slices to use ( Index Term Link )
  displaying information about (overview) ( Index Term Link )
  requirements for system configurations ( Index Term Link )
  accessing on other systems (example of) ( Index Term Link )
  archiving files to multiple with cpio command (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  copying files to with tar command (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  listing files on with tar command (how to) ( Index Term Link )
   with volume management ( Index Term Link )
  loading with volume management (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  mounting remotely (example of) ( Index Term Link )
  retrieving files from with tar command (how to) ( Index Term Link )
 diskless client management commands
   add OS services ( Index Term Link )
 diskless clients
  adding OS services for (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  booting (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  definition ( Index Term Link )
  deleting OS services (example of) ( Index Term Link )
  deleting OS services (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  preparing to add OS services (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  adding to a (overview)
   SPARC ( Index Term Link )
  connecting a secondary disk (example of)
   SPARC ( Index Term Link )
  connecting a secondary disk (how to)
   IA ( Index Term Link )
   SPARC ( Index Term Link )
  connecting a system disk (how to)
   SPARC ( Index Term Link )
  creating a file system on a new disk (how to)
   IA ( Index Term Link )
   SPARC ( Index Term Link )
  creating disk slices and labeling a disk (example of)
   SPARC ( Index Term Link )
  creating disk slices and labeling a disk (how to)
   SPARC ( Index Term Link )
  determining if formatted (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  displaying slice information (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  examining a disk label (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  formatting a (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  identifying on a system (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  labeling a (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  recovering a corrupted disk label (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  recovering a corrupted disk label (overview) ( Index Term Link )
  detailed information about packages (example of) ( Index Term Link )
  device information ( Index Term Link )
  disk slice information (overview) ( Index Term Link )
  environment variables ( Index Term Link )
  installed software information ( Index Term Link )
  packed files (example of) ( Index Term Link )
  packed files (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  PCI device information (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  removable media user (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  SCSI device configuration information (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  swap space ( Index Term Link )
  system configuration information ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  UFS snapshot information (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  USB device information (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  user mask ( Index Term Link )
 dmesg command ( Index Term Link )
  IA example ( Index Term Link )
  SPARC example ( Index Term Link )
 DOS, file system ( Index Term Link )
 driver not attached message ( Index Term Link )
 dump levels
  daily, cumulative backups ( Index Term Link )
  daily, discrete backups ( Index Term Link )
  defined ( Index Term Link )
 duplicate blocks ( Index Term Link )
 DVD-ROM ( Index Term Link )
 dynamic reconfiguration ( Index Term Link )
 eject command, removable media (how to) ( Index Term Link )
 ejecting, removable media (how to) ( Index Term Link )
 encryption ( Index Term Link )
 end-of-media detection
  cpio command ( Index Term Link )
  ufsdump command ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 env command ( Index Term Link )
 environment variables
  description ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  LOGNAME ( Index Term Link )
  LPDEST ( Index Term Link )
  PATH ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  SHELL ( Index Term Link )
  TZ ( Index Term Link )
 erasing, CD-RW media (how to) ( Index Term Link )
 /etc/dfs/dfstab file
  configuring for shared removable media (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  user home directory sharing and ( Index Term Link )
 /etc/dumpdates file ( Index Term Link )
 /etc files
  user account information and ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 /etc/init.d directory ( Index Term Link )
 /etc/inittab file
  entry description ( Index Term Link )
  example of default ( Index Term Link )
 /etc/passwd file
  description ( Index Term Link )
  fields in ( Index Term Link )
  user ID number assignment and ( Index Term Link )
   SPARC ( Index Term Link )
  recovering (example of)
   IA ( Index Term Link )
  deleting user accounts and ( Index Term Link )
 /etc/rmmount.conf file, sharing removable media drives (how to) ( Index Term Link )
 /etc/shadow file, description ( Index Term Link )
 /etc/skel directory ( Index Term Link )
 /etc/vfstab file ( Index Term Link )
 /export/home file system ( Index Term Link )
 /export/home directory ( Index Term Link )
 exporting shell variables ( Index Term Link )
 extended fundamental types (UFS file system) ( Index Term Link )
 extracting, an audio track on a CD (how to) ( Index Term Link )
 FDFS file system ( Index Term Link )
 ff command ( Index Term Link )
 field replaceable unit (FRU) ( Index Term Link )
 FIFO inodes ( Index Term Link )
 FIFOFS file system ( Index Term Link )
 file system name ( Index Term Link )
 file system table, virtual ( Index Term Link )
 file systems
  / ( Index Term Link )
  4.3 Tahoe ( Index Term Link )
  BSD Fat Fast ( Index Term Link )
  cached (overview) ( Index Term Link )
  checking and repairing ( Index Term Link )
  checking interactively ( Index Term Link )
  checking size ( Index Term Link )
  copying complete (dd) ( Index Term Link )
  creating (how to)
   TMPFS ( Index Term Link )
   UFS ( Index Term Link )
  creating (overview)
   loopback (LOFS) ( Index Term Link )
  custom parameters ( Index Term Link )
  cylinder group struct ( Index Term Link )
  damage to ( Index Term Link )
  default SunOS ( Index Term Link )
  description of administration commands ( Index Term Link )
  disk-based ( Index Term Link )
  DOS ( Index Term Link )
  /export/home ( Index Term Link )
  FDFS ( Index Term Link )
  FIFOFS ( Index Term Link )
  finding types ( Index Term Link )
  fixing ( Index Term Link )
  High Sierra ( Index Term Link )
  ISO 9660 ( Index Term Link )
  large ( Index Term Link )
  making available (overview) ( Index Term Link )
  manual pages for ( Index Term Link )
  MNTFS ( Index Term Link )
  mount table ( Index Term Link )
  mounting NFS (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  NAMEFS ( Index Term Link )
  network-based ( Index Term Link )
  /opt ( Index Term Link )
  PCFS ( Index Term Link )
  preening ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  /proc ( Index Term Link )
  process, overview ( Index Term Link )
  PROCFS, overview ( Index Term Link )
  pseudo, overview ( Index Term Link )
  reasons for inconsistencies ( Index Term Link )
  restoring complete ( Index Term Link )
  restoring complete (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  sharing ( Index Term Link )
  SPECFS ( Index Term Link )
  stopping all processes accessing (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  SWAPFS ( Index Term Link )
  TMPFS ( Index Term Link )
  types of ( Index Term Link )
  UFS ( Index Term Link )
  UNIX ( Index Term Link )
  unmounting (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  /usr ( Index Term Link )
  /var ( Index Term Link )
  which to back up ( Index Term Link )
  why you back up ( Index Term Link )
  archiving to multiple diskettes with cpio command (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  changing ownership for user accounts ( Index Term Link )
  commands for copying to media (overview) ( Index Term Link )
  controlling access to ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  copying to diskette with tar command (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  copying to tape with cpio command (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  copying to tape with pax command (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  copying to tape with tar command (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  /etc/default/fs ( Index Term Link )
  /etc/dfs/fstypes ( Index Term Link )
  in the /proc directory ( Index Term Link )
  listing on diskette with tar command (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  listing on tape with cpio command (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  listing on tape with tar command (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  restoring interactively (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  restoring non-interactively (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  retrieving from diskette with tar command (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  retrieving from tape with cpio command (how to) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  retrieving from tape with tar command (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  sharing ( Index Term Link )
  verifying attributes for newly installed packages ( Index Term Link )
  file system name ( Index Term Link )
  number of tapes for a full backup (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  PROM revision level ( Index Term Link )
  tape device name ( Index Term Link )
  tape drive type ( Index Term Link )
  type of file system ( Index Term Link )
 fixing inconsistent file systems ( Index Term Link )
 forget root password
  IA ( Index Term Link )
  SPARC ( Index Term Link )
 format.dat file
  creating an entry (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  creating an entry (overview) ( Index Term Link )
  keywords ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  syntax rules ( Index Term Link )
 format of inodes ( Index Term Link )
 format utility
  analyze menu ( Index Term Link )
  automatic configuration of SCSI disk drives (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  automatic configuration of SCSI disk drives (overview) ( Index Term Link )
  creating a Solaris fdisk partition (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  creating disk slices and labeling disk (how to)
   IA ( Index Term Link )
   SPARC ( Index Term Link )
  defect menu ( Index Term Link )
  determining if a disk is formatted (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  displaying disk slice information (example of) ( Index Term Link )
  displaying disk slice information (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  fdisk menu ( Index Term Link )
  features and benefits ( Index Term Link )
  formatting a disk (example of) ( Index Term Link )
  formatting a disk (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  guidelines for using ( Index Term Link )
  how to enter command names ( Index Term Link )
  how to specify block numbers ( Index Term Link )
  identifying disks on a system (examples of) ( Index Term Link )
  identifying disks on a system (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  input to ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  labeling a disk
   example of ( Index Term Link )
  labeling a disk (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  main menu ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  overview ( Index Term Link )
  partition menu ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  recommendations for preserving information ( Index Term Link )
  recovering corrupted disk label (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  using help facility ( Index Term Link )
  when to use ( Index Term Link )
 formatting a disk, overview ( Index Term Link )
 fragment size ( Index Term Link )
 free blocks ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 free hog slice
  See donor slice
 free inodes ( Index Term Link )
 free space (minimum) ( Index Term Link )
 fsck command ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
   free blocks ( Index Term Link )
   free inodes ( Index Term Link )
   inode list size ( Index Term Link )
   superblock ( Index Term Link )
  conditions to repair ( Index Term Link )
  FSACTIVE state flag ( Index Term Link )
  FSBAD state flag ( Index Term Link )
  FSCLEAN state flag ( Index Term Link )
  FSSTABLE state flag ( Index Term Link )
  preening ( Index Term Link )
  state flags ( Index Term Link )
  syntax and options ( Index Term Link )
  using interactively ( Index Term Link )
 fsdb command ( Index Term Link )
 fssnap command
  creating a UFS snapshot (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  deleting UFS snapshot information (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  displaying UFS snapshot information (how to) ( Index Term Link )
 fstyp command ( Index Term Link )
 fstypes file ( Index Term Link )
 full backup
  creating with the ufsdump command (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  definition ( Index Term Link )
  determine number of tapes for (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  example of ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  to a remote system
   example of ( Index Term Link )
 fuser command
  finding if removable media is in use (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  killing processes accessing removable media (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  See rotational delay
 GECOS field (passwd file) ( Index Term Link )
 GIDs ( Index Term Link )
  assigning ( Index Term Link )
  definition ( Index Term Link )
  large ( Index Term Link )
 grep command ( Index Term Link )
 group file
  deleting user accounts and ( Index Term Link )
  description ( Index Term Link )
  fields in ( Index Term Link )
 group ID numbers ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  changing primary ( Index Term Link )
  default ( Index Term Link )
  description ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  description of names ( Index Term Link )
  displaying groups a user belongs to ( Index Term Link )
  guidelines for managing ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  ID numbers ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  name services and ( Index Term Link )
   description ( Index Term Link )
  permissions setting for ( Index Term Link )
  primary ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  secondary ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  storage of information for ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  UNIX ( Index Term Link )
 groups command ( Index Term Link )
 halt command ( Index Term Link )
 header format, copying files with different with cpio command (how to) ( Index Term Link )
 High Sierra file system ( Index Term Link )
 history environment variable ( Index Term Link )
 /home (automounted) ( Index Term Link )
 HOME environment variable ( Index Term Link )
 /home file system, user home directories and ( Index Term Link )
  adding a SCSI device to a SCSI bus (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  adding PCI adapter card (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  configuring a SCSI controller (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  configuring a SCSI device (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  connecting a SCSI controller (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  disconnecting a SCSI controller with cfgadm command (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  overview ( Index Term Link )
  PCI devices (overview) ( Index Term Link )
  removing a SCSI device (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  removing PCI adapter card (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  replacing an identical device on a SCSI controller (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  unconfiguring a SCSI controller (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  See High Sierra file system
 I/O, direct ( Index Term Link )
 IA based systems, UFS format ( Index Term Link )
 ID numbers
  group ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  user ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  CD media (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  devices ( Index Term Link )
  disks on a system (how to) ( Index Term Link )
 inconsistencies in file systems ( Index Term Link )
 incorrect . and .. entries ( Index Term Link )
 incremental backup ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  example of ( Index Term Link )
 indirect blocks ( Index Term Link )
 init command
  description ( Index Term Link )
  shutting down a standalone system ( Index Term Link )
 init states
  See run levels
 initialization files, system ( Index Term Link )
 inode list size ( Index Term Link )
 inode states ( Index Term Link )
 inodes ( Index Term Link )
  bad number ( Index Term Link )
  block special ( Index Term Link )
  character special ( Index Term Link )
  checking format and type ( Index Term Link )
  directory ( Index Term Link )
  FIFO ( Index Term Link )
  link count ( Index Term Link )
  number of bytes per ( Index Term Link )
  regular ( Index Term Link )
  size ( Index Term Link )
  symbolic link ( Index Term Link )
 installboot command ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 installing a boot block (how to)
  IA ( Index Term Link )
  SPARC ( Index Term Link )
  checking file systems ( Index Term Link )
  restore (how to) ( Index Term Link )
 ISO 9660 file system ( Index Term Link )
 ISO standards, 9660 CD format ( Index Term Link )
 /kernel/drv directory ( Index Term Link )
  all processes accessing a file system (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  processes accessing removable media (how to) ( Index Term Link )
 Korn shell
  basic features ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  environment variables and ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  shell (local) variables and ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  user initialization files and ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 L1-A keys ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 labelit command ( Index Term Link )
 LANG environment variable ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 large files option ( Index Term Link )
 LC environment variables ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 level 0 backup ( Index Term Link )
 link count of inodes ( Index Term Link )
  files on a diskette with tar command (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  files on a tape with cpio command (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  files on a tape with tar command (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  package information (example of) ( Index Term Link )
 *LK* password ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
   with volume management ( Index Term Link )
  diskettes with volume management (how to) ( Index Term Link )
 local.cshrc file ( Index Term Link )
 local.login file ( Index Term Link )
 local.profile file ( Index Term Link )
 locale environment variable ( Index Term Link )
 locating, CacheFS log file ( Index Term Link )
 log (record of dumps) ( Index Term Link )
 logical block size ( Index Term Link )
 logical device name
  definition ( Index Term Link )
  disk ( Index Term Link )
  tape ( Index Term Link )
 logical device names, removable media ( Index Term Link )
 .login file
  customizing ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  description ( Index Term Link )
 login names (user)
  changing ( Index Term Link )
  description ( Index Term Link )
 LOGNAME environment variable ( Index Term Link )
 loopback file system (LOFS)
  creating (overview) ( Index Term Link )
  mounting ( Index Term Link )
 lost+found directory ( Index Term Link )
 LPDEST environment variable ( Index Term Link )
 magnetic tape cartridge
  retensioning ( Index Term Link )
  rewinding ( Index Term Link )
 mail aliases, user login names vs. ( Index Term Link )
 MAIL environment variable ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 maintaining tape drives ( Index Term Link )
 MANPATH environment variable ( Index Term Link )
 manual mounting, remote media (how to) ( Index Term Link )
 manual pages, for file systems ( Index Term Link )
 maximum, USB device support ( Index Term Link )
  secondary groups users can belong to ( Index Term Link )
  user ID number ( Index Term Link )
  user login name length ( Index Term Link )
  user password length ( Index Term Link )
 media was found message ( Index Term Link )
 memory storage (virtual), definition ( Index Term Link )
 minimum free space ( Index Term Link )
  user login name length ( Index Term Link )
  user password length ( Index Term Link )
 mkfile command ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 mkfs command ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 mkisofs command, create a data CD file system (how to) ( Index Term Link )
 MNTFS file system ( Index Term Link )
 mnttab file ( Index Term Link )
 monitor (PROM) ( Index Term Link )
 mount command ( Index Term Link )
 mount point, definition ( Index Term Link )
 mount table ( Index Term Link )
 mountall command ( Index Term Link )
  a file system with /etc/vfstab ( Index Term Link )
  all files in vfstab file ( Index Term Link )
  diskettes on other systems (example of) ( Index Term Link )
  file systems automatically ( Index Term Link )
  loopback file systems (LOFS) ( Index Term Link )
  NFS file systems ( Index Term Link )
  NFS file systems (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  PCMCIA memory cards on other systems (example of) ( Index Term Link )
  remote media (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  remote removable media manually (example of) ( Index Term Link )
  removable media
   automatic mounting compared to ( Index Term Link )
  UFS file systems ( Index Term Link )
  UFS file systems (how to)
   without large files ( Index Term Link )
  USB mass storage devices with vold running (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  USB mass storage devices without vold running (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  user home directories
   automounting ( Index Term Link )
   remote ( Index Term Link )
  user home directories (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  using default options ( Index Term Link )
 mt command ( Index Term Link )
 multiple versions of software packages ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 multiuser level
  See run level 3
 name services
  groups and ( Index Term Link )
  user accounts and ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 NAMEFS file system ( Index Term Link )
   description ( Index Term Link )
  software package naming conventions ( Index Term Link )
  SUNW prefix ( Index Term Link )
  user login
   changing ( Index Term Link )
   description ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 ncheck command ( Index Term Link )
 network-based file systems ( Index Term Link )
 newfs command ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 newgrp command ( Index Term Link )
  description ( Index Term Link )
  server description ( Index Term Link )
  vfstab entry for ( Index Term Link )
 nfsd daemon
  starting ( Index Term Link )
  verifying if running ( Index Term Link )
  user accounts and ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  groups and ( Index Term Link )
  user accounts and ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 no media was found message ( Index Term Link )
 noaccess user/group ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 noask_pkgadd administration file ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 nobody user/group ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 notifying users of system down time ( Index Term Link )
 NP password ( Index Term Link )
 /opt directory ( Index Term Link )
 optimization type ( Index Term Link )
 options, for ufsdump command ( Index Term Link )
 OS server, description ( Index Term Link )
 other (permissions setting) ( Index Term Link )
 packages, software, overview ( Index Term Link )
 parameters (file system) ( Index Term Link )
 partition (swap), definition ( Index Term Link )
 passwd file ( Index Term Link )
  deleting user accounts and ( Index Term Link )
  fields in ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
   SPARC ( Index Term Link )
  recovering (example of)
   IA ( Index Term Link )
  restoring from tape (example of) ( Index Term Link )
  user ID number assignment and ( Index Term Link )
 passwords (user)
  aging ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
   frequency of ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
   by user ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
   Users Tool ( Index Term Link )
  choosing ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  description ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  disabling/locking user accounts and ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  encryption ( Index Term Link )
  expiration ( Index Term Link )
  NP password ( Index Term Link )
  *LK* password ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  precautions ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  setting ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  Users Tool ( Index Term Link )
 patchadd command ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  accessing from the world wide web ( Index Term Link )
  availability for Sun Service customers ( Index Term Link )
  definition ( Index Term Link )
  finding already installed ( Index Term Link )
  general availability ( Index Term Link )
  installation README ( Index Term Link )
  numbering scheme ( Index Term Link )
  removing ( Index Term Link )
  tools and commands (overview) ( Index Term Link )
  where to find ( Index Term Link )
 patchrm command ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 PATH environment variable
  description ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  setting up ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 path shell variable ( Index Term Link )
 PC BIOS (and booting) ( Index Term Link )
 PCFS file system ( Index Term Link )
 PCI devices
  adding PCI adapter card (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  displaying PCI device information (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  removing PCI adapter card (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  troubleshooting PCI configuration problems ( Index Term Link )
 PCMCIA memory cards
  accessing on other systems (example of) ( Index Term Link )
  mounting remotely (example of) ( Index Term Link )
 permissions ( Index Term Link )
 physical device name, definition ( Index Term Link )
 /pkg directory ( Index Term Link )
 pkgadd command
  adding packages (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  alternate base directory and ( Index Term Link )
  bypassing user interaction ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  overview ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  -a option (administration file) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  -d option (device name) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  -s option (spool directory) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  prerequisites for using ( Index Term Link )
  spool directories and ( Index Term Link )
  spool directories and (example of) ( Index Term Link )
 pkgchk command
  overview ( Index Term Link )
  using (example of) ( Index Term Link )
 pkginfo command
  displaying all packages installed (example of) ( Index Term Link )
  how to use ( Index Term Link )
  overview ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 pkgparam command, overview ( Index Term Link )
 pkgrm command
  caution ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  overview ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  prerequisites for using ( Index Term Link )
  removing a package (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  rm command vs. ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 playing musical CD or DVD ( Index Term Link )
 preening file systems ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  for backing up (overview) ( Index Term Link )
  to restore files (overview) ( Index Term Link )
 Primary Administrator role
  assuming (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  creating (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  creating (overview) ( Index Term Link )
 primary groups ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 /proc directory ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 process file system (PROCFS) ( Index Term Link )
 PROCFS file system, overview ( Index Term Link )
 Product Registry
  adding software with ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  installing software with (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  listing information about installed products (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  purpose ( Index Term Link )
  removing software with ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  uninstalling software with (how to) ( Index Term Link )
 .profile file
  customizing ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  description ( Index Term Link )
  changing boot-from setting ( Index Term Link )
  finding revision level ( Index Term Link )
  finding the ROM revision ( Index Term Link )
  monitor ( Index Term Link )
 prompt shell variable ( Index Term Link )
 prtconf command ( Index Term Link )
 prtvtoc command ( Index Term Link )
  example of using ( Index Term Link )
 PS1 environment variable ( Index Term Link )
 pseudo file systems, overview ( Index Term Link )
 pseudo-ttys ( Index Term Link )
 pseudo user logins ( Index Term Link )
 raw disk device interface ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 reboot command ( Index Term Link )
 reconfiguration boot ( Index Term Link )
  IA example ( Index Term Link )
  SPARC example ( Index Term Link )
 record of
  dumps ( Index Term Link )
  incremental backup ( Index Term Link )
 recover root password (how to)
  IA ( Index Term Link )
  SPARC ( Index Term Link )
 regular inodes ( Index Term Link )
 remote drive (restoring from) ( Index Term Link )
 remote mounting ( Index Term Link )
 remote package server
  adding packages to a spool directory (example of) ( Index Term Link )
  software installation from ( Index Term Link )
  software installation from (example of) ( Index Term Link )
 removable media
  accessing (examples of) ( Index Term Link )
  accessing (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  accessing media on other systems (example of) ( Index Term Link )
  accessing media on other systems (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  copying information (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  ejecting (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  finding out if media is in use (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  killing processes accessing (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  making available to other systems (how to) ( Index Term Link )
   manual compared to automatic ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  mounting remote media (example of) ( Index Term Link )
  mounting remote media (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  musical CD or DVD ( Index Term Link )
  names ( Index Term Link )
  preparing for new drive (how to) ( Index Term Link )
 removef command ( Index Term Link )
  a SCSI device (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  a swap file from use ( Index Term Link )
  packages with administration files and ( Index Term Link )
  PCI adapter card (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  software packages
   guidelines for ( Index Term Link )
  software packages (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  software with Solaris Product Registry ( Index Term Link )
  unused USB audio device links (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  USB mass storage device with vold running ( Index Term Link )
  USB mass storage device without vold running ( Index Term Link )
 removing software, with Solaris Product Registry ( Index Term Link )
 repairing the /etc/passwd file
  IA ( Index Term Link )
  SPARC ( Index Term Link )
 replacing, an identical device on a SCSI controller (how to) ( Index Term Link )
 reset command ( Index Term Link )
  a SPARC based system ( Index Term Link )
  a USB device (how to) ( Index Term Link )
 resolving, a failed SCSI unconfigure operation (how to) ( Index Term Link )
 restoring bad superblock ( Index Term Link )
 restoring file systems
  complete (example) ( Index Term Link )
  complete (example of) ( Index Term Link )
  determining which tapes to use (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  preparing to (overview) ( Index Term Link )
  root and /usr (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  root and /usr (IA) (example of) ( Index Term Link )
  root and /usr (SPARC) (example of) ( Index Term Link )
  type of tape drive ( Index Term Link )
 restoring files
  example of interactive restore ( Index Term Link )
  example of non-interactive restore ( Index Term Link )
  from remote drive (example of) ( Index Term Link )
  interactively (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  non-interactively (how to) ( Index Term Link )
 restricting, removable media access (how to) ( Index Term Link )
 retensioning magnetic tape cartridge ( Index Term Link )
  files created wth bar command (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  files from a tape with cpio command (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  files from diskette with tar command (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  files from remote tape with tar and dd commands (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  files from tape withtar command (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  specific files from tape with cpio command (how to) ( Index Term Link )
 revision level of PROM ( Index Term Link )
 rewinding magnetic tape cartridge ( Index Term Link )
 rmmount.conf file, sharing removable media drives (how to) ( Index Term Link )
 Rock Ridge extension (HSFS file system) ( Index Term Link )
 root (/) file system ( Index Term Link )
 root (superuser), becoming ( Index Term Link )
 root password, forget
  IA ( Index Term Link )
  SPARC ( Index Term Link )
 rotational delay ( Index Term Link )
 run control scripts ( Index Term Link )
  adding (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  disabling (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  starting and stopping services ( Index Term Link )
 run level
  2 (multiuser level) ( Index Term Link )
  3 (multiuser with NFS) ( Index Term Link )
   booting to ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
   processes executed at ( Index Term Link )
   what happens when system is brought to ( Index Term Link )
  0 (power-down level) ( Index Term Link )
  6 (reboot level) ( Index Term Link )
  1 (single-user level) ( Index Term Link )
  default run level ( Index Term Link )
  definition ( Index Term Link )
  determining (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  s or S (single-user level) ( Index Term Link )
   booting to ( Index Term Link )
  s or S (single-user state)
   booting to ( Index Term Link )
 /sbin/rc0 script ( Index Term Link )
 /sbin/rc1 script ( Index Term Link )
 /sbin/rc2 script ( Index Term Link )
 /sbin/rc3 script ( Index Term Link )
 /sbin/rc5 script ( Index Term Link )
 /sbin/rc6 script ( Index Term Link )
 /sbin/rcS script ( Index Term Link )
 scheduling backups ( Index Term Link )
 SCSI devices
  adding a SCSI device to a SCSI bus (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  configuring with cfgadm command (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  connecting with cfgadm command (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  disconnecting with cfgadm command (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  displaying with cfgadm command (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  removing with cfgadm command (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  replacing an identical device on a SCSI controller (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  resolving a failed SCSI unconfigure operation (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  troubleshooting SCSI configuration problem ( Index Term Link )
  unconfiguring with cfgadm command (how to) ( Index Term Link )
 SCSI disk drives ( Index Term Link )
 SCSI tape drives ( Index Term Link )
 secondary disk
  connecting to the system (how to)
   IA ( Index Term Link )
   SPARC ( Index Term Link )
  description ( Index Term Link )
 secondary groups ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 security, user ID number reuse and ( Index Term Link )
  description ( Index Term Link )
  OS server ( Index Term Link )
 set command ( Index Term Link )
 setenv command ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 setting up, CacheFS logging ( Index Term Link )
 shadow file
  description ( Index Term Link )
  fields in ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 share command ( Index Term Link )
  making removable media available to other systems (how to) ( Index Term Link )
 shareall command ( Index Term Link )
  files ( Index Term Link )
  removable media (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  user home directories ( Index Term Link )
  user home directories (how to) ( Index Term Link )
 SHELL environment variable ( Index Term Link )
 shell variables ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  basic features ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  environment of ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  environment variables and ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  local variables ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  user initialization files and ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 shutdown command
  description ( Index Term Link )
  notifying users ( Index Term Link )
  shutting down a server ( Index Term Link )
  shutting down a server (how to) ( Index Term Link )
 shutting down
  a server (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  a standalone system (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  a system, guidelines ( Index Term Link )
  a system cleanly with shutdown and init commands ( Index Term Link )
 single-user level
  See run level s or S
 site initialization files ( Index Term Link )
  checking file system ( Index Term Link )
  fragment ( Index Term Link )
  inode ( Index Term Link )
 /skel directory ( Index Term Link )
 skeleton directories (/etc/skel) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 slice (defined) ( Index Term Link )
 software management
  definition ( Index Term Link )
  naming conventions for packages ( Index Term Link )
  package definition ( Index Term Link )
  tools for ( Index Term Link )
 software packages
  installing ( Index Term Link )
  installing from a spool directory (example of) ( Index Term Link )
  overview ( Index Term Link )
 Solaris Device Configuration Assistant, overview ( Index Term Link )
 Solaris fdisk partition, guidelines ( Index Term Link )
 Solaris Management Console
  description ( Index Term Link )
  description of tools ( Index Term Link )
  reasons for using ( Index Term Link )
  starting (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  using with RBAC ( Index Term Link )
 Solaris Product Registry
  adding software with ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  installing software with (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  listing information about installed products (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  purpose ( Index Term Link )
  removing software with ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  uninstalling software with (how to) ( Index Term Link )
 Solaris User Registration
  See User Registration
 Solaris Web Start
  adding software with (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  removing software with ( Index Term Link )
 Solaris Web Start program, adding software with ( Index Term Link )
 space optimization type ( Index Term Link )
 SPARC based systems, UFS format ( Index Term Link )
 SPECFS file system ( Index Term Link )
 specifying a disk slice ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 spool directories
  installing software packages to (example of) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  installing software packages to (how to) ( Index Term Link )
 staff group ( Index Term Link )
 standalone systems, definition ( Index Term Link )
  nfsd daemon ( Index Term Link )
  volume management (how to) ( Index Term Link )
 starting and stopping services ( Index Term Link )
 state flag
  fsck ( Index Term Link )
  UFS file systems ( Index Term Link )
 Stop-A keys ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  a system for recovery purposes
   SPARC ( Index Term Link )
  a system for recovery purposes (how to)
   IA ( Index Term Link )
  all processes for a file system (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  CacheFS logging ( Index Term Link )
  killing processes accessing removable media (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  volume management (how to) ( Index Term Link )
 storage (virtual memory), definition ( Index Term Link )
 storage capacities (media) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 structure of cylinder groups ( Index Term Link )
 stty command ( Index Term Link )
 Sun software packages
  adding (example of) ( Index Term Link )
  installing ( Index Term Link )
 SunOS default file system ( Index Term Link )
 SUNW prefix ( Index Term Link )
 superblock ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 superuser (root), becoming ( Index Term Link )
 superuser (root) password, forget
  IA ( Index Term Link )
  SPARC ( Index Term Link )
 support for servers and clients, description ( Index Term Link )
 swap command ( Index Term Link )
 swap file
  adding to vfstab ( Index Term Link )
  creating ( Index Term Link )
  displaying ( Index Term Link )
  removing from use ( Index Term Link )
 swap partition, definition ( Index Term Link )
 swapadd command ( Index Term Link )
 SWAPFS file system ( Index Term Link )
 symbolic links ( Index Term Link )
 sync command ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 synchronize file systems with sync command ( Index Term Link )
 synchronize the file systems with sync command ( Index Term Link )
  fsck command ( Index Term Link )
  newfs ( Index Term Link )
 sysdef command ( Index Term Link )
 system accounts ( Index Term Link )
 system disk
  connecting (how to)
   IA ( Index Term Link )
   SPARC ( Index Term Link )
  description ( Index Term Link )
  installing a boot block on (how to)
   IA ( Index Term Link )
   SPARC ( Index Term Link )
 system initialization files ( Index Term Link )
 system shutdown commands ( Index Term Link )
 system types
  appliance ( Index Term Link )
  AutoClient ( Index Term Link )
  diskless client ( Index Term Link )
  guidelines for choosing ( Index Term Link )
  overview ( Index Term Link )
  server ( Index Term Link )
  standalone system ( Index Term Link )
 tape ( Index Term Link )
  capacity ( Index Term Link )
  characteristics ( Index Term Link )
  copying all files in a directory with cpio command (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  listing files with tar command (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  retrieving files from with cpio command (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  retrieving files from with tar command (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  retrieving specific files from with cpio command (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  sizes ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  storage capacities ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 tape (magnetic cartridge), retensioning ( Index Term Link )
 tape devices (naming) ( Index Term Link )
 tape drive
  determining type for restore ( Index Term Link )
  finding type ( Index Term Link )
  maintaining ( Index Term Link )
  maximum SCSI ( Index Term Link )
  restoring from remote (example of) ( Index Term Link )
  rewind ( Index Term Link )
 tar command
  copying files to a single diskette (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  copying files to remote tape with dd command (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  copying files to tape (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  listing files on diskette (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  listing files on tape (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  overview ( Index Term Link )
  retrieving files from diskette (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  retrieving files from remote tape with dd command (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  retrieving files from tape (how to) ( Index Term Link )
 temporary file system (TMPFS), overview ( Index Term Link )
 TERM environment variable ( Index Term Link )
 TERMINFO environment variable ( Index Term Link )
 time (optimization type) ( Index Term Link )
 time zone environment variable ( Index Term Link )
 /tmp directory ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 TMPFS file system
  creating (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  overview ( Index Term Link )
  cachefspack errors ( Index Term Link )
  diskless client problems ( Index Term Link )
  PCI configuration problems ( Index Term Link )
  SCSI configuration problems ( Index Term Link )
  USB audio device problems ( Index Term Link )
 ttys (pseudo) ( Index Term Link )
 ttytype pseudo user logins ( Index Term Link )
 turn off power to all devices, how to ( Index Term Link )
 type of file systems ( Index Term Link )
 type of inodes ( Index Term Link )
 type of tape drive ( Index Term Link )
 TZ environment variable ( Index Term Link )
 UDF file system ( Index Term Link )
 UFS CDs, SPARC vs. IA formats ( Index Term Link )
 UFS file system ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  creating (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  extended fundamental types ( Index Term Link )
  large file systems ( Index Term Link )
  mounting ( Index Term Link )
  mounting with /etc/vfstab ( Index Term Link )
  mounting with mount command ( Index Term Link )
  mounting without large files (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  state flags ( Index Term Link )
  unmounting (how to) ( Index Term Link )
 UFS logging, overview ( Index Term Link )
 UFS snapshot
  backing up with the tar command (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  creating (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  creating a full backup of ( Index Term Link )
  creating a full backup of (howto) ( Index Term Link )
  creating an incremental backup of (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  deleting (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  description ( Index Term Link )
  displaying (how to) ( Index Term Link )
 ufsdump command
  backing up file systems to tape (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  end-of-media detection ( Index Term Link )
  full backup example ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  full backup to remote system
   example of ( Index Term Link )
  how data is copied with ( Index Term Link )
  how it works ( Index Term Link )
  incremental backup example ( Index Term Link )
  limitations ( Index Term Link )
  options and arguments ( Index Term Link )
 ufsdump command (overview) ( Index Term Link )
 ufsrestore command ( Index Term Link )
  determining which tapes to use (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  interactive restore (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  non-interactive restore (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  preparing to use (overview) ( Index Term Link )
  restoring a complete file system (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  restoring from a remote tape drive (example of) ( Index Term Link )
  restoring root (/) and /usr file systems (how to) ( Index Term Link )
 UIDs ( Index Term Link )
  assigning ( Index Term Link )
  definition ( Index Term Link )
  large ( Index Term Link )
 umask command ( Index Term Link )
 umount command ( Index Term Link )
 umountall command ( Index Term Link )
 unallocated directory blocks ( Index Term Link )
 unallocated inodes ( Index Term Link )
  a SCSI controller with cfgadm command (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  a USB device (how to) ( Index Term Link )
 UNIX file system ( Index Term Link )
 UNIX groups ( Index Term Link )
  file systems (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  USB mass storage devices with vold running (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  USB mass storage devices without vold running (how to) ( Index Term Link )
 unsupported devices ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 USB camera, adding (how to) ( Index Term Link )
 USB devices
  acronyms ( Index Term Link )
  adding a hot-plug a USB camera (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  adding a USB mass storage device
   with vold running ( Index Term Link )
   without vold running ( Index Term Link )
   adding a ( Index Term Link )
   changing the primary device (how to) ( Index Term Link )
   device ownership ( Index Term Link )
   identifying primary device (how to) ( Index Term Link )
   overview of ( Index Term Link )
   removing unused device links (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  bus description ( Index Term Link )
  cables for ( Index Term Link )
  composite device ( Index Term Link )
  compound device ( Index Term Link )
  configuring a USB device (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  connect a USB device (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  connect a USB device subtree (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  device classes ( Index Term Link )
  device nodes ( Index Term Link )
  displaying devcie information (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  drivers ( Index Term Link )
  host controller and root hub ( Index Term Link )
  hot-plugging (overview) ( Index Term Link )
  keyboards and mouse devices ( Index Term Link )
  maximum devices supported ( Index Term Link )
  mounting mass storage device without vold running *how to) ( Index Term Link )
  mounting mass storage with vold running (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  names of ( Index Term Link )
  overview ( Index Term Link )
  physical device hierarchy ( Index Term Link )
  power management ( Index Term Link )
  removing a mass storage device
   with vold running ( Index Term Link )
  removing a USB mass storage device
   without vold running ( Index Term Link )
  resetting a USB device (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  Solaris USB Architecture (USBA) ( Index Term Link )
  storage devices ( Index Term Link )
  supported ( Index Term Link )
  troubleshooting audio device problems ( Index Term Link )
  unconfiguring a USB device (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  unmounting mass storage device without vold running (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  unmounting mass storage with vold running (how to) ( Index Term Link )
 user accounts ( Index Term Link )
  description ( Index Term Link )
   passwords and ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
   Users Tool ( Index Term Link )
  guidelines for ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  ID numbers ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  login names ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  name services and ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  setting up
   information sheet ( Index Term Link )
  storage of information for ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 user home directories
  changing ownership of ( Index Term Link )
  customized initialization files in ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  deleting ( Index Term Link )
  description ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
   automounting ( Index Term Link )
   remote ( Index Term Link )
  mounting (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  nonlocal reference to ($HOME) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  sharing ( Index Term Link )
  sharing (how to) ( Index Term Link )
 user ID numbers ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 user initialization files
  customizing ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
   adding customized files ( Index Term Link )
   avoiding local system references ( Index Term Link )
   environment variables ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
   overview ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
   shell variables ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
   site initialization files ( Index Term Link )
   user mask setting ( Index Term Link )
  customizing (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  default ( Index Term Link )
  description ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  examples ( Index Term Link )
  shells and ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 user login names
  changing ( Index Term Link )
  description ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 user logins (pseudo) ( Index Term Link )
 user mask ( Index Term Link )
 User Registration
  description ( Index Term Link )
  disabling ( Index Term Link )
  problems ( Index Term Link )
  solregis command ( Index Term Link )
 Users Tool
  disabling accounts ( Index Term Link )
  password administration ( Index Term Link )
 /usr file system ( Index Term Link )
 uucp group ( Index Term Link )
 /var directory ( Index Term Link )
 /var/sadm/install/admin directory ( Index Term Link )
 /var/sadm/patch ( Index Term Link )
 /var/spool/pkg directory ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  environment ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  shell (local) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  nfsd daemon is running ( Index Term Link )
  software installation (example of) ( Index Term Link )
  software package installation
   pkginfo command ( Index Term Link )
  software package installation with pkginfo command ( Index Term Link )
 vfstab file ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  adding entries to (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  adding swap to ( Index Term Link )
  default ( Index Term Link )
  entry for LOFS ( Index Term Link )
  finding file system names in ( Index Term Link )
  mounting all files ( Index Term Link )
  CacheFS statistics ( Index Term Link )
  working set (cache) size ( Index Term Link )
 virtual file system table ( Index Term Link )
 virtual memory storage, definition ( Index Term Link )
 volcopy command ( Index Term Link )
 volmgt start command ( Index Term Link )
 volume management
  benefits ( Index Term Link )
   loading ( Index Term Link )
  loading diskettes (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  manual compared to automatic mounting ( Index Term Link )
  removable media
   accessing ( Index Term Link )
  restarting (how to) ( Index Term Link )
  stopping (how to) ( Index Term Link )
 when to turn off power to devices ( Index Term Link )
 who command ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 world (permissions) ( Index Term Link )
 writing, data and audio CDs (overview) ( Index Term Link )