The Solaris 9 media includes a Companion CD with the following supplemental software:
Accessibility Software - For special needs users, Open Source assistive software such as Emacspeak, the W3 browser, and UnWindows.
Administration Tools - Tools for system administrators, such as ethereal, sudo, and rpm.
Web Infrastructure Software - Server software (daemons) for hosting web and Internet services.
Desktop Environment and X Window Managers - Software that provides the graphical user interface for launching applications, file management, drag and drop icons, and so on. Several Window Manager packages are included as well as the K-Desktop Environment.
Desktop Applications - Graphical desktop applications, including productivity and multimedia software.
Command-line Tools and Utilities - Command-line utilities and tools such as the *utils packages from the GNU project.
Editors - Applications that are used for writing text documents and software programs.
Security Tools - Tools for system and network security monitoring and detection, such as snort, nmap, and tcpdump.
Messaging Software - Client-side applications and tools for email, WWW, news, and chat.
Languages - The gcc compiler and several high-level (scripting) programming languages.
Developer Libraries - Collections of libraries (software routines) for programmers.
Developer Tools - Tools for programmers, such as autoconf, automake, and cvs.
This freeware can also be downloaded at the following Web site: