Simplified Chinese Solaris User's Guide
 Address Manager ( Index Term Link )
 aliases, setting locales with ( Index Term Link )
 App Manager ( Index Term Link )
 ASCII, typing ( Index Term Link )
 ASCII keyboard ( Index Term Link )
 Audio Tool ( Index Term Link )
 backward compatibility ( Index Term Link )
 BDF, xtobdf ( Index Term Link )
 binary compatibility package (BCP) ( Index Term Link )
 bitmap fonts, printing with ( Index Term Link )
 Calculator ( Index Term Link )
 Calendar Manager ( Index Term Link )
 candidates ( Index Term Link )
 characters ( Index Term Link )
 Chinese characters ( Index Term Link )
 Chinese Star keyboard mapping ( Index Term Link )
 CID fonts ( Index Term Link )
 Clock ( Index Term Link )
 code tables ( Index Term Link )
 codeset conversion ( Index Term Link )
 Common Desktop Environment (CDE) ( Index Term Link )
 compatibility, backward ( Index Term Link )
 Console ( Index Term Link )
 Control keys, for input modes ( Index Term Link )
 Control-spacebar toggle ( Index Term Link )
 conversion, in codesets ( Index Term Link )
 conversion manager ( Index Term Link )
 conversion utilities ( Index Term Link )
 converting, GB-2312-80 character codes ( Index Term Link )
 converting files ( Index Term Link )
 Convtool ( Index Term Link )
 .cshrc file ( Index Term Link )
 default locale, setting ( Index Term Link )
 desktop tools ( Index Term Link )
 dictionary files ( Index Term Link )
 Display PostScript System (DPS) ( Index Term Link )
 .dtlogin file ( Index Term Link )
 dtwm ( Index Term Link )
 FangSongTi font ( Index Term Link )
 file conversion ( Index Term Link )
 File Finder ( Index Term Link )
 File Manager ( Index Term Link )
 files, conversion ( Index Term Link )
 font directories, changing ( Index Term Link )
 fonts ( Index Term Link )
  sdtudctool utility ( Index Term Link )
  specfying in xetops ( Index Term Link )
  UDC directory ( Index Term Link )
 Function keys, for input modes ( Index Term Link )
 GB13000-1 ( Index Term Link )
 GB-2312-80 code conversion ( Index Term Link )
 GB2312 Code input method ( Index Term Link )
 GBK Code input method ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 Golden input conversion mode ( Index Term Link )
 Graphical User Interface ( Index Term Link )
 GUI ( Index Term Link )
 HeiTi font ( Index Term Link )
 Help ( Index Term Link )
  display ( Index Term Link )
  startup script ( Index Term Link )
  startup sequence ( Index Term Link )
 htt_props ( Index Term Link )
 htt server ( Index Term Link )
 htt_server ( Index Term Link )
 Icon Editor ( Index Term Link )
 iconv ( Index Term Link )
 iconv command ( Index Term Link )
 ideograms ( Index Term Link )
 Image Tool ( Index Term Link )
 input code tables ( Index Term Link )
 input method
  creating new ( Index Term Link )
  Golden ( Index Term Link )
  New QuanPin ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  New ShuangPin ( Index Term Link )
  ShuangPin ( Index Term Link )
 input method server (htt) ( Index Term Link )
 input methods
  Location ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 Intelligent_ABC keyboard mapping ( Index Term Link )
 intermediate representation ( Index Term Link )
 ISO/IEC10646-1 characters ( Index Term Link )
 KaiTi font ( Index Term Link )
 keyboard mappings ( Index Term Link )
 keyboards ( Index Term Link )
 keys, input conversion control ( Index Term Link )
  overview ( Index Term Link )
  setting ( Index Term Link )
  setting default ( Index Term Link )
 Location code input mode ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 lookup choice area ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 Mailer ( Index Term Link )
 mailx utility ( Index Term Link )
 Motif ( Index Term Link )
 New QuanPin ( Index Term Link )
 New QuanPin input method ( Index Term Link )
 New ShuangPin input method ( Index Term Link )
 OpenWindows, V2 applications ( Index Term Link )
 paper size, with xetops utility ( Index Term Link )
 Performance Meter ( Index Term Link )
 PostScript fonts ( Index Term Link )
 preedit area ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 Print Manager ( Index Term Link )
 printing ( Index Term Link )
  using xetops print filter ( Index Term Link )
  with xetops utility ( Index Term Link )
 Process Manager ( Index Term Link )
 .profile file ( Index Term Link )
 PSWDisplayText() ( Index Term Link )
 PyCiku.dat dictionary file ( Index Term Link )
 QuWei input method
  See Location code input mode
 reverse video ( Index Term Link )
 scripts, htt startup script ( Index Term Link )
 sdtudctool, using ( Index Term Link )
 separators ( Index Term Link )
 ShuangPin input method ( Index Term Link )
 Simplified Chinese text, input modes ( Index Term Link )
 Snapshot ( Index Term Link )
 Song fonts ( Index Term Link )
 SongTi font ( Index Term Link )
 status area ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 Style Manager ( Index Term Link )
 talk command ( Index Term Link )
 TCA_CNS 11643-92 ( Index Term Link )
 terminal window ( Index Term Link )
  Chinese ( Index Term Link )
  intermediate representation of ( Index Term Link )
 Text Editor ( Index Term Link )
 tools, desktop ( Index Term Link )
 TrueType fonts, printing with ( Index Term Link )
 Ud.Ciku.dat dictionary file ( Index Term Link )
 UDC directory ( Index Term Link )
 utilities, conversion ( Index Term Link )
 window environments ( Index Term Link )
 Window Manager ( Index Term Link )
  Simplified Chinese characters allowed in ( Index Term Link )
  status area ( Index Term Link )
 xetops print filter ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  examples ( Index Term Link )
 Xlib ( Index Term Link )
 xtobdf command ( Index Term Link )
 xutops print filter ( Index Term Link )
 zh locale ( Index Term Link )
 ZiRanMa keyboard mapping ( Index Term Link )