Traditional Chinese Solaris User's Guide

Virtual Keyboard

Virtual Keyboard tools can be used as a Lookup utilities to simplify the input of some special symbols. They can also can be used to display the keymap of input methods that are based on radicals, such as TsangChieh input methods, which is a typical input method that is based on Chinese radicals.

The Simplified Chinese environment supports these virtual keyboards:

Virtual keyboards provide input by clicking on a character.

PC Keyboard

The PC Virtual Keyboard looks as below:


TsangChieh Keyboard

The TsangChieh Keyboard looks as below:


Array Keyboard

The Array Virtual Keyboard looks as below:


DaYi Keyboard:

The DaYi Virtual Keyboard looks as below:


ChuYin Keyboard:

The ChuYin Virtual Keyboard looks as below:


I-Tien Keyboard:

The I-Tien Virtual Keyboard looks as below:
