KCMS CMM Developer's Guide

CMM Filename Convention

A module (or CMM) name should follow this convention:

kcs<STOCK SYMBOL><CLASS><unique identifier>.so.<version>

Table 2-1 describes each field in the CMM filename.

Table 2-1 CMM Filename Description

Filename Field 



Color management framework. 

stock symbol

Short mnemonic used by the stock market or a unique identifier. 


Class from which the module is derived (IO, Prof, Pfmt, Xform, or Stat).

unique identifier

Four-character identifier that distinguishes multiple modules derived from the same class. 


Shared object library. 


Number compared to the KCS_MAJOR_VERSION number (incremented by SunSoft for every major release; for bundling CMMs only). 

Note -

The version number in the #define and the version number in the module name must match. See icc.h for an example.

Table 2-2 lists a few KCMS CMM filenames.

Table 2-2 KCMS CMM Filenames

CMM Filename 



Solaris File CMM component 


X11 Window System CMM component 


Solaris Message CMM component, which accompanies each of the above CMM files for messages