IPv6 Administration Guide

How to Add IPv6 Addresses to NIS and NIS+

A new table has been added for NIS+ named ipnodes.org_dir. The table contains both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses for a host. The existing hosts.org_dir table, which contains only IPv4 addresses for a host, remains the same to facilitate existing applications. Both the hosts.org_dir and ipnodes.org_dir tables must be consistent with the IPv4 addresses. See IPv6 Extensions to Solaris Name Services for an overview.

Administration of the new ipnodes.org_dir table is similar to administering the hosts.org_dir. The same tools and utilities that are used to administer the previous NIS+ tables are valid for ipnodes.org_dir. See System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP) for details on how to manipulate the NIS+ table.

The following procedure merges the entries from /etc/inet/ipnodes into the ipnodes.org_dir table, in verbose mode. The NIS+ table was probably created by nistbladm(1), nissetup(1M), or nisserver(1M).

    On a command line, type the following command:

    % nisaddent -mv -f /etc/inet/ipnodes ipnodes

Use the following procedure to display the ipnodes.org_dir table.

    On a command line, type the following command:

    % nisaddent -d ipnodes

Two new maps have been added for NIS: ipnodes.byname and ipnodes.byaddr. These maps contain both IPv4 and IPv6 host name and address associations. The hosts.byname and hosts.byaddr maps, which contain only IPv4 host name and address associations, remain the same to facilitate existing applications. Administration of the new maps is similar to the maintenance of the hosts.byname and hosts.byaddr older maps. Again, it is important that when you update the hosts maps with IPv4 addresses that the new ipnode maps are also updated with the same information.

Note –

Tools that are aware of IPv6 use the new NIS maps and the new NIS+ tables.