Open HA Cluster Installation Guide

Installing the Software

This section provides information and procedures to install software on the cluster nodes.

ProcedureHow to Install OpenSolaris Software on the Cluster Nodes

Perform this procedure to install OpenSolaris 2009.06 software on each cluster node.

  1. Connect to a machine that you will install as a cluster node.

  2. Become superuser.

  3. Install the OpenSolaris 2009.06 software.

    Follow instructions in OpenSolaris Automated Installer Guide. For x86 based platforms, you can alternatively follow instructions in Installing OpenSolaris From the Live CD.

  4. If you will use COMSTAR, install iSCSI packages.

    phys-schost# pkg install SUNWstmf SUNWiscsi SUNWiscsit
Next Steps

Go to How to Prepare to Download Open HA Cluster Software.

ProcedureHow to Prepare to Download Open HA Cluster Software

Perform this procedure on each machine that you intend to install as a cluster node. In addition, if you intend to use a quorum server as a quorum device, perform this procedure on the machine that you intend to install as the quorum server.

Before You Begin

Ensure that OpenSolaris 2009.06 software is installed. See How to Install OpenSolaris Software on the Cluster Nodes.

  1. Become superuser on a machine to which you want to download software.

    Alternatively, if your user account is assigned the Primary Administrator profile, execute commands as non-root through a profile shell, or prefix the command with the pfexec command.

  2. Open a web browser.

  3. Register with and obtain the necessary key and certificate for the Open HA Cluster repository,

    The following commands show the creation of the directory /var/pkg/sslto contain the downloaded key file and certificate file for the Open HA Cluster repository.

    phys-schost# mkdir -m 0755 -p /var/pkg/ssl
    phys-schost# cp -i ~/Download/Open_HA_Cluster_2009.06.key.pem /var/pkg/ssl
    phys-schost# cp -i ~/Download/Open_HA_Cluster_2009.06.certificate.pem /var/pkg/ssl

    For more information, see Using Keys and Certificates for Repositories.

  4. Set the location of the Open HA Cluster 2009.06 package repository.

    Specify the location of the key file and the certificate file that you obtained in the previous step.

    phys-schost# /usr/bin/pkg set-publisher \
    -k /var/pkg/ssl/Open_HA_Cluster_2009.06.key.pem \
    -c /var/pkg/ssl/Open_HA_Cluster_2009.06.certificate.pem \
    -O ha-cluster
  5. Verify the ha-cluster publisher and repository location.

    phys-schost# /usr/bin/pkg publisher
    PUBLISHER                           URL           
Next Steps

If you want to install a machine as a quorum server to use as the quorum device in your cluster, go next to How to Install and Configure Quorum Server Software.

Otherwise, if you will use virtual network interfaces (VNICs) in the cluster private interconnect and want to preconfigure the VNICs, go to How to Create a Virtual Network Interface (VNIC). You can alternatively create VNICs during cluster configuration by running the scinstall utility in Custom Mode.

Otherwise, go to How to Install Open HA Cluster 2009.06 Software.

ProcedureHow to Install and Configure Quorum Server Software

Perform this procedure to configure a host server as a quorum server.

Before You Begin

Perform the following tasks:

  1. Become superuser on the machine to install with Quorum Server software.

    Alternatively, if your user account is assigned the Primary Administrator profile, execute commands as non-root through a profile shell, or prefix the command with the pfexec command.

  2. Install the Quorum Server package.

    quorumserver# /usr/bin/pkg install ha-cluster-quorum-server-full
  3. (Optional) Add the Quorum Server binary location to your PATH environment variable.

    quorumserver# PATH=$PATH:/usr/cluster/bin
  4. (Optional) Add the Quorum Server man-page location to your MANPATH environment variable.

    quorumserver# MANPATH=$MANPATH:/usr/cluster/man
  5. Configure the quorum server.

    Add the following entry to the /etc/scqsd/scqsd.conf file to specify configuration information about the quorum server.

    Identify the quorum server by using at least one of either an instance name or a port number. You must provide the port number, but the instance name is optional.

    • If you provide an instance name, that name must be unique among your quorum servers.

    • If you do not provide an instance name, always refer to this quorum server by the port on which it listens.

    /usr/cluster/lib/sc/scqsd [-d quorumdirectory] [-i instancename] -p port
    -d quorumdirectory

    The path to the directory where the quorum server can store quorum data.

    The quorum-server process creates one file per cluster in this directory to store cluster-specific quorum information.

    By default, the value of this option is /var/scqsd. This directory must be unique for each quorum server that you configure.

    -i instancename

    A unique name that you choose for the quorum-server instance.

    -p port

    The port number on which the quorum server listens for requests from the cluster.

  6. (Optional) To serve more than one cluster but use a different port number or instance, configure an additional entry for each additional instance of the quorum server that you need.

  7. Save and close the /etc/scqsd/scqsd.conf file.

  8. Start the newly configured quorum server and its SMF service.

    quorumserver# svcadm enable svc:/system/cluster/quorumserver:default
Next Steps

If you will use virtual network interfaces (VNICs) in the cluster private interconnect and want to preconfigure the VNICs, go to How to Create a Virtual Network Interface (VNIC). You can alternatively create VNICs during cluster configuration by running the scinstall utility in Custom Mode.

Otherwise, go to How to Install Open HA Cluster 2009.06 Software.

ProcedureHow to Create a Virtual Network Interface (VNIC)

Perform this optional procedure to create virtual network interfaces (VNICs) to configure in the cluster interconnect.

Note –

If you intend to run the scinstall utility in Typical mode to establish the cluster, use this procedure to preconfigure the VNICs that you will use in the private interconnect.

You can alternatively use the scinstall utility in Custom mode to configure VNICs for you during initial cluster configuration.

  1. Create a VNIC.

    Follow procedures in How to Create a Virtual Network Interface in System Administration Guide: Network Interfaces and Network Virtualization.

    Note –

    To configure additional VNICs after you establish the cluster, use the clsetup utility.

Next Steps

Install Open HA Cluster 2009.06 software on the cluster nodes. Go to How to Install Open HA Cluster 2009.06 Software.

ProcedureHow to Install Open HA Cluster 2009.06 Software

Perform each step in this procedure as superuser on each cluster node.

Alternatively, if your user account is assigned the Primary Administrator profile, execute commands as non-root through a profile shell, or prefix the command with the pfexec command.

Note –

You cannot add or remove individual packages that are part of the ha-cluster-minimal framework software packages except by complete reinstallation or uninstallation. See How to Uninstall Open HA Cluster Software for procedures to remove the cluster framework packages.

However, you can add or remove other, optional packages without removing the ha-cluster-minimal cluster framework packages.

Before You Begin

Ensure on each node that OpenSolaris 2009.06 software is installed and that NWAM is disabled. See How to Install OpenSolaris Software on the Cluster Nodes for instructions.

  1. Connect to a machine to install as a cluster node.

  2. Install the Open HA Cluster 2009.06 software.

    phys-schost# /usr/bin/pkg install package

    The following table lists the primary group packages for Open HA Cluster 2009.06 software and the principal features that each group package contains. You must install at least the ha-cluster-minimal group package.












    Framework Man Pages 


    Data Service Man Pages 



    Agent Builder 


    Generic Data Service 


  3. Verify that the package installed successfully.

    Output is similar to the following example, which checks the installation state of the ha-cluster-full group package.

    $ /usr/bin/pkg info -r ha-cluster-full
              Name: ha-cluster-full
           Summary: Sun Cluster full installation group package
          Category: System/HA Cluster
             State: Installed
         Publisher: ha-cluster
           Version: 2009.6
  4. (Optional) Add the Open HA Cluster binary location to your PATH environment variable.

    phys-schost# PATH=$PATH:/usr/cluster/bin
  5. (Optional) Add the Open HA Cluster man-page location to your MANPATH environment variable.

    phys-schos# MANPATH=$MANPATH:/usr/cluster/man
Next Steps

Establish the new cluster. Go to How to Configure Open HA Cluster Software on All Nodes (scinstall).