GNOME 2.0 Desktop for the Solaris Operating Environment User Guide

Manipulating Windows

This section describes how to manipulate windows.

To Give Focus to a Window

A window that has focus can receive input from the mouse and the keyboard. Only one window can have focus at a time. The window that has focus has a different appearance than other windows.

You can use the following elements to give focus to a window:




Click on the window, if the window is visible.  

Shortcut keys 

Use shortcut keys to switch between the windows that are open. To give focus to a window, release the keys. The default shortcut keys to switch between windows are Alt + Tab.

Window List

Click on the button that represents the window in Window List.

Workspace Switcher

Click on the window that you want to give focus to in the Workspace Switcher display. If you click on a window in another workspace, Workspace Switcher switches to the new workspace, and gives focus to the window.

Menu Panel 

Click on the icon at the extreme right of the Menu Panel. A list of your open windows is displayed. Choose the window from the list. 

To Minimize a Window

To minimize a window perform one of the following actions:

To Maximize a Window

When you maximize a window, the window expands as much as possible. To maximize a window perform one of the following actions:

To Restore a Window

To restore a maximized window perform one of the following actions:

To restore a minimized window, click on the button that represents the window in Window List.

To Close a Window

To close a window perform one of the following actions:

If you have unsaved data in the window, you are prompted to save your data.

To Resize a Window

To resize a window perform one of the following actions:

Note –

You cannot resize some dialog windows. Also, some application windows have a minimum size below which you cannot reduce the window.

To Move a Window

To move a window perform one of the following actions:

To Shade a Window

You can shade and unshade windows, as follows:


Reduce the window so that only the titlebar is visible.


Switch a window from a shaded state so that the full window is displayed.

To shade a window perform one of the following actions:

To Put a Window on All Workspaces

To put a window in all workspaces, open the Window Menu. Choose Put on All Workspaces. To set the window to appear only in the current workspace, choose Only on This Workspace.

To Move a Window to Another Workspace

You can move a window to another workspace in either of the following ways: