GNOME 2.0 Desktop for the Solaris Operating Environment User Guide

To Add a Launcher to the Desktop

A desktop launcher can start an application or link to a particular file, folder, or FTP site.

To add a launcher to your desktop, perform the following steps:

  1. Right-click on the desktop, then choose New Launcher. A Create Launcher dialog is displayed.

  2. For information on how to enter the properties of the launcher in the Create Launcher dialog, see Working With Panels.

    The command that you enter for the launcher is the command that is executed when you use the desktop object. The following table shows some sample commands and the actions that the commands perform.

    Sample Command 



    Starts the gedit application.

    gedit /user123/loremipsum.txt

    Opens the file /user123/loremipsum.txt in the gedit application.

    nautilus /user123/Projects

    Opens the folder /user123/Projects in a Nautilus window.