GNOME 2.0 Desktop for the Solaris Operating Environment User Guide

To Select Files and Folders

You can select files and folders in several ways in Nautilus. Table 7–5 describes how to select items in Nautilus windows and on the Nautilus desktop.

Table 7–5 Selecting Items in Nautilus



Select an item 

Click on the item. 

Select a group of contiguous items 

In icon view, drag around the files that you want to select. 

In list view, press-and-hold Shift. Click on the first item in the group, then click on the last item in the group.

Select multiple items 

Press-and-hold Ctrl. Click on the items that you want to select.

Alternatively, press-and-hold Ctrl, then drag around the files that you want to select.

Select all items in a folder 

Choose Edit -> Select All Files.

To perform the default action on an item, double-click on the item. You can set your Nautilus preferences so that you work with Nautilus as follows:

For more information, see To Set Icon and List Views Preferences.