GNOME 2.0 Desktop for the Solaris Operating Environment User Guide

To Set Icon and List Views Preferences

To set your preferences for items in icon views and list views, choose Edit -> Preferences. Choose Icon & List Views from the Preferences dialog.

Preferences dialog, Icon and List Views section. The context describes the graphic.

Table 7–11 lists the settings that you can modify for items in icon views and list views.

Table 7–11 Icon and List Views Preferences



Activate items with a single click

Select this option to perform the default action for an item when you click on the item. When this option is selected, and you point to an item, the title of the item is underlined.  

Activate items with a double click

Select this option to perform the default action for an item when you double-click on the item. 

Execute files when they are clicked

Select this option to run an executable file when you choose the executable file. An executable file is a text file that can execute, that is, a shell script. 

Display files when they are clicked

Select this option to display the contents of an executable file when you choose the executable file. 

Ask each time

Select this option to display a dialog when you choose an executable file. The dialog asks whether you want to execute the file or display the file.  

Hidden files

Select this option to display hidden files in the view pane. The first character in a hidden file name is a period (.). 

Backup files

Select this option to display backup files in the view pane. The last character in a backup file name is a tilde (~). 

Special flags in Properties dialog

Select this option to show the following special flags in the Permissions tab on a properties dialog:

  • Set User ID

  • Set Group ID

  • Sticky

Folders before files

Select this option to list folders before files when you sort a folder.