A P P E N D I X  D


Command-Line Options for Installing the IDE

This appendix describes the command-line options for installing the IDE. There are four main reasons for using command-line options.

Command-Line Options Used With the GUI Installer

Three command-line options can be used with the GUI installer files. TABLE D-1 summarizes these option.

TABLE D-1 Command-line Options Used with Gui Installers



-is:tempdir pathname

Specifies the directory to use for temporary space. Used when the default on your system has insufficient space for the installer to run successfully.

-is:javahome pathname

Specifies the locations of your J2SE platform. Useful when the J2SE platform is installed in a non-standard location.

-is:log log.txt

Directs the installer to put error messages into the log file, log.txt.

Specifying the Location of the J2SE Platform

Replace the variable j2se-directory with the location of your J2SE installation.

Specifying the Location of the Temporary Space Directory

If the default temporary space directory does not have enough space to run the installer, you can invoke the installer from the command line using the option -is:tempdir to specify another directory that has sufficient space.

C:\> \s1studio-download-directory\s1s5se-win-en.exe -is:tempdir C:\temporary-directory

Specifying a Log File for Error Messages

If you need to do additional troubleshooting during a problem installation, you can run the installer with the -is:log log.txt option. This directs the installer to put error messages in the file log.txt.

C:\> \s1studio-download-directory\s1s5se-win-en.exe -is:log log.txt

Installing the IDE in Silent Mode

You can run the installer in a non-interactive mode, called silent mode, by specifying the -silent option on the command line. This option suppresses GUI displays to the terminal window. The procedure for installing the IDE silently (in a non-interactive mode) depends on whether you are installing from files on the CD-ROM or files downloaded from the web site.

  • If you downloaded the installer files from the web site, you create a file containing the command-line install options and use the installer launchers. The installer launcher and the options file must reside in the same directory. See Installing Silently Using Web Download.
  • If you have the CD-ROM, you type the options on the command line and start installer jar files. The jar files are only available on the CD-ROM. See Installing Silently Using the CD-ROM.

Installing Silently Using Web Download

Create a file containing the command-line options you want to use and place the file in the s1studio-download-directory. Then invoke the installer from the command line using the -silent option. The following example shows the steps for installing the IDE silently from the command line on a Solaris OS.

procedure icon  To Install Silently From Web Download (Solaris OS)

1. In a text editor, create the s1s5se-sol-sparc-en.sp file in the s1studio-download-directory where you saved the downloaded s1s5se-sol-sparc-en.bin installer launcher.

Include at least the three mandatory options and remember to put them in quotes. For example, your .sp file might look like this:


See TABLE D-2 for other install options.

TABLE D-2 Command-Line Options for Silent Installation

Option - Short Name

Option - Long Name




Specifies the directory where you want the IDE installed. Mandatory for -silent mode.



Sets the location of the valid J2SE version to use with the IDE. Mandatory for -silent mode.



Sets the license serial number for the IDE. Mandatory for -silent mode.



Specifies what to do if Sun ONE Application Server 7 is already installed.

The value "useExistingAppserver" tells the installer to continue the installation of the IDE even though an existing installation of the application server has been detected.

The value "reinstall" tells the installer to exit if an existing installation of Sun ONE Application Server 7 without PointBase Server is detected.

This option is only useful if Sun ONE Application Server 7 without PointBase Server is already installed on the system.



Specifies with the -DportNumber option the registry setting for the proxy server name and port number.



Specifies with -DproxyServer option the registry setting for the proxy server name and the port number. These options can be set at any time using the IDE.

Specifying these two options on the command line is optional. However, if specified, they are both required. These options canalso be set at any time using the Setup wizard in the IDE . See .

2. Enable client access to the X server.

% xhost + your-machine-name

Replace your-machine-name with the host name of your machine.

3. Set your display environment variable to display to your local machine.

% setenv DISPLAY your-machine-name:0.0

4. Become a superuser (root).

5. Start the installer launcher from the command line.

# cd s1studio-download-directory
# s1s5se-sol-sparc-en.bin -silent

The installer uses the options specified in the s1s5se-sol-sparc-en.sp file to install the IDE and displays the following in the command prompt window:

InstallShield Wizard
Initializing InstallShield Wizard...
Searching for Java(tm) Virtual Machine...
Running InstallShield Wizard...

6. When the installation completes, review the log file install.log found in the s1studio-install-directory.

7. Disable client access and exit from superuser privileges.

# xhost - your-machine-name
# exit

procedure icon  To Install Silently From Web Download (Microsoft Windows)

The following example shows the steps for installing the IDE silently from the command line on a Microsoft Windows system.

1. In a text editor, create the s1s5se-win-en.sp file in the s1studio-download-directory where you saved the downloaded s1s5se-win-en.exe installer launcher.

Include these mandatory options and remember to put them in quotes. For example, your .sp file might look like this:


See TABLE D-2 for other install options.

2. Start the installer launcher from the command line.

C:\> cd s1studio-download-directory
C:\> s1s5se-win-en.exe -silent

The installer uses the options specified in the s1s5se-win-en.sp file to install the IDE and displays the following in the command prompt window:

InstallShield Wizard
Initializing InstallShield Wizard...
Searching for Java(tm) Virtual Machine...
Running InstallShield Wizard...

Installing Silently Using the CD-ROM

If you have the product CD-ROM, you can use the installer jar files and type your options directly on the command line. To install using the jar file, type your installation options on the command line with the -silent option. Include the three mandatory options. This procedure can not be used with the .bin installer launcher downloaded from the web site.

When the options are typed directly on the command line, the installer uses the Java global variable specification option (-D) to pass information to the installer script.

For example, on a Microsoft Windows system, type the following in a command prompt window:

C:\> java -Did="C:\s1studio-install-directory" -Djh="C:\j2sdk1.4.1_02" -Dsn="trial" -jar D:\installers_se\s1s5se-win-en.jar -silent

In this example:

  • -Did is the install directory to use
  • -Djh specifies the J2SE location
  • -Dsn indicates to the installer to generate a trial serial number
  • D: is the CD-ROM drive containing the product CD.

On a Solaris OS system, type the following:

# cd /cdrom/en_studiose_5/installers_se
# java -Did="s1studio-install-directory" -Djh="/usr/j2se" -Dsn="trial" -jar s1s5se-sol-sparc-en.jar

Remember to enclose the values in quotes. See TABLE D-3 for a list of otions.

TABLE D-3 Command-Line Installation Options

Option - Short Name

Option - Long Name




Specifies the directory where you want the IDE installed. Mandatory command-line parameter when using -silent mode.



Sets the location of the valid J2SE version to use with the IDE. The installer configures the IDE to use this J2SE.

Mandatory command-line parameter when using -silent mode.



Sets the license serial number for the IDE.

Mandatory command-line parameter when using the -silent mode.



Specifies what to do if Sun ONE Application Server 7 is already installed.

The value "useExistingAppserver" tells the installer to continue the installation of the IDE even though an existing installation of the application server has been detected.

The value "reinstall" tells the installer to exit if an existing installation of Sun ONE Application Server 7 without PointBase Server is detected.

This option is only useful if Sun ONE Application Server 7 without PointBase Server is already installed on the system.



Specifies with the -DportNumber option the registry setting for the proxy server name and port number.



Specifies with -DproxyServer option the registry setting for the proxy server name and the port number. These options can be set at any time using the IDE.

Specifying these two options on the command line is optional. However, if specified, they are both required. These options canalso be set at any time using the Setup wizard in the IDE . See .

The following table lists the installer file names for the three platforms.

TABLE D-4 Installer and Command-Line Options File Names

Type of File

Microsoft Windows


Solaris OS

Web installer launcher




CD-ROM installer launcher




jar file (CD only)




Command-line options file (use with installer file only)


